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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:31 am 
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Ah HA! Now there's a good idea.. aquarium antibiotics!! Those would be priceless! Vet ones too... have a friend that gets them for her horse and lambs... may have to give her a call!! :)

As for the cutting in half thing... mine aren't very expensive and I know Dr. wouldn't go for that. Don't know why... can't od on my meds either. But, yes, I've heard of cholesterol pills being cut in half. Good ideas there.

Make sure ya got plenty of wood around for cook fire :) Dining room tables would work! LOL

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:15 am 
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I don't understand the Luddite mentality. If you boil it down, it must be based in fear. Fear of the unknown? Fear of losing control? Fear of change?

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:15 am 
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Lisah wrote:
Lonman wrote:
Lisah wrote:
Of Course, you could find where I work.. :) But that doesn't give you my last name.. no phone number, no address... just Lisah :)

That sounds like a challenge!!!! :mrgreen:

Wouldn't be much of a challenge... not with you about .. what? 10 hours away??
I been to Seattle.. won't be seeing me up your way anytime soon... can't stand the weather!! Sorry :)
And if you were to come down here, you'd melt in the heat!

Nah my wifes family lives in Huntington Beach, love going down there.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:19 am 
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Lisah wrote:
And you don't look all that ugly to me!! :)

The picture's fuzzy.... :lol: Thank you, Lisah.... :oops:

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:38 am 
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OK, so far 5 people have replied to the questions in the OP:

So, am I overdoing it? If so, why do you feel that way?

If not, please feel free to dd your own experiences and suggestions.

Lisah, Paradigm, Birdofsong, Earthling, and Bazza. My thanks for your input.

Bazza, I guess I would have to agree with your "fear" reasoning simply because if one focuses on self-protection, one must feel they must be protected from something.

In my case, I think it's a strong fear of dependency on anyone or thing besides myself.

I can't depend on a crumbling outdated system for public distribution of power, for instance. In the past couple of years we've had more and longer blackouts than I've had all together in my life prior to that.

Also, If I can't rely on the power, I can't rely on electronic money transfers to secure funds.

I can't depend on a water supply that tests high for carcinogens, and whose delivery system is now experiencing breakage at a growing rate.

If the economy sucks, buying on credit doesn't make sense, hence no credit cards.

The fact is, the privacy part kind of just happens when one stops being dependent on this stuff. After a taste how much less stress is in my life because of this privacy, I just took a few added steps to add more.

However, if one is raising small children, and they are in the public school system, I don't know how one pulls it off.

Paradigm: I also agree that the trust part is extremely difficult, and has to be handled very delicately.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:09 pm 
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"In my case, I think it's a strong fear of dependency on anyone or thing besides myself."

haven't you in essence made yourself more dependent on someone else?
house for example....fit hits the shan, you are dependent on the owner of your house to give you a place to live.

owning it outright as you do (showoff :lol: ) but having it now in your name would seem to give one less thing you are dependent on anybody else for. same with anything you own outright.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:35 pm 
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If the power goes out permanently, you aren't going to be worrying about money for very ling :)



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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:58 pm 
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JoeChartreuse wrote:
Softjock Rick, myself, and a few others kept a fairly long thread going in the old DJ forum on this subject. I wanted to get thoughts and suggestions from the folks here.

A little about my lifestyle:

Please note that I am not a "survivalist" or doomsday worrier. I am not a Mafia chief. I am- maybe due to my age or eastern training- strongly in favor of two things. Privacy and independence from "the grid" and otherwise.

My name is not on anything it doesn't legally have to be. It's been that way since pre- internet days.This means it's pretty much limited to IRS related stuff ( Apparently they have no problem finding me- I've been audited twice). My name is on my karaoke company, but that company is under a corporate umbrella with two others.

Not my home, not my car, not my utilities, not an internet or cable provider, and certainly not on any credit cards. This requires a certain amount of trust in others to pull off.

Even back in those days of Easylink, many folks saw what was coming. We all read George Orwell in School.

My properties are paid for. My main residence is capable of staying off the grid now, if I so desire. I have multiple power sources. I am also lucky onother way. The town condemned private wells when it put in sewer systems, but my access is in the cellar, and I test it regularly- good to go.

Question for you: If there is a large network failure, what percentage of your money do you keep as cash on hand? How long can you go without an ATM, credit cards, or computer access?

I can go quite awhile, and also have alternatives to paper money available.

Other than living in the woods or a cave, I'm about as independent and private as possible. No privately addressed junk mail, sales pitches, etc...

Of course, friends, relatives, and local townies all know me, but no trouble from "Nite Lites" ( strange bar folks) or other whackos.

All of this takes some work, but for me it's worth it.
This also keeps what's left of privacy intact.

So, am I overdoing it? If so, why do you feel that way?

If not, please feel free to dd your own experiences and suggestions.

...Oh, this should be good..... :roll: :lol:

If something like that should happen, your paper money would probably end up worthless. The only way something like a complete failure of the network would happen is if there was some sort of attack. The attack would probably be caused by a group looking to take us down. That would also mean that, more than likely, our entire economy had just crashed, which would mean that the dollar would be gone.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:02 pm 
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Well, if you're talking about some kind of end game, I'm too impatient to lay low, or hide. Now what I say I'd do, and what I really end up doing, could be different, but I would hope, that I would help out friends and good people in need. If there is any fighting, I'd believe I'd go down in the first few days, taking as many of the enemy as possible with me...... :lol: hopefully, I'll know who or what the enemy is. That's why I only store, several guns, and a healthy amount of ammo....it'll be all I need...... :lol: might have to use it on myself......I'm not fond of pain....besides, after a a few days of Tang & sea rations.....I'd be eating people........ :twisted:

:lol: wouldn't this fall under.....WTFDTHTDWK?..... :) .

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:46 pm 
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Nah we're going to see Joe on an upcoming episode of Doomsday Preppers ... lol

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:20 pm 
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I like the new, upcoming tsunami pods with the "7 lock harness roller coaster seats."

I sort of like Johhny's point. We are all going to go sometime and it comes down to what type of person are we going to be while we're here and not how long are we going to last. I would love to be prepared for disaster but lately around here every day is a disaster and we are happy just to get through it.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:16 pm 
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chrisavis wrote:
If the power goes out permanently, you aren't going to be worrying about money for very ling :)


And if you are worried about the entire world banking system failing, instead of avoiding them you should be maxing out every credit card you can get. :lol:

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:36 pm 
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Bazza wrote:
chrisavis wrote:
If the power goes out permanently, you aren't going to be worrying about money for very ling :)


And if you are worried about the entire world banking system failing, instead of avoiding them you should be maxing out every credit card you can get. :lol:

Then I am prepared......Sir...............more credit cards are on the way, as we speak......Sir....credit converted to cash ....Sir......wife guarding cash ......Sir.....

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:40 pm 
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Cash has vanished ........Sir..... :bawling:

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:15 pm 
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Spend your cash now, before it devalues to the level of the Peso..

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:57 am 
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peso is all we use in Arizona right about now.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 7:16 am 
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Yeh, a Mexican(from across the border) in a four-door pickup truck, was addressing a crowd of American men in suits, gathered on a corner.......reading from a list, he said he needed two accountants, three CEOs, one banker, and about a dozen lawyers........no KJs.........after about a dozen & a half suits jummped into the back of the truck.......he said....that's all for today, but I'll be back manyana...... :)

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:36 am 
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The only thing that I have that would be considered 'self-sufficient' is access to a 6 month supply of food and water, and a ham radio in case there is a major naturual disaster..

other than that, I am way too dependant on the 'system'

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:10 pm 
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Smoothedge69 wrote:
[ If something like that should happen, your paper money would probably end up worthless. The only way something like a complete failure of the network would happen is if there was some sort of attack. The attack would probably be caused by a group looking to take us down. That would also mean that, more than likely, our entire economy had just crashed, which would mean that the dollar would be gone.

Please note this part of my post:

Question for you: If there is a large network failure, what percentage of your money do you keep as cash on hand? How long can you go without an ATM, credit cards, or computer access?

I can go quite awhile, and also have alternatives to paper money available

I disagree regarding such a network failure only happening due to a deliberate attack. Anything from a massive EMP, solar flare, long term power outage, or even an accidentally induced virus from an unrelated source could do it.

As for cash, well, it become worthless rather quickly if it's basis- faith in the government- begins to crumble.

For those who physically stock precious metals, an added suggestion. You really don't want to be trading a 1 oz ingot for some food. Besides ingots and coins, small discs ( some about the diameter of a pencil eraser and smaller) are available that are stamped with appraisers' marks and gold content. These are not "coins" because they are not government currency. I've heard them called tots, medallions, and also by the same name as the blanks that coins are made from, but I can't remember what it is at the moment.

Jclaydon: Yup, have some food and water, AND the radios. As a matter of fact, I was a radio guy for some time

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Last edited by JoeChartreuse on Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:15 pm 
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Lonman wrote:
Nah we're going to see Joe on an upcoming episode of Doomsday Preppers ... lol

Nah, no gas masks or steel bunkers for me. I do what I do to help maintain a lifestyle in an emergency. However, If I fail and can't live some sort of real life, screw it. I won't spend the rest of my life in a box underground- that's for AFTER I kick the bucket...

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