Tammy wrote:
I love big glops of peanut butter on my waffles...is that weird??
Ok, not really. I love peanut butter and nanner samiches.... Also like mixing peanut butter and honey to make sandwiches. (Actually, I just requested some peanut butter and banana sandwiches for lunch... see what you started now?!?)
But waffles? I love ALL kind of waffles.... mmmmm.... Thinking of the waffles I got at the 'Burning Bush Restaurant' in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.... one of the best breakfasts I've ever had.... of course the company really made it that much more special.
Re: the original topic, etc.
Flames are personal attacks. Differences of opinion are not flames unless they're attacking you personally in the process. At least that's how I normally classfy them.
Not a flame: I don't like how they sing or that style of music.
Not a flame (but inflamatory): Thier singing sucks.
Flame: Thier singing sucks. You suck for listening to them and liking them.
A similar type of post is the troll. A troll is someone who pops in just to make a post that's designed to incite a flame war or series of attacking posts. Often a trolls' first post is general in nature and inflammatory attacking the entire boards membership (ie. anyone that sings is an idiot).
The internet and technology in general has brought an entirely new series of terms into public use - sometimes with entirely different meanings (flame war, java, troll, blog, ram, bus speed, etc).