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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:23 am 
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(Warning: This is pretty long. If uninterested in "The Voice", move on now. :lol: )

Hey All,

I went into NYC yesterday (3/11/2012) for the open call auditions for the next season (3) of "The Voice". It was a very long day, but in the end it was a lot of fun and even though you won't be seeing me on TV anytime soon, I'm very glad I went! If you are planning on going to the upcoming Atlanta or Los Angeles auditions, here are some tips & advice on how it all works.

First off, if you think you are going to meet Adam, Cee-Lo, Blake or Christina, think again. This is literally the pre-pre-pre audition to the one you see on TV. If you pass this one, there is a local call back/cut, then an LA call back/cut before the actual televised "blind audition" for the stars.

To get the ball rolling you sign up online at http://www.nbcthevoice.com and get your "Artist Audition Pass".

#1 Tip? Choose the early audition times and arrive as EARLY as possible. The NYC options were 7am or 2pm. I, (like you!) thought "I don't want to have to get up at 5am on a Sunday morning to be there by 7am, etc". Well, everybody else thought that too. I was stunned at the sheer number of people in line. There were several thousand people when I arrived and thousands more filed in for hours behind me. The line wrapped all the way around the outside of the Jacob Javitz convention center which is a very large building. I got there at 1:30pm for the 2:00 time on my pass. I didn't actually audition until 6:45pm, and there were a LOT of people behind me. Now granted it seems like every singer had their entire family with them so once inside the "performers only" line portion was a little better but it was a staggering amount of people.

Once inside, they check your ID to make sure it matches with the info on the website and tell the non-singers to head to a different waiting area. You had to be 15 and if under 18 have a guardian present and I was surprised at the number of disappointed kids/parents they turned away because they simply didn't read the waiver they signed and were holding in their hands! You are wrist banded, bags security checked and taken to a staging area with folding chairs. They were set up in rows of 10, about 20 chairs deep. There were six of these sections, and they were filling them up as fast as they were filing out. Roughly 1000 people. You sit in this room for quite awhile so people are talking and bonding with the people around them. Turns out this is basically the audition order so the people nearest you are the ones you will be singing in the audition room with. And what a group. There were people there from 15-75 years old. I thought I would be the oldest guy there amongst 20-somethings, but I wasn't by a LONG shot.

In this staging area the handlers keep reminding people over & over that from this point forward there are NO pictures, NO recording, NO facebook & NO twitter. You can make calls or text, but that's it and they were watching. Getting caught meant disqualification and confiscation of your device (also in the waiver). I didn't see anyone busted, but I didn't see anyone taking pictures either as nobody wanted to mess things up after standing in line for 4+ hours at this point.

Finally when they get to you, you are told to line up single file and they let you through the door in groups of ten. Behind the door? More lines! We are taken through backstage corridors to another section of the convention center with meeting rooms. There were people all lined up along this hallway, most sitting on the floor looking like they had been there awhile. Turns out they had. It was another hour at this point, but you could hear people singing on the other side of the doors and see groups being let in/out. They had at least 8 audition rooms going at once from what I could see and possibly more elsewhere. It was during this time you get to know all the people in your group of ten, people talking about what they are singing, etc. Mine was a diverse group. I was the oldest, there were two 16 year old's with their parents and all ages/colors/sizes in between.

Finally it was time to go in and we walked into a very small room, probably 15x15 with a dozen folding chairs and a gentleman sitting at a table with a Mac & iPad. He was very laid back and friendly & introduced himself as Romeo Johnson, the head vocal coach on the show (a friend of mine auditioned for the head producer lady so it's random who sees you sing). He then explained what we needed to do and gave us this sobering news: "I can't emphasize enough that the bar is set VERY high this year. The caliber of people auditioning has just been jaw dropping. I can't name names, but I have even had people who are on CD's I have at home show up and I'm like "Why are YOU here"? and they said "I wanted to be on the show". That level. So by no means should you think you can't sing if I don't ask you to come back, its just that I know what the producers are looking for."

And THOSE last few words are the big take away here. When you boil it all down, it's still a TV show. It's a casting call. They are looking for certain looks, personalities, stories and of course a singing voice, but they want the whole package. If you have the most beautiful, pristine voice in the world but stared at your feet the whole time, you wouldn't make it. The ability to simply sing well was just 33% of it. They want energy, confidence & presence.

We were each called up one by one, told to state our name, age, city and song we were singing...then sing. They wanted you to have two songs ready, and you had to sing them dry. Acapella. One country boy in our group had a guitar and was surprised when they said "you can hold it, but can't play it". He didn't read the rules/disclaimer either! It was all filmed on his iPad and the clause in the disclaimer was incredibly verbose that they owned the footage forever, for whatever purpose they want. The kids didnt do very well but the rest were very talented. A gorgeous black girl literally sang her a$$ off..could easily be on the show in my opinion, and the lady next to me turned out to be the lead soprano for the NY Grand Opera. No joke. Everyone sang, applauded one another and when finished he re-emphasized the "High Bar" and gave us each a vocal critique. Basically he said that we all had "very good instruments", were on pitch, etc...but needed to move on to actual vocal coaching/training if we ever wanted to take it to the next level. And with that, it was "Thank You, Hope to see you again when we return in six months". Nobody was asked to sing their second song and no one was asked to come back. And from what we gathered talking to others, only one person out of the thousands that day had been spotted with the coveted "red envelope" indicating they were chosen for the next round.

So, all in all it was a long day. I stood in line for 5+ hours to spend 30 minutes in a room and 3 minutes singing. Would I do it again? Absolutely! It was a blast and exhilarating. I also knew I didn't have a snowballs chance in hell, but had never been to a real NYC audition before and wanted to cross it off the bucket list. I'd be lying if there wasn't a little hope in my mind that they hadn't met their quota of "graying, overweight old guys" yet though. :lol: I must say it was a great feeling to be able to be in a room with very talented people and not only hold your own, but do better than most. I walked out smiling with a great sense of accomplishment.

So if you are on the fence about going, GO. It was a lot of fun and for me a once in a lifetime experience.

Last edited by Bazza on Mon Mar 12, 2012 1:15 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:33 am 
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Bazaa - What an awesome write up! I have thought about auditioning for the Voice myself. If for no other reason than to try to make it on stage and tell Christina Aguilera how much I dislike her. :)

I am saving your write up to review in the event I decide to ever go audition. Thank you again!



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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:39 am 
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Castings calls for sure, and looking for a certain type too..

American Idol has a habit of asking certain types back to sing, and there in lies the rub.

That horrible singer William Hung was asked back.

You must remember, it just a TV show..
It's scripted, and 99% true that the winners are pre-chosen.
There is too much money at stake for this type of show to be un-scripted.

Just like when McDonalds gives away a new Caddy.. The advertising costs them millions, the Caddy, is free from GM..

Think about it..

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:57 am 
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chrisavis wrote:
Bazaa - What an awesome write up! I have thought about auditioning for the Voice myself. If for no other reason than to try to make it on stage and tell Christina Aguilera how much I dislike her. :)

I am saving your write up to review in the event I decide to ever go audition. Thank you again!

Thanks Chris! The time with Mr Johnson was very interesting as he told us a lot of behind the scenes info. He said he works with every contestant multiple times before the taping. He also said "If you think you are nervous now, imagine being on that stage with the lights, the band, a few thousand cheering people, a producer yelling at you and four red chairs with their backs to you. I can tell you that every single performance, EVERY one you have seen on the show, was the absolute WORST performance they had ever done. We work it many, many times and they are always fabulous in rehearsal and much worse on stage. The pressure is immense."

jdmeister wrote:
Castings calls for sure, and looking for a certain type too..

American Idol has a habit of asking certain types back to sing, and there in lies the rub.

Yup definitely agree it's a casting call although they did seem to have quite a bit more integrity than American Idol. The audition was truly a "singing audition". There were no goofy acts, etc. In fact the rules stated "NO CHICKEN SUITS. WE ARE LOOKING FOR TRUE ARTISTS", and I believe them.

American Idol is just a modern day "Gong Show" in my opinion.

Last edited by Bazza on Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:17 am 
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The producer of Idol was the producer of Jerry Springer..

That says it all..

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:32 am 
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Just an awesome and informative post, Bazza! Your description of the process as well as yourfeelings during the same is a keeper.

On my best day I wouldn't have had the cajones to try it. Did you make the decision to try on your own, or did others push you to give it shot?

Again, great post!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:55 pm 
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JoeChartreuse wrote:
Just an awesome and informative post, Bazza! Your description of the process as well as yourfeelings during the same is a keeper. On my best day I wouldn't have had the cajones to try it. Did you make the decision to try on your own, or did others push you to give it shot? Again, great post!

Thanks Joe. Honestly, that means a lot coming from you!

It's the only show I've seen that seemed to be about actual vocal talent instead of the usual fluff, so I watch it. Every episode they have the token "older man/lady" on there so I figured why not? They were in town & it didn't cost anything except a Sunday afternoon in the city.

The wife/kids/friends thought it was a great idea, but to be brutally honest, when I woke up Sunday I waffled. I was thinking to myself "C'mon dude. Who are you kidding? You are just going to waste your Sunday being humiliated" and I decided not to go. Then I got kinda p1ssed at myself and it became more about conquering my fear than anything, so I hopped on the train. Once I got there I realized I was just one of many thousands and just like a Karaoke bar, most of them couldn't hold a tune. :lol:

Their decision to have people sing accapella in a room with no mic/pa is a smart one because they instantly know if you have chops or not. No hiding behind tracks, etc. IF you got picked for a callback, then they wanted three songs with tracks prepared. Maybe all NYC auditions, broadway, etc are like that. I wouldn't know...it was my first one!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 2:18 pm 
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Bazza wrote:

Their decision to have people sing accapella in a room with no mic/pa is a smart one because they instantly know if you have chops or not. No hiding behind tracks, etc.!

That's what would do me in right there. I'd have to wear odor eaters in my sandals or I would be hydroplaning around the stage. I can sing, but that situation would be pure terror for me... :oops:

Don't care if you made it or not- pure guts. My congratulations and deepest repect for the effort.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:06 pm 
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chrisavis wrote:
Bazaa - What an awesome write up! I have thought about auditioning for the Voice myself. If for no other reason than to try to make it on stage and tell Christina Aguilera how much I dislike her. :)I am saving your write up to review in the event I decide to ever go audition. Thank you again!


Yeh boy, I'd like to give her one hell of a tongue lashing myself..... :twisted:

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:09 pm 
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An excellent write-up for sure. The process seems similar to how the first audition was for my Canada's Got Talent audition. No I didn't make it to the live auditions but it was such a blast!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:20 pm 
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Bazza, even tho I have no interest in (or desire to watch) that show (or any of the other Singing/Talent shows out there), I was very interested in reading your write-up about your experience. What you described was pretty much how I would have expected it to be... crowded, long wait, being led from room to room, acapella singing, etc... Personally, I don't think it would have made a difference which time-slot you took (early AM or later PM). It probably would have been just as crowded with thousands of people camping out the night before to be on line.

I forgot now... are you in the NYC area, or Upstate? I'm in Queens.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:24 am 
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cueball wrote:
Personally, I don't think it would have made a difference which time-slot you took (early AM or later PM). It probably would have been just as crowded with thousands of people camping out the night before to be on line.

You are probably right. I still can't get over the number of people who showed up to tryout.

cue ball wrote:
I forgot now... are you in the NYC area, or Upstate? I'm in Queens.

Well "Upstate" is a relative term. Probably to you I am! I'm in the Putnam/Dutchess county area. To me, "Upstate" is buffalo. :D

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:08 am 
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That is super awesome! Thanks for the write up, I very much enjoyed reading it. I watch a lot of american idol and the voice as well. Very in depth and informative. Glad you took the plunge to try out, that speaks volumes...all by itself! Keep singing...MrD

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 12:05 pm 
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I'll watch AI in the beginning, when they have the wierd and funny people, and when the serious singing competition starts, I'm gone. Seems this season, the funny stuff was few and far between........could be why the ratings are going down.... :)

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:34 pm 
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Excellent article. Well-written and informative. Hopefully you've submitted it to Karaoke Scene Magazine.

Here's about the best compliment I can give... (in my best Newfoundland dialect) "B'Jasus my son... Ya ripped de arse outta dat one."

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