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Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 5:59 pm |
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Joined: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:35 am Posts: 361 Location: Occupied Mexico aka Rio Grand Valley, S.Texas Been Liked: 8 times
It's really getting old guys. The latest attacks agianst Chris are really too much. Someone must have liked his article, it was published. If you don't like his publication fine, write your own opinion, send it to them and see if it gets published... I really have grown tired of the same old personal attacks agianst people just because they have different opinions than yours. Saying the same old things over, and over, and over doesn't make it right. Although Adolf Hitler was quoted in saying "If a lie is told loud enough and long enough it becomes truth"... I joined this forum to gather information to better our business. I must say thanks to the many, many suggestions they're paying off. I really hope you guys don't drive others from this forum that can use this info also...
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Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:19 pm |
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Joined: Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:51 pm Posts: 1636 Been Liked: 73 times
_________________ "Integrity is choosing your thoughts, words and actions based on your principles and values rather than for your personal gain." Unknown "if a man has integrity, nothing else matters, If a man has no integrity, nothing else matters." Lee McGuffey
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Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:45 pm |
Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2012 12:06 pm Posts: 181 Location: Canby, OR Been Liked: 21 times
Excellent Statement. I Read Chris' Article. It's informative and well written.
People Really Should quit this garbage. there is no point in a person getting annoyed with someone just because the don't see things in the same light. I have, However seen a lot of this Child-Like attitude here.
Funny, I thought I graduated Jr. High Back in the 80's.
_________________ Sal "Kjmann" EsquivelKaraoke With Sal - Website
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Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:04 pm |
Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:35 pm Posts: 1351 Images: 1 Location: Idaho Been Liked: 180 times
everybody has an opinion, whether it polite or not.
and if it's not nice: KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES!!!!
here's what i hate about this forum:
1. people ask for opinions or help - some jackass always has a smartass remark. 2. too many "one uppers" here. "one upper" - someone that has "been there, done that, but better then you." 3. and then last but not least - the forum hijacker! someone always has to take control of someone elses topic and takes it way off subject. nothing like wading through 8-9 pages of nothing to find out the topic never get back on course...
and yes i read chris's article - I liked it by the way, way to go chris!!!!
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Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:59 pm |
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:12 pm Posts: 5046 Been Liked: 334 times
mightywiz wrote: everybody has an opinion, whether it polite or not.
and if it's not nice: KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES!!!!
here's what i hate about this forum:
1. people ask for opinions or help - some jackass always has a smartass remark.!!!! This is excellent advice! The problem is, when PyleDriver had problem importing some discs, and asked for help, you called him a "know-it-all" before you decided to advise him. He did or said nothing to deserve it. To thine own advice be true...
_________________ "No Contests, No Divas, Just A Good Time!"
" Disc based and loving it..."
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Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:10 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:38 pm Posts: 6086 Images: 1 Location: Redmond, WA Been Liked: 1665 times
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Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:14 am |
Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:35 pm Posts: 1351 Images: 1 Location: Idaho Been Liked: 180 times
i was calling he person helping him back at chartbusters a know it all. not pyledriver.....
sorry i didn't come accross that way... nothing was pointed at him.
it was the know it all covering his (@$%&#!) sending him a bad memory card in the first place.
_________________ It's all good!
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Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 8:31 am |
Joined: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:24 pm Posts: 5576 Location: Cocoa Beach Been Liked: 122 times
chrisavis wrote: I hope no one thinks it is peculiar to this forum. It is the reason there are so few congenial online communities like this one. Yes, I said -- like this one. We are really pretty good except for a few people who want to keep the pressure up and push it. And I am afraid, Mr. Chris, that you contribute to that as well. I think you would agree. (The following is my opinion. Other moderators may have a somewhat different one, but we seem to be pretty much in agreement on what we are trying to accomplish.) People who start getting strident and too heated should watch it. But so should people who are constantly "in the face" of someone else, pushing an argument. We are not afraid to pull the trigger and try to keep things friendlier. We want friendly, but we want a little edgy too. No one wants boring. But not nasty or obtuse. And besides the argument pushers, I am talking about people who jump in and say "me too" at every opportunity as well. "Me too" and a bunch of animated icons doesn't really add much to the discussion. We have a policy about that -- don't post just to post. Have something to say. The mods can't be all things to all people, and can't be everyone's friend, but we want to be fair. What we are proudest of is that the two camps each seem to think we are out to get them and are on the side of the other. If you want to "keep the pressure up" as some people seem to want to do -- the mods are dedicated to relieving that pressure and it may mean a hiatus. Repeat offenders could go away for a long, long, time. I hope this is fair warning.
_________________ [color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color] Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
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Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:31 am |
Joined: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:38 pm Posts: 6086 Images: 1 Location: Redmond, WA Been Liked: 1665 times
I know this isn't unique to KS. I hail from the BBS days where flame wars were pretty epic. I ran a 64 line social chat TBBS system for several years where real time flame wars were about as ugly and as brutal as you could every experience. The same applies to iRC. I have been on web forums since the web started. I know what happens and I expected no different here - on occasion.
Yes.... I am guilty of exactly that behaviour here. I sensed my downward slide into the fight club pit and I don't want any part of it. I posted my open letter to Chip and Bird, and set a standard for myself. I want to be held accountable for my actions. I also made a request that members be a little more accountable for policing things instead of leaving it all up to the moderators.
Opposing views are great for discussion. If we all agreed, every thread would be 1 entry long (except for the me too!'s). It's the incessant bashing, name calling, and the FUD that has me perturbed. Even more so because I let myself fall into it.
This isn't Reddit. This isn't 4chan. We should be able to self-police.
_________________ -Chris
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Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:43 am |
Joined: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:24 pm Posts: 5576 Location: Cocoa Beach Been Liked: 122 times
chrisavis wrote: I know this isn't unique to KS. I hail from the BBS days where flame wars were pretty epic. I ran a 64 line social chat TBBS system for several years where real time flame wars were about as ugly and as brutal as you could every experience. The same applies to iRC. I have been on web forums since the web started. I know what happens and I expected no different here - on occasion.
Yes.... I am guilty of exactly that behaviour here. I sensed my downward slide into the fight club pit and I don't want any part of it. I posted my open letter to Chip and Bird, and set a standard for myself. I want to be held accountable for my actions. I also made a request that members be a little more accountable for policing things instead of leaving it all up to the moderators.
Opposing views are great for discussion. If we all agreed, every thread would be 1 entry long (except for the me too!'s). It's the incessant bashing, name calling, and the FUD that has me perturbed. Even more so because I let myself fall into it.
This isn't Reddit. This isn't 4chan. We should be able to self-police.
People have been doing some of it. I have seen it three times in the past two days, and I appreciate it. Believe me, I would prefer not to have to do any moderation. But unmoderated forums seem to degenerate to constant nastiness, over time, and die. I like that this forum is a decade old, and that I have been here for more than half of that time. And remember, it is the busiest karaoke forum in the U.S. for a reason -- it's not bad at all.
_________________ [color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color] Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
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Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:01 pm |
Joined: Sun Mar 24, 2002 4:12 pm Posts: 7711 Songs: 1 Location: Hollyweird, Ca. Been Liked: 1091 times
I have seen other Karaoke forums vanish after the bickering and sniping got completely out of hand.. I hope our Mods can assist in keeping this one alive. One was the infamous jolt.. Every extra space, blank line, or period entered, the troops (Inner circle buttmunches) would all gang up and harangue the poor offender until he/she left the forum. Another one was a pretend "Religious" forum, and the head guy (Ralph) posted that he had died.. using another log on name. That type of trollery is not allowed here.. Oh, happy Easter.. 
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Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:19 pm |
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2001 3:57 pm Posts: 22978 Songs: 35 Images: 3 Location: Tacoma, WA Been Liked: 2126 times
JOLT died for completely different reasons. When SYSOP (who ran and maintained the forum) left around the time karaoke.com was sued for using unauthorized sound snippets (if I recall correctly), the entire website was revamped, which included dropping the forum.
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Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:20 pm |
Joined: Sun Mar 24, 2002 4:12 pm Posts: 7711 Songs: 1 Location: Hollyweird, Ca. Been Liked: 1091 times
Lonman wrote: JOLT died for completely different reasons. When SYSOP (who ran and maintained the forum) left around the time karaoke.com was sued for using unauthorized sound snippets (if I recall correctly), the entire website was revamped, which included dropping the forum. That may well be, but Jolt was a pita just the same..
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Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:29 pm |
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2001 3:57 pm Posts: 22978 Songs: 35 Images: 3 Location: Tacoma, WA Been Liked: 2126 times
No different than any forum i've been on except it had a closer nit of people. Annual JOLT summits was one of the main things, nothing like that ever happens on any of the other forums i've been on. May meet a person here or there, but not actual groups from multiple states assembling in one area for a weekend.
_________________ LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!
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Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:40 pm |
Joined: Sun Mar 24, 2002 4:12 pm Posts: 7711 Songs: 1 Location: Hollyweird, Ca. Been Liked: 1091 times
I know.. I made a couple of those.. 
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Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 4:25 am |
Joined: Sat Oct 20, 2001 6:55 pm Posts: 4433 Location: New York City Been Liked: 757 times
Lonman wrote: JOLT died for completely different reasons. When SYSOP (who ran and maintained the forum) left around the time karaoke.com was sued for using unauthorized sound snippets (if I recall correctly), the entire website was revamped, which included dropping the forum. Thank you Lonnie, for stating the reason JOLT went away. I think there may have been a little more to it than that. I think Dean (the SYSOP) may have been fired or laid off after that lawsuit, and I think he had moved to Seattle afterwards. I know that Dean was also under a Gag Order not to discuss the pending case against JOLT, and there were several JOLTers that were posting their speculations on the case. That might have been one of Greg's deciding factors in killing JOLT. Lonman wrote: No different than any forum i've been on except it had a closer nit of people. Annual JOLT summits was one of the main things, nothing like that ever happens on any of the other forums i've been on. May meet a person here or there, but not actual groups from multiple states assembling in one area for a weekend. Yeah... I miss those JOLT Summits. With the exception of one in 2003, I went to every East Coast Summit between 1999 (the very first one) to 2006. We even had one that was a Gulf Coast Summit (in Texas).
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Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:16 am |
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 10:03 pm Posts: 2674 Location: Jersey Been Liked: 160 times
JOLT FORUM: R.I.P. oh yeah! and Kumbaya too.
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Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:47 am |
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2001 3:57 pm Posts: 22978 Songs: 35 Images: 3 Location: Tacoma, WA Been Liked: 2126 times
cueball wrote: Lonman wrote: No different than any forum i've been on except it had a closer nit of people. Annual JOLT summits was one of the main things, nothing like that ever happens on any of the other forums i've been on. May meet a person here or there, but not actual groups from multiple states assembling in one area for a weekend. Yeah... I miss those JOLT Summits. With the exception of one in 2003, I went to every East Coast Summit between 1999 (the very first one) to 2006. We even had one that was a Gulf Coast Summit (in Texas). Funny thing is many of those same people are here too, but nothing ever gets planned like that anymore. Just not the same vibe.
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Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:30 pm |
Joined: Sun Mar 24, 2002 4:12 pm Posts: 7711 Songs: 1 Location: Hollyweird, Ca. Been Liked: 1091 times
Lonman wrote: cueball wrote: Lonman wrote: No different than any forum i've been on except it had a closer nit of people. Annual JOLT summits was one of the main things, nothing like that ever happens on any of the other forums i've been on. May meet a person here or there, but not actual groups from multiple states assembling in one area for a weekend. Yeah... I miss those JOLT Summits. With the exception of one in 2003, I went to every East Coast Summit between 1999 (the very first one) to 2006. We even had one that was a Gulf Coast Summit (in Texas). Funny thing is many of those same people are here too, but nothing ever gets planned like that anymore. Just not the same vibe. Not really.. Vicki came up from New Zeland, others flew in from Texas, I was there, several others. Pix were posted here, and I guess you just need to want it..
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Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:38 pm |
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2001 3:57 pm Posts: 22978 Songs: 35 Images: 3 Location: Tacoma, WA Been Liked: 2126 times
Again, yes it happens on occasion. But not like the annual & semi annual 'planned' events that happened every year, sometimes twice, sometimes more. East Coast summits, West Coast summits, Midwest Summits. I held a few smaller ones at my show for the Pacific Northwest where we had people from, Wshington, Oregon, Cali, Idaho, Montana & Canada. These were talked about & planned like a ritual, not just a quick "hey, we are going to be in this area, where can we karaoke" type of thing.
_________________ LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!
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