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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:21 pm 
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jclaydon wrote:
The only thing that I have that would be considered 'self-sufficient' is access to a 6 month supply of food and water, and a ham radio in case there is a major naturual disaster..

other than that, I am way too dependant on the 'system'

At least you can eat a ham radio......those plastic ones will give you the squirts..... :)

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:01 pm 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
"In my case, I think it's a strong fear of dependency on anyone or thing besides myself."

haven't you in essence made yourself more dependent on someone else?
house for example....fit hits the shan, you are dependent on the owner of your house to give you a place to live.

owning it outright as you do (showoff :lol: ) but having it now in your name would seem to give one less thing you are dependent on anybody else for. same with anything you own outright.

I missed this before. Paradigm, you are correct, but with a small differance: I am trusting ( of course there are no guarantees) people I KNOW, rather than the faceless folks at the utilities, dishonest government, and others who don't give a fat rat's a$$ whether I live or die..

I would add thet no matter what, I depend on no one for a place to live- arrangements have been made.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:12 am 
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On another note...isn't "Semi-Luddite" kinda like being "Half Pregnant"? :lol:

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:56 am 
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JoeChartreuse wrote:

Yup, have some food and water, AND the radios. As a matter of fact, I was a radio guy for some time

OH JOE please don't tell me that you have radios and no LICENSE nothing torques me off more than that.

I worked hard for my Amateur Radio License and it cost's very little to maintain it $14.00 every 10 years.
Been a Ham since 1977.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:45 am 
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Bazza wrote:
On another note...isn't "Semi-Luddite" kinda like being "Half Pregnant"? :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Was waiting for someone to notice... :wink:

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:53 am 
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Lone Wolf wrote:
JoeChartreuse wrote:

Yup, have some food and water, AND the radios. As a matter of fact, I was a radio guy for some time

OH JOE please don't tell me that you have radios and no LICENSE nothing torques me off more than that.

I worked hard for my Amateur Radio License and it cost's very little to maintain it $14.00 every 10 years.
Been a Ham since 1977.

Nope,I have a radio, but no license for Ham. However, I'm not using it either. I figure that if a situation arises where I have to, I don't think anyone would care.

I also have a marine and CB radio.

Truth be told, the CB radio has been modified, and can go just about anywhere. I'm not bringing linears into the conversation at all.....If I had to pick one of my radios, this would probably be the one.

I DID get a license for (believe it or not) CB before they de-regulated it. I spent a LOT of time on that while my kids were growing up.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 3:15 pm 
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not arguing or attacking (please dont take it that way), but not understanding either.

just going with house and car......
aren't you now trusting more people? the same faceless government people who are being trusted by your friends that own all your stuff and then your friends as well?
i am not arguing your choices, but not understanding how relying on more people makes you more self reliant.

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:41 pm 
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I think perhaps some (or all) may be missing the BIG ELEPHANT in the room.

In the case of total anarchy....
Dosen't mater how much your prepare, stockpile, reserve, bury in the back yard, ect....If you can't protect it (weaponry) someone will take it.

That being said, I do keep a bit of cash on hand. Extra clothes, couple jugs of water, snacks, and battery radio and scanner in the basement. I backup all my computer files on 2 hard drives, one is stored at my parents 20 miles away. And all my important papers are in a fire proof safe. This is just common sense...I live on the edge of tornado alley, and I have seen many people loose everything from theft/fire/natural disaster.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:13 pm 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
not arguing or attacking (please dont take it that way), but not understanding either.

just going with house and car......
aren't you now trusting more people? the same faceless government people who are being trusted by your friends that own all your stuff and then your friends as well?
i am not arguing your choices, but not understanding how relying on more people makes you more self reliant.

No worries, Paradigm- I don't take it as an attack, though I thought I answered it already.

Unfortunately, unless one lives in a cave or a tree out in Bigfoot country, One cannot live in totl independence, no matter how I try.

Yes, I m tking a chance on trusting people, but again, these are people that I KNOW, not faceless and ( IMHO) corrupt government or public employees that don't care about me.

Oh, in case you don't feel the government is corrupt or dishonest, here is a fun, non-important experiment for you:

The government claims that census information is private, and they don't share it with anyone. The next time a census is take, make sure that your name is on it-EXCEPT, make sure that you reverse a couple of letters or change a middle initial. In about 1-2 weeks, you will be inundated with junk mail under the changed spelling or initial. A small lie, of course.

Now let's talk about George W.'s original entry into office. It doesn't matter if you were a Gore or W fan, just the facts. W lost the popular vote by a huge margin, yet the Electoral College voted him in. The ONLY way this could happen is if the members betrayed the public that trusted them to vote as they did.

Obamacare was voted in, despite a MONSTROUS public outcry against it. Right or wrong, our elected officials once again betrayed the public trust.

If the Presidency can be bought/coersed ( whichever it was) then corruption flows all through. Again, my opinion of course.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:51 am 
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i am soooooo with you on that Joe.

but you are not avoiding the nameless faceless government, just adding a second wall between you and your stuff as i see it.

the electoral college had a purpose, and it has been forgotten.

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:03 am 
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twansenne wrote:
I think perhaps some (or all) may be missing the BIG ELEPHANT in the room.

In the case of total anarchy....
Dosen't mater how much your prepare, stockpile, reserve, bury in the back yard, ect....If you can't protect it (weaponry) someone will take it.

That being said, I do keep a bit of cash on hand. Extra clothes, couple jugs of water, snacks, and battery radio and scanner in the basement. I backup all my computer files on 2 hard drives, one is stored at my parents 20 miles away. And all my important papers are in a fire proof safe. This is just common sense...I live on the edge of tornado alley, and I have seen many people loose everything from theft/fire/natural disaster.

Never said I couldn't protect it, though I don't think that anyone would escape total anarchy unscathed- just maybe last a bit longer.. I just didn't talk about it 8) .

You have the right idea, and pretty much the basis of why I do similar. Simple preparedness. Very few tornados here, but plenty of severe storms as well as systems overtaxed by population density and age.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:07 am 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
i am soooooo with you on that Joe.

but you are not avoiding the nameless faceless government, just adding a second wall between you and your stuff as i see it.

the electoral college had a purpose, and it has been forgotten.

Correct as far as avoiding the faceless government goes- they cna still find me anytime. As previously stated, I've been audited twice, and I believe my lifestyle was the reason.

The thing is, I'm not trying to avoid them, I am simply trying not to depend on them.

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