earthling12357 wrote:
The interesting part is that both defendants handle copyright matters in their firms and possibly would have taken on the case against others if approached by the plaintiffs first.
It seems the laws of this country are so complicated now that they are easily twisted into something less about protecting the freedoms of the innocent and more toward the enriching of lawyers and the special interest groups that pay them.
Isn't that the truth! Too many complicated laws! I'm not saying that the artists' etc shouldn't get paid. But in general, our laws have gotten so outrageous.. no one knows what's legal and what isn't... so many loopholes that the law only applies to those that can't afford a good lawyer. And ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law... but danged, how ya supposed to know the law when the language of the law is written to confuse. Or you're out and out lied to.. ie: karaoke download sites that tell you it's ok to use their tracks commercially.
I've decided I won't take the chance .. no downloading here. Bummer

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