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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:26 am 
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Questions posed from the Singer's Point of View

Why should I come to your show instead of the one around the corner?
What makes your show special?
What do you offer that I can't get at another show?
I like where I sing at now....why should I start coming to your show?


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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:54 am 
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I'd also tell you this - if it wasn't a trade secret.

I'm not a cheerleader, but I paid for my pom poms with my own money!

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:02 pm 
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I'm not limited to the songs in my Song Request Station. If you have a request for a song and it's available then I can put it in your request que immediately without going online to get it. If not available there, I will check to see when I get home if it is available at the legal manufacturer's website and have it for you by the next show.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:13 pm 
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- A decent library of songs. A KJ doesn't need every song ever made, but at least enough of every genre to always have something for everyone.
- Audience size. Singers don't want to sing to an audience of 5 people, but on the other hand, they also don't want a place so packed that the rotation is like 50 people and they have to wait 2 hours until they get to sing again.
- KJ personality. A KJ with a bad attitude can set the wrong mood for a venue. A good KJ thinks of the singers first and it should show in everything he or she does.
- Sound quality. I think this is crucial. Good singers will flock to the venue with a great sounding system, and this is true in any town. A KJ with a great personality always helps, but nothing can replace a great sounding system that helps people sound better. If the entire night is filled with great sounding music, it just makes the mood better. Even people who don't have an ear for audio quality and don't consciously notice it seem to flock to venues with high quality sound even though they can't explain it.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:07 pm 
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Now you got to be careful. Once a friend invited me to a swingers party, and when I asked how many people would be there, and he said, well, if I count you & your female partner, so far we got three.
You've got to understand, karaoke is self defeating. You can only get about 15(maybe a few more) singers up in an hour. So if you have 30 singers, you're talking 1 turn every two hours. If you have a great show, you'll attract more singers....until your show has so many singers.... :lol: it sucks in the eyes of most singers.
Which brings us back to my opening statement......counting you & a friend.......they'll be 3 singers at my show, and you get to sing a lot...... :)

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:30 pm 
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Besides the quality of the show, the KJ's attitude and behavior, the willingness of the KJ to accept my personal CDGs or flash drive, and the crowd, there are external factors which no one has mentioned yet.

Here are some other things which I look for. Parking in the area. The neighborhood... Is it a dangerous or safe area. Does the place serve food or just drinks? How are the prices overall?

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:15 pm 
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chrisavis wrote:
Questions posed from the Singer's Point of View

Why should I come to your show instead of the one around the corner?
What makes your show special?
What do you offer that I can't get at another show?
I like where I sing at now....why should I start coming to your show?

You said you've been hosting for a year and a half, how about sharing your answers?


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:06 am 
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I have a fair rotation
I dont bump up people
I alter the settings on every song to get the best sound possible
If i have singers i dont play filler music
I am a happy smiley host that likes to have fun and encourages you to enjoy yourself.
I encourage the audience to appreciate your efforts, before and after your performance.
I care that you are happy and encourage comments from singers so i can suit their individual needs.
I try to get to know people so you become part of something

I could go on about technical aspects , track selection , equipment quality an although that is important its people that make shows and i am grateful to anyone who wants to sing on my nights..

"Your Never Fully dressed without a smile."

To Visit my website Rob Star Entertainments Click the link in my profile

"Strangers are just friend we haven't met yet"

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:17 am 
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You have three things:
1. The Venue
2. The Service
3. The Entertainment.

As someone said, "Pick any TWO to be successful."

My personal opinion about Singers:
Those that want to hear themselves sing are encouraged to go to other shows.
Those that don't spend any money are encouraged to go to other shows.
Those that cause problems are encouraged to go to other shows.

My personal opinion about Venues:
No way I can make Singers like the Venue.
No way I can make Singers like the Service.

With only one of the three in my control, no argument can be made to come to my show.

Karaoke is not a BAND. With a Band, you get the same Singers singing the same Songs with the same Sound and, if they are good, a "following" of people willing to follow the Band from Venue to Venue occurs.

Karaoke does NOT have the "following" compared to a Band. Matter of fact, I DO NOT want any "Following" to follow me to different Venues. If they did, they would be BROKE.

Rather, I want to build relationships with the people in the area where a Venue is located. This way I will be able to depend on "X" amount of patrons to any given Venue.

If I am looking to add a night of Karaoke at a new Venue and the first question out of a Venue Owner's mouth is, "Do you have a following," I do not answer and WALK OUT. Obviously, they are too stupid to know the difference between what a Band offers compared to Karaoke.

Yes, Karaoke is entertainment, but, on the whole, no Singer is a Professional. Non-professionals drawing a following is a contradiction of terms.

Karaoke is a step above the Jukebox only in that it is LIVE verses CANNED.

To me, adding Karaoke is like having any other Vending. It is something that a Venue provides to its customers in the Hopes that it will become popular and get used.

But it is the best BANG for the BUCK when it comes to CHEAP Entertainment.

So, trying to justify my Karaoke show over some other show is a contradiction of terms.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:30 am 
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gd123 wrote:

You have three things:
1. The Venue
2. The Service
3. The Entertainment.

As someone said, "Pick any TWO to be successful."

My personal opinion about Singers:
Those that want to hear themselves sing are encouraged to go to other shows.
Those that don't spend any money are encouraged to go to other shows.
Those that cause problems are encouraged to go to other shows.

My personal opinion about Venues:
No way I can make Singers like the Venue.
No way I can make Singers like the Service.

With only one of the three in my control, no argument can be made to come to my show.

Karaoke is not a BAND. With a Band, you get the same Singers singing the same Songs with the same Sound and, if they are good, a "following" of people willing to follow the Band from Venue to Venue occurs.

Karaoke does NOT have the "following" compared to a Band. Matter of fact, I DO NOT want any "Following" to follow me to different Venues. If they did, they would be BROKE.

Rather, I want to build relationships with the people in the area where a Venue is located. This way I will be able to depend on "X" amount of patrons to any given Venue.

If I am looking to add a night of Karaoke at a new Venue and the first question out of a Venue Owner's mouth is, "Do you have a following," I do not answer and WALK OUT. Obviously, they are too stupid to know the difference between what a Band offers compared to Karaoke.

Yes, Karaoke is entertainment, but, on the whole, no Singer is a Professional. Non-professionals drawing a following is a contradiction of terms.

Karaoke is a step above the Jukebox only in that it is LIVE verses CANNED.

To me, adding Karaoke is like having any other Vending. It is something that a Venue provides to its customers in the Hopes that it will become popular and get used.

But it is the best BANG for the BUCK when it comes to CHEAP Entertainment.

So, trying to justify my Karaoke show over some other show is a contradiction of terms.

well you've sold it to me :shock: You sound such a fun guy from that post as a singer i would be beating down your door to improve the balance sheet

..or did i miss this was from a singers view not a business or venues view :!:

"Your Never Fully dressed without a smile."

To Visit my website Rob Star Entertainments Click the link in my profile

"Strangers are just friend we haven't met yet"

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:02 am 
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@earthling12357 -

Why should I come to your show instead of the one around the corner?

You should come to my show because....

I have easy to read books with print large enough to be seen in a darkly lit bar.

I have a great selection of music from oldies and standards to current hits across a variety of genres. We also get new music every month so we might just have that new song you have been humming to while driving to and from work.

Because I want your business. I am open to suggestions from you. I am here to serve you. You tell me what you like and I will try to accomodate.

Besides....if you have never been to my show, how about you come check it out and you just decide for yourself if you want to come back or not.

What makes your show special?

Every singer is tuned individually. I tune you in, get the right sound levels, and actively watch you to see if you want changes to be made. I make sure everyone understands two simple hand gestures for adjusting the sound when they get on stage 1) Point at the mic or stage monitor and then point up or down to adjust how well you can hear yourself. 2) Point at one of the main speakers and then point up or down to have me adjust the music volume for you. Simple.

If there is something you would like to sing that you can't find in my books, let me know and I will see if it is available. If you want to sign up for our mailing list, I can let you know when/if I can find it. You can also pro-actively request songs by simply emailing me.

We also do special events now and then like....

Theme Nights where we pick a theme and challenge folks to sing a song related to the theme.
Cross-Gender Song Night Boys sing girls and girls sing boys. Simple, right?
New Song Night I have a history of the songs you have been singing. Try something new.
Audience Choice You have no idea what you are singing until the song starts
Country Night, Rock Night, Love Song Night.......And more....

Of course all of these are optional. You can always sing whatever you want to sing. We just like to mix it up now and then.

Oh? You play an instument? Sure...you can play your instrument on stage and I even have hookups to accomodate getting them connected to the PA system. Just be mindful of the pace of the night. If we have a lot of singers, we don't want to spend too much time setting up an instrument.

A Fair Rotation - We start off the night as First In, First Up. You sing and then you go to the bottom of the list. Then, after 1-2 hours and depending on the size of the rotation, we will alternate new and repeat singers. About an hour before we end (and again, depending on the length of the rotation) we stop accepting new singers. Our goal is to let everyone sing that wants to sing and let you sing as often as you can.

What do you offer that I can't get at another show?
See Above....
But let's face it, karaoke is pretty much karaoke anywhere you go. I hope the investment I have made in quality lighting and sound and the personalized service I offer to each and every singer makes you want to come back. I want you to feel comfortable on stage, I want you to sound great, and I want you to have an awesome time. If I succeed with that then I hope you come back to see us again....and bring your friends!

I like where I sing at now....why should I start coming to your show?
That's great! I don't want you to abandon your favorite karaoke show. But just like we all like to try a new restaurant now and then, how about you give our karaoke a try? If you like what we do, then come back out sometime when you have the chance.


ps (I have more....but the day job calls!)


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:08 am 
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Interesting answers above....

Not a single one is dependent on any brand of karaoke song.... which is the way it should be.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:04 pm 
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I have a large selection of Sound Choice karaoke, along with many other karaoke brands.
Am I too late?

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:18 pm 
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I have found that many karaoke singers don't know who Sound Choice, Sunfly, Chartbuster, etc are. As a host, I use my experience to play the version that is "best" for those that don't request a specific version. But I keep multiple vendor versions of songs for those that like a specific one.



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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:07 pm 
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Oh...I didn't know how to interpret:
Why should I come to your show
What makes your show
What do you offer
I like where I sing at now....why should I start coming to your show

The thread could have just as easily substituted:
Why should I come to your Karaoke Business
What makes your Karaoke Business
What does your Karaoke Business Offer
I like where I sing at now....why should I start coming to your Karaoke Business

Basically, my mind set has been: As a SINGER, If I don't do the things that I disliked about various KJs Shows, then, I will succeed as Karaoke Business. Business Owner and Singer are interchangeable.

But, if you actually need a translation as a SINGER, then...this is me...the SINGER typing:
I go to one particular show because the KJ doesn't promote an environment where no one applauds because other Singers, waiting their turn, don't care to hear me sing because they are waiting, ONLY, for their turn so they can hear themselves sing. These are the Singers that just sit out there in the gallery fidgeting their fingers, with a long face, exasperated, not contributing to any fun, because they think they should be singing 10 songs...boring.

I go to this show because the KJ tells those that don't spend any money that they are NOT going to sing. This means I don't have to wait for deadbeats.

I go to this show because the KJ tells the Venue to ask people that are causing trouble to leave; thereby making it safe to stay.

I go to this show because the KJ doesn't have a bunch of people in tow from another area of town causing me to have to wait a long time to sing. This means I have more one-on-one time to talk. That equates to a better understanding of my needs as a Singer. I feel the KJ is a close personal friend.

Again, this KJ doesn't do ALL the things that I hate about other KJs...which means, he does everything right! I guess it is because, as a BUSINESS OWNER and SINGER himself, he understands what a SINGER wants.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:56 pm 
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c. staley wrote:
Interesting answers above....

Not a single one is dependent on any brand of karaoke song.... which is the way it should be.

it's ok wilbur, he's dead already anyway!

KingBing Entertainment C'mon Up! I have a song for you!!! [font=MS Sans Serif][/font]

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:01 pm 
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If I am looking to add a night of Karaoke at a new Venue and the first question out of a Venue Owner's mouth is, "Do you have a following," I do not answer and WALK OUT. Obviously, they are too stupid to know the difference between what a Band offers compared to Karaoke.
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Really? One and done? Some don't understand and if you use your people skills

(which are often underrated for a karaoke host) to explain to that owner how you can make him money, you might just land a gig that turns out to be a great one that you wouldn't have dreamed of had you walked out the door on the guy or gal.

Don't get me wrong, I've already had my fair share of owner/nightmare stories but I don't take it out on others that I've never had any dealings with. They get a clean slate!

KingBing Entertainment C'mon Up! I have a song for you!!! [font=MS Sans Serif][/font]

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:11 pm 
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Rob Star wrote:
I have a fair rotation
I dont bump up people
I alter the settings on every song to get the best sound possible
If i have singers i dont play filler music
I am a happy smiley host that likes to have fun and encourages you to enjoy yourself.
I encourage the audience to appreciate your efforts, before and after your performance.
I care that you are happy and encourage comments from singers so i can suit their individual needs.
I try to get to know people so you become part of something

I could go on about technical aspects , track selection , equipment quality an although that is important its people that make shows and i am grateful to anyone who wants to sing on my nights..

Look at that! An honest to gosh Karaoke Host! Ditto doesn't cover it, but the concept is the same...

"No Contests, No Divas, Just A Good Time!"

" Disc based and loving it..."

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