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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:10 am 
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This is a delicate subject.

I have been lucky to survive and battle with depression and i have in the past suffered terrible mood swings so straight off i am going to say mental illness has no stigma to me.

I have found over the years that Karaoke does bring out certain types of people, slightly odd types , often lonely people or socially awkward people and allows them to show off a talent , i would say most karaoke hosts know of some singer whose on stage voice doesn't match there look or social skills and are a little odd when not on the mic.

Karaoke in the UK certainly appeals to people with drink problems and lots of drink problems (not all) are caused by depression or other mental illnesses.

I have seen a few bi polar sufferers (they told me they were, i am no doctor) who some weeks are mr confident and life and soul of a party but others stuck at home or in the venue like a shy wall flower.

There is evidence that singing is very good for many mental illnesses and that karaoke for certain types of schizophrenic patients benefit from karaoke because of its social interaction.

I feel some are sub consciously self medicating by going to karaoke nights.

So rather than sneer or laugh at the odd person at karaoke , applaud them , praise them and help them on the road to wellness.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:37 am 
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This is an excellent post.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:54 am 
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So long as they are not behaving in a disruptive, offensive or threatening manner and thier illness is under control at the time.

Its fine to come out and sing a song or two and raise the spirits of someone thats MILDLY depressed, or a schizoprenic person who has their symptoms in control with medication, or a bi-polar who is not severly cycling or acting out in a manic psychotic break.

Mental disorders are just that....a source of disordered behavior. And if the person is behaving in that way then they should not be in public, certainly not having alchohol or even coffee for that matter. They need to be at home with someone who can watch over them or if more severe then in treatment or hospitalized.

And this thread is NOT about being mentally challenged/disabled....that is an entirely different subject and is over on the other thread.

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:50 pm 
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Now, now, what truly sane person is going to sing karaoke or attend a karaoke show on purpose? You have to have a certain brand of humor and insanity and tolerance to even participate. And how do you tell the mental disorder people from the drunks?

I don't think this post said that we had to have people in our face or tolerate disruptions or threats. It just called for some kindness and tolerance toward those who seem different. For some people, this is out of their comfort zone. Those people should stick to the showcase karaoke shows that cater to good singers and the audience that comes to hear talent. But don't go into a neighborhood bar show and start complaining about who is allowed to sing because it is going to be anyone and anything and all will be cheered and supported.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:02 pm 
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I would like to add that I feel that singing, especially in public, is actually medication for the soul. Whether to vent built up hostility, relieve stress, or simply let go of the sadness within.

I begin to say how many tell me that they feel so much better after the show, just because they sang.

I know one woman who I call the Pocket Cutie who had absolutely no life before she started singing karaoke. Since then, she has made a lot of friends, has a social life outside of karaoke, and smiles all of the time- a much happier person.

No, we don't save lives like doctors, feed the hungry, or stop wars- but we do make many individuals' daily lives a bit easier to bear. In the these stressed filled ultra-competitive time, I consider that important as well.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:32 pm 
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JoeChartreuse wrote:
I would like to add that I feel that singing, especially in public, is actually medication for the soul. Whether to vent built up hostility, relieve stress, or simply let go of the sadness within. I begin to say how many tell me that they feel so much better after the show, just because they sang.

Is everyone sitting down? I totally agree with Joe on this! It's the same for me. Singing is cathartic...it's therapy.

I feel like I have become some kind of karaoke ambassador. I LOVE to see people try it for the first time and instantly get addicted. I ALWAYS encourage the sh1tty ones and ALWAYS defend them when others talk them down while they are trying their best. Singing is an art and you don't get better if you don't practice and with any practice you have to fall on your face a few times. We all know several regulars who, when they first walked in, were absolutely ear-splitting awful and now a year or so later can actually carry a tune, have confidence and get compliments. I have seen it over & over.

At just about every gig the following happens: I will overhear someone say "I'm not singing! You will never get me up there!" and I always smile and reply "I will remind you of that later...when you are singing". And I do...and they always smile & roll their eyes.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:47 pm 
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There ya have it, that's more reasons I don't go out to karaoke bars... between the drunks, the mental illness & the inflated egos, it can be deadly! I feel safer at home singing, or when the boys come ova to jam I like to join in occasionally & that's more than enough for me! :)


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:18 am 
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Being bi-piolar myself I can say without reservation that I almost always feel better after i sing.

Sometimes I even manage to sit with other people and start a conversation.

I agree tho, you have to be a little mentally unstable to sing karaoke on regular basis.. :)

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:31 pm 
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Rob Star wrote:
This is a delicate subject.

I have been lucky to survive and battle with depression and i have in the past suffered terrible mood swings so straight off i am going to say mental illness has no stigma to me.

I have found over the years that Karaoke does bring out certain types of people, slightly odd types , often lonely people or socially awkward people and allows them to show off a talent , i would say most karaoke hosts know of some singer whose on stage voice doesn't match there look or social skills and are a little odd when not on the mic.

Karaoke in the UK certainly appeals to people with drink problems and lots of drink problems (not all) are caused by depression or other mental illnesses.

I have seen a few bi polar sufferers (they told me they were, i am no doctor) who some weeks are mr confident and life and soul of a party but others stuck at home or in the venue like a shy wall flower.

There is evidence that singing is very good for many mental illnesses and that karaoke for certain types of schizophrenic patients benefit from karaoke because of its social interaction.

I feel some are sub consciously self medicating by going to karaoke nights.

So rather than sneer or laugh at the odd person at karaoke , applaud them , praise them and help them on the road to wellness.

I do a monthly show for a non profit social club, of which I am a member, for the mentally Ill where I don't charge my normal rate but a majorly discounted rate. They used to switch between dances and karaoke but they have found they get more participation from karaoke.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:09 am 
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Andygurl wrote:
There ya have it, that's more reasons I don't go out to karaoke bars... between the drunks, the mental illness & the inflated egos, it can be deadly! I feel safer at home singing, or when the boys come ova to jam I like to join in occasionally & that's more than enough for me! :)

and why exactly are you here?

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:54 am 
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Sometimes karaoke is a trigger for bad behavior for some of these "challenged" people.

I had one guy walk up to me in the middle of a song and try to take the microphone away from me because he "didn't like that song." He obviously was looking for some type of altercation and got one when he realized I wasn't about to let go.

I think it was a new record for the "fastest ejection" from a club.

For the most part, I feel very sorry for people with these kinds of problems because they don't realize what they are doing and really don't realize that something is wrong. To them "nothing needs fixing - because nothing is broken" from their perspective.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:10 am 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
Andygurl wrote:
There ya have it, that's more reasons I don't go out to karaoke bars... between the drunks, the mental illness & the inflated egos, it can be deadly! I feel safer at home singing, or when the boys come ova to jam I like to join in occasionally & that's more than enough for me! :)

and why exactly are you here?

You got a point there and I can't argue that LOL! but at least here in the Showcase, sitting behind my keyboard I have a better chance of coming out alive & all in 1 piece, if ya know what I mean!LOL!


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:11 pm 
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Yep. I don't have any mental illnesses (or wait, perhaps I do?)... ANYhow, I do find music to be one of the biggest stress relievers out there, be it karaoke or just hiding away with my guitar for a couple of hours. Whether you're upset, ticked off, or just at wits end.. seems you can always let it out with song.

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:28 pm 
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Well Well Well ..............look whos back posting at KS!! LITTLE MISS CHARMIN HERSELF!!

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:41 pm 
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Little Miss Charmin has BEEN back, where you been Kurt? (;

Hey, come to Wranglers if you can Friday..... I'll be twangin' there. :lol:

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:46 pm 
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This is just my opinion/observation from the years that I've been a part of the online karaoke community & this thread in particular got me thinking... seems a good majority of karaoke singers are depressed people in nature & state they sing songs to make themselves feel better, but not once have I heard anyone say they sing songs cause they're happy & content within themselves & that baffles me to some degree.

I don't mean any disrespect to anyone so please don't take it the wrong way, just a mere observation.


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:01 pm 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
Andygurl wrote:
There ya have it, that's more reasons I don't go out to karaoke bars... between the drunks, the mental illness & the inflated egos, it can be deadly! I feel safer at home singing, or when the boys come ova to jam I like to join in occasionally & that's more than enough for me! :)

and why exactly are you here?

For the medication, of course!

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:13 am 
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Andygurl wrote:
This is just my opinion/observation from the years that I've been a part of the online karaoke community & this thread in particular got me thinking... seems a good majority of karaoke singers are depressed people in nature & state they sing songs to make themselves feel better, but not once have I heard anyone say they sing songs cause they're happy & content within themselves & that baffles me to some degree.

I don't mean any disrespect to anyone so please don't take it the wrong way, just a mere observation.

I have always referred to it as the "largest unofficial lonely hearts club"....

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:04 am 
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I've always loved music, and I am a hyper-active, type A personality, underachiever. (Which means my ego won't let me admit that describes the basis for a mental disorder)

I'm the guy who sings along with the car stereo at the top of his lungs. I hear lyrics like poetry and often adapt song scenarios to real-life situations as a way of understanding and mitigating conflict or stress.

I started singing karaoke because I had re-located halfway across the country and a new friend told me about a local hang-out where I could meet people that actually made their home in and around these ski/tourist towns.
That place had karaoke on Friday nights.

I witnessed the entire spectrum of singers and staff and shall we say "karaoke operators". I've seen my share of cynics and detractors influenced by the sheer enthusiasm and those moments when someone gets on the microphone and creates a reaction in a room full of people.

I wouldn't label what I saw as a "lonely hearts club" but I have to say that the social aspect of it can certainly encourage connections.

That being said, I guess I'm sick in the head because I actually like karaoke.

I like the unpredictability and variety. I enjoy being the one who gets to view the singers' song choices and am constantly intrigued and start conversations with strangers to discover more about someone who made that particular choice. I like looking out at a packed house at getting their attention and I know that many singers enjoy that as well. Singing karaoke and doing it well is a great ego boost and no apologies are necessary.

I don't know about whether I have all my $h|+ together, but basically I'm happy and content. I'm not singing karaoke to commiserate with sad and lonely people. I'm doing it because I love music and it is fun and yes, even profitable.

Never the same show twice!

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:28 am 
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Great post MtnKaraoke :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

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