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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:57 am 
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I love how you changed the subject. I just said the Lord blessed us. I never said I feared him, I don't need to...Others here never mentioned God and they called you a thief also. What are you going to call them?... Why not answer Lisa and explain the old posts you had, and keep on subject.


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:01 am 
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Smoothedge69 wrote:
timberlea wrote:
Smooth, when describe what YOU are doing, it is NOT heresay. You maybe BSing people, but it is not heresay. Heresay is when you say something that someone else said without having firsthand knowledge, ie being present when it is said. When YOU say you are going to download and use material illegally is the same as a bank robber planning a heist and yes the police can charge that robber prior to the robbery.

No, they can't charge you on a robbery that you say you are going to do. You can say that you are going to kill someone, and that is still not a crime. We still have freedom of speech in this country regardless of what many would have you believe. There is no crime if you never do it. Don't worry, I have changed my mind. You people want to come after me, have at it. You will find nothing illegal. All you have are some posts on a website. I currently own 36 disks, and soon I will OWN about 100 more. That will be a good start. I will be 1:1. You can all get off my <span style=font-size:10px><i>(@$%&#!)</i></span> now. You have made your point. Got it?? I WILL be legal, when I start.

Bobby, it may be legal to say (debateable) but if that said person happend to be killed, you would be the number one suspect if it was said in public.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:11 am 
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Smoothedge69 wrote:
Now, here is my question, and this goes out mostly to the Lawyerman, if the piracy has become such a problem, why did you all wait so long to do something about it?? Why did you wait until you were practically out of business?? How stupid was the management of SC that they waited so long?? Why aren't ALL the manus doing this?? You don't read about PHM suing the pants off everyone.

Not the lawerman, but Sound Choice has been fighting piracy since around 98 when kj's were just making disc copies. SPIN was one of their first ventures (Stop Piracy Internationally Now) back in the late 90's, there were two others throughout the years I cannot remember right off hand, but they were working on copyrights - which they don't own the copyrights to the actual songs, this last leg which is working is on trademark infringement, which they own on every trademark on every piece of music they produced and it's working! Chartbuster has also filed lawsuits as well so don't think it's jsut SC, PHM isn't doing it in that manner, but they charge $3200 flat rate to get legal so take that at face value and whoe knows, they may begin in the suits as well. Many manus have already been put out of business completely due to piracy.

I just don't get it. Now it make Sound Choice look greedy, especially with the damages they are trying to get.

Greedy? For trying to recoup what was stolen from them? Nah!

I could see why establishments would ban the use of SC by their KJs. I have always loved SC for most songs. They do fall short sometimes. But this is going to soil their reputation.

Nah, some of the kj's up here are dropping SC from their libraries & singers are looking for new places that will play them! Had two singers tonight telling me that one of their places dropped all their songs and they are looking for a place they can sing them - this has been happening since back in Nov (or Oct) when the lawsuits up here started. I've gained several new singers because of this!

This is something that should have been dealt with when file sharing software was first invented.
File sharing of the karaoke wasn't rampant until a few years ago.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:29 am 
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I have decided that I won't be using SC. I am not going to be told what I can and can't do with something that I paid good money for. If you guys want to fight piracy at the expense of becoming a bunch corporate shills that is your business. I will be legal. Hell, I won't even go digital, as inconvenient as that is, but I won't give SC my money. Imagine if you got audited for buying regular CDs. How long would it be until people stopped buying them?? How long would people deal with iTunes, if they audited you every once in a while?? Ok, so you submit to a $125 audit, pass, get certified. Who is to say they aren't going to decide to ask you for another audit, down the road, and charge you $150? That's not fighting piracy. That's the Mafia. That's collecting "protection" money. It's extortion. It's greed.


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:30 am 
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:roll: :roll: :roll:

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:50 am 
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Lonman wrote:
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Roll your eyes all you want. That's what it is. It seems you people have been beat up so much that you are willing to take anything the company hands you. It's pretty sad. You just submit, instead of fighting this.


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:55 am 
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Smoothedge69 wrote:
Lonman wrote:
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Roll your eyes all you want. That's what it is. It seems you people have been beat up so much that you are willing to take anything the company hands you. It's pretty sad. You just submit, instead of fighting this.

Sad indeeed, seeing people that don't think they need to abide by rules! :roll: :roll: :roll:

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:01 am 
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Quote from Smoothedge in another forum:
So, basically, according to your company, ALL KJs that use Sound Choice in any form but the original disk are guilty until PROVEN innocent. I will still be BUYING my music, but it won't be from your company. When you come to checkout my show, you will not see ANY SC logos. I would rather have slightly lower quality and less hassle. I don't want your audits, your certificates, or anything else. I will tell you this, BEFORE I learned all this, I was planning on buying SC, exclusively because I have always liked the quality. But it's not worth all the BS you MAY have to go through to own them. If I pay for something, I own it. I can do with it what I wish. It is mine. If I want to put it on my computer, like I have done with over 1000 CDs that I own, I will. So, once I get my show started, which I have a new plan for, thanks to the good folks of this site, I will not even THINK about buying your product. You may come to my show, all you want, and you won't find a single SC track. Don't be surprised if this becomes a popular movement. I WILL be talking to all my karaoke friends and make sure THEY don't buy your stuff, either. I will explain to my customers why I will not be supplying SC music. Let's put it this way, I have NEVER gotten audited by the IRS, what makes you think I would allow some karaoke company audit me, just because they don't trust their customers?

Not to mention that whoever makes your CD media sucks. I have been working a friend of mine's show for 7 years, and ONLY the sound Choice CDs have ever cracked. Of my little bunch of SC CDG, three have cracked, and I am METICULOUS with them. My buddy had like four of SC's disks, and two of them cracked. The music is good, but the manufacturing is terrible.
Post Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:10 am

Um, a few hours ago he had the SGB library and a few other (can't remember the manu) discs.. but now he has 1,000! Pretty good sized library for someone who says they haven't begun running shows. (but then we all know he's lying about that too!) And not using SC disc's.. hum, lying about THAT too?

Run Bobby Run!

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:08 am 
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Funny I have SC discs dated from 94 that are in as good of condition as they were back then, it's all how they are handled and stored that will crack a disc - media folders will ruin discs (and crack them) if they are used alot. I have had one disc crack, an All Hits disc, I guess they are just as bad, however that was my fault, accidently leaned on it.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:16 am 
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I have never had an SC disc crack. I don't know how old my Foundation & Bricks Library is.. but it was one of the first that was purchased. Some DK's have cracked.. but we all know how old they are!! :lol:
It does have a lot to do with the sleeves.. they get bent. We had a player that used the 6-pack cartridges.. so cool.. human hands never touched the disc's. But the machine was slow and then went out of production as far as I know...

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:19 am 
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Lisah wrote:
I have never had an SC disc crack. I don't know how old my Foundation & Bricks Library is.. but it was one of the first that was purchased. Some DK's have cracked.. but we all know how old they are!! :lol:
It does have a lot to do with the sleeves.. they get bent. We had a player that used the 6-pack cartridges.. so cool.. human hands never touched the disc's. But the machine was slow and then went out of production as far as I know...

Ah yes, the old JVC systems. I knew a couple kj's that used those. They also had the superimpose feature built in that you could connect a camera to if I recall?
DK had a large jukebox system that was similar, but think it only held like 100 discs - more than enough back in the day since there were only 60 DK discs released at the time.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:25 am 
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Lisah wrote:
Quote from Smoothedge in another forum:
So, basically, according to your company, ALL KJs that use Sound Choice in any form but the original disk are guilty until PROVEN innocent. I will still be BUYING my music, but it won't be from your company. When you come to checkout my show, you will not see ANY SC logos. I would rather have slightly lower quality and less hassle. I don't want your audits, your certificates, or anything else. I will tell you this, BEFORE I learned all this, I was planning on buying SC, exclusively because I have always liked the quality. But it's not worth all the BS you MAY have to go through to own them. If I pay for something, I own it. I can do with it what I wish. It is mine. If I want to put it on my computer, like I have done with over 1000 CDs that I own, I will. So, once I get my show started, which I have a new plan for, thanks to the good folks of this site, I will not even THINK about buying your product. You may come to my show, all you want, and you won't find a single SC track. Don't be surprised if this becomes a popular movement. I WILL be talking to all my karaoke friends and make sure THEY don't buy your stuff, either. I will explain to my customers why I will not be supplying SC music. Let's put it this way, I have NEVER gotten audited by the IRS, what makes you think I would allow some karaoke company audit me, just because they don't trust their customers?

Not to mention that whoever makes your CD media sucks. I have been working a friend of mine's show for 7 years, and ONLY the sound Choice CDs have ever cracked. Of my little bunch of SC CDG, three have cracked, and I am METICULOUS with them. My buddy had like four of SC's disks, and two of them cracked. The music is good, but the manufacturing is terrible.
Post Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 2:10 am

Um, a few hours ago he had the SGB library and a few other (can't remember the manu) discs.. but now he has 1,000! Pretty good sized library for someone who says they haven't begun running shows. (but then we all know he's lying about that too!) And not using SC disc's.. hum, lying about THAT too?

Run Bobby Run!

CDs not CDGs. CDs Music!! I have draws full of CDs. I have been collecting them since 1991. I have them stored on my computer. CDs Do you need me to make it REALLY LARGE??? I own 40 CDGs. 2 PHM, 2 top tunes, 1 all hits, and one chartbuster. The rest are SC, which I will probably NEVER use again, out of fear of BEING investigated for NOTHING!!! Whe I mentioned the SBG library I was talking about the set I borrowed from my friend. But my REGULAR MUSIC CD collection is HUGE!!! Get it through your head, PLEASE!!! If you are going to talk crap about me, at least get it right!!


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:29 am 
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Lonman wrote:
Lisah wrote:
I have never had an SC disc crack. I don't know how old my Foundation & Bricks Library is.. but it was one of the first that was purchased. Some DK's have cracked.. but we all know how old they are!! :lol:
It does have a lot to do with the sleeves.. they get bent. We had a player that used the 6-pack cartridges.. so cool.. human hands never touched the disc's. But the machine was slow and then went out of production as far as I know...

Ah yes, the old JVC systems. I knew a couple kj's that used those. They also had the superimpose feature built in that you could connect a camera to if I recall?
DK had a large jukebox system that was similar, but think it only held like 100 discs - more than enough back in the day since there were only 60 DK discs released at the time.

I believe the JVC did have a camera feature. My boss used to record each show and sell tapes to the singers for $5. But then found out that was a no-no!! :lol: So it was discontinued... was a good idea though :) I didn't work karaoke back then so I'm not sure the camera was hooked to the JVC...
I currently have a jukebox type player in my home system.. at the time I bought it I never thought I'd be able to fill all 110 slots!! :lol:
Use it for regular music now days.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:39 am 
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Well, Bobby, I was one of those that gave you good advice but every time you came back with some sort of nasty garbage. You started contradicting yourself, so I started not trusting you. After looking at your 'post' history, I found more and more to not trust about you.
You post a rant about not buying SC cd's then throw in the bit about owning 1,000 cd's.. then go back to ranting about SC again... it's hard to keep track of what you're talking about!
But even if you're talking about 1,000 regular cd's...seems a little far fetched, even if you have been collecting them for 20 some years. (1000/20years=50 per year=4.16 per month...I find that really hard to believe, sorry)
I just don't believe you anymore.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:40 am 
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Nah, I can believe regular cd's, I have over 2000 regular cd's myself. Thats from doing alot of dj work & just a plain music freak! Lots of purcahses from Pawn Shops & Swap Meets. Many paid anywhere from $1-5 per for used discs - occasionally even cheaper, I have a disc resurfacer so some of the scratched discs I could bring back to almost new status. Then lots of BMG music club memberships over the years - 16 discs for a $.01.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:47 am 
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Lonman, you're correct... DJ's and music freaks... I too have more than 1000... I haven't counted! :lol: But, besides being a music freak forever, I've been a DJ for 13 years. I have a DJ subscription where I get 4 disc's a month. The average person doesn't spend that kind of money every month. I just find it hard to believe this guy, no matter what he says.
I tried being nice to him but he couldn't stop spewing crap. I got fed up.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 3:57 am 
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Lisah wrote:
Lonman, you're correct... DJ's and music freaks... I too have more than 1000... I haven't counted! :lol: But, besides being a music freak forever, I've been a DJ for 13 years. I have a DJ subscription where I get 4 disc's a month. The average person doesn't spend that kind of money every month. I just find it hard to believe this guy, no matter what he says.
I tried being nice to him but he couldn't stop spewing crap. I got fed up.

You don't believe that a person could have over 1000 music CDs? I happen to be a music freak, too. Now My iTunes collections has been growing. It's just easier. You don't need to be a DJ to have a ton of music. You don't believe a word I say, should I just tell you exactly what karaoke disks I have?? Some of you people are ridiculous. You talk me out of pirating, I decide to go a different route, I decide that I don't like SC's policies and tactics, I tell you how many disks I have, and I am accused of spewing crap. You know what, LisaH, I thank you for your previous advice, but after YOUR last couple of comments you can kiss MY White Buttocks!!


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:04 am 
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There will be NO kissing :puke:

I am tired of this.

Maybe I'll look into being nice again tomorrow. I have an attitude against someone I think might be pirating music...but I should relax and not judge. I support what SC is doing, and CB.... their efforts will help the rest of us in the long-run.

Good Night

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:08 am 
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Lisah wrote:
There will be NO kissing :puke:

I am tired of this.

Maybe I'll look into being nice again tomorrow. I have an attitude against someone I think might be pirating music...but I should relax and not judge. I support what SC is doing, and CB.... their efforts will help the rest of us in the long-run.

Good Night

I am fine with fighting Piracy, but not with extra out of pocket costs, and invasive audits. When I buy something, I expect to own it, not have to keep paying for it.

Goodnight. I have to wake my boy for school, now.


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 6:06 am 
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Holy Crap. I skip ONE NIGHT and the place blows up.

@Smoothedge - You have been given some great advice and you have only fought against it and turned some knowledgable people that are willing to help against you.

Someone suggested to you that may want to pursue some other business venture than karaoke. After reading this thread, I agree. You seem to think you don't have to play by the same rules as everyone else while at the same time throwing politics and the constitution into the mix.

You seem to think that just because the economy and job market sucks, that you should be handed a business model that guarantees success without any investment of your own. As someone that is still new to this business myself, I can assure you that very little will get handed to you for free. I have worked harder on my karaoke business than I have in a long, long time.



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