I go to MANY Karaoke venues and get to see MANY KJ's/DJ's week in week out. And I can usually tell within 10-15 mins if this is a jumpin place or a HORROR SHOW! Some of these people are just absolutely the best entertainers I've ever seen. They really hold a crowd, they're energetic, motivated, upbeat, positive, keep the groove moving, instigate dance sets and generally put on an excellent show that people KEEP COMING BACK TO! They're more like MC's than mere DJs or KJ's. Then again................................
there are those I visit that are JUST HORRIBLE! I have to ask myself WHY ARE THEY EVEN DOING THIS?? ???? Whether it be personalities like a block of wood, being abrasive, annoying and irritating, or disappearing for long periods of time, or lots of dead airtime, just going through the motions or their simply plain out and out DULL....................I just have to ask myself WHY!!!!!! WHY????? WHY!!!!!!! (SHAKING MY HEAD)
How bout you guys-ever come across the REALLY LOUSY ones?? How about any REALLY GOOD ONES? Got any HORROR STORIES?? No names of shows, companies, individauals or venues please!
For instance--probably the ABSOLUTE WORST I've ever been to is a Mexican restraurant I know of. The KJ was this person who was ABSOLUTELY LOST on the equipment, didnt really care that much about it, wasnt trying very hard and just had a really unpleasant personality. Consequnetly the singers sounded Horrible, the "show" (if you could call it that) was REALLY BORING--and on top of it the books were filthy and nasty with mildew and crusted on food(I talked about these in my other post about STRANGE SONGBOOKS). This place still does "Karaoke" and hasnt made ANY effort to improve their perfromance(oh and by the way--they had the emergency exit locked with a padlock and chain!--where's the FIRE MARSHALL when you need him!?). Maybe thats why you can walk in there on a Friday night and theres maybe 5 people at 11pm. While the place across the BLVD has a line to get in. This Place was REALLY HORRIBLE-------and I DONT EXAGGERATE!
_________________ "You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT