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 Post subject: General Discussion
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:59 am 
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:thinkin: Has anyone ever donated their show to help raise money for a worthy cause.

The Lone Ranger

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:06 pm 
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Yes.. :mrgreen:

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:27 pm 
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Yup, several times, mostly for Children's causes and hospitals. Unfortunately, I've also learned that in many cases no good deed goes unpunished...

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:19 am 
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Yep. We've done several benefits. we've done pay to sing and pay to gong-style, too. You can raise alot of money for worthy causes and it's all in fun. You should see the joy on people's faces when they gong somebody, and the singer doesn't mind because they just raised $20 for a good cause.


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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:31 am 
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Yes we do....

Ever year my town, Iowa Falls, has a singing contest called Iowa Falls Idol. It is put on by our local Lions Club to raise funds for their causes. It is also held in conjunction with "The taste of Iowa Falls" which all the local restaurants enter giving samples of their food.

We do the audio portion of the Idol part. This year they had around 300 ppl attend and raised about $4,000, which was low this year because the event was held inside due to rain. It is usually outside at one of our local parks. Last year there were around 500 ppl there.

We also just got done doing a benefit for the family of a local 17yo girl that was killed in a car accident. There was a little karaoke, some people playing guitar and singing, a fashion show which they auctioned off the clothing, and raffle drawings for products donated by local businesses. The funds were used to cover funeral/medical expenses. Haven't heard how much they raised yet, the event was just 3 days ago.

We always try to help out when we can, not only is it for a good cause, we get a lot of exposure and free advertising. It's a win-win situation

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:34 am 
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Twansene, I went to Ellsworth in my freshman year 1969. I transferred to UNI and was on the gymnastics team. Is the "Rooster" still open. How about the walk bridge across the Iowa River?


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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:27 am 
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:lol: we can shorten this post, if we ask if there's anyone who has never...... :)

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:12 pm 
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mrmarog wrote:
Twansene, I went to Ellsworth in my freshman year 1969. I transferred to UNI and was on the gymnastics team. Is the "Rooster" still open. How about the walk bridge across the Iowa River?


Yep the Rooster is still there, although the food has gone down hill. I don't eat there anymore.

The swinging bridge is still there too.

The town's "sights" probably hasn't changed much over the last 40 years....LOL

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:46 am 
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:D This makes me happy to know that not all hosts are just about the money, and that they use their skills and talents to make our country better. I feel if we would stop fighting each other and focus on our business's things would be much better for our industry and our relations with each other.

The Lone Ranger

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:01 pm 
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For very personal reasons, I will donate my services to any fund-raiser involved in the fight against cancer.

I also do a mid-week 3-hour evening show for a local Senior Citizens' home a half-dozen times a year.

I always try to get in at least one donated function per month. It just seems like the right thing to do.

(BS, PHD & Certified CurmuDJeon)

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:45 pm 
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Brian Bell wrote:
:D This makes me happy to know that not all hosts are just about the money, and that they use their skills and talents to make our country better. I feel if we would stop fighting each other and focus on our business's things would be much better for our industry and our relations with each other.

The Lone Ranger

Most of us are more than capable of having heated debates here, run our businesses and still do freebies.

I've only done 3 for worthy causes, Make-A-Wish, a kids library event and I hosted a silent auction/karaoke event for a man who had cancer last year. He passed this year.

It's a good feeling to help out, all I ever asked for was a reference from the first two. Neither happened. I was a little disappointed in that I would volunteer my services, equipment and time and the persons who approached me couldn't sign (or write and sign) a reference letter for me that I needed. Didn't sour me, just disappointed.

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:13 am 
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As I stated in the other thread I will no longer donate my time (or money) to organized charities, but will do events (for free or donate money) for any individual that I feel needs it.

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:18 am 
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Thunder wrote:
As I stated in the other thread I will no longer donate my time (or money) to organized charities, but will do events (for free or donate money) for any individual that I feel needs it.

:thinkin: Everyone has the right to go their own way, and I relieved that there is some charity still left in this industry. It is also good to note that you don't feel everything organized is a good thing.

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 5:53 am 
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ripman8 wrote:
Most of us are more than capable of having heated debates here, run our businesses and still do freebies.

I've only done 3 for worthy causes, Make-A-Wish, a kids library event and I hosted a silent auction/karaoke event for a man who had cancer last year. He passed this year.

It's a good feeling to help out, all I ever asked for was a reference from the first two. Neither happened. I was a little disappointed in that I would volunteer my services, equipment and time and the persons who approached me couldn't sign (or write and sign) a reference letter for me that I needed. Didn't sour me, just disappointed.

I will NEVER, EVER, EVER, lift a finger for "Make-A-Wish"... EVER! Don't call, don't write, don't even offer a truckload of cash, it ain't happening. (did I say "ever?")

Here's why:
My niece had cystic fibrosis - most people with this disease don't live much past their 20's - When she was 17, the make-a-wish people offered her a trip to Hawaii - and stated that she could "take her best friend with her" and wanted to know who that was. She picked the person that she was closest with, her best buddy and pal, the person that stood by her and helped her through thick and thin.... her mom.

Make-A-Wish then retracted everything and gave it to someone else because they said that "a mom is not your 'friend', she's your mom and that doesn't count" My niece passed away 3 months later.

F*k 'em....

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 8:31 am 
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Ouch sorry to hear that Chip.
I beginning to think that all charities are in it for themselves more than the people that need it. Tis why I don't donate to them if someone is in need I try and give it to them directly.

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2011 9:36 am 
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c. staley wrote:
ripman8 wrote:
Most of us are more than capable of having heated debates here, run our businesses and still do freebies.

I've only done 3 for worthy causes, Make-A-Wish, a kids library event and I hosted a silent auction/karaoke event for a man who had cancer last year. He passed this year.

It's a good feeling to help out, all I ever asked for was a reference from the first two. Neither happened. I was a little disappointed in that I would volunteer my services, equipment and time and the persons who approached me couldn't sign (or write and sign) a reference letter for me that I needed. Didn't sour me, just disappointed.

I will NEVER, EVER, EVER, lift a finger for "Make-A-Wish"... EVER! Don't call, don't write, don't even offer a truckload of cash, it ain't happening. (did I say "ever?")

Here's why:
My niece had cystic fibrosis - most people with this disease don't live much past their 20's - When she was 17, the make-a-wish people offered her a trip to Hawaii - and stated that she could "take her best friend with her" and wanted to know who that was. She picked the person that she was closest with, her best buddy and pal, the person that stood by her and helped her through thick and thin.... her mom.

Make-A-Wish then retracted everything and gave it to someone else because they said that "a mom is not your 'friend', she's your mom and that doesn't count" My niece passed away 3 months later.

F*k 'em....

Boy, it must be crappy eating bitter soup every day.

I know why they do it that way, and so would you if you thought about it.

[color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color]
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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:27 am 
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I offer schools/civic/charitable organizations a 50% discount off my regular rates. I just don't have the dates available and there are too many fundraisers in my area to be giving away my product. Real charities have a budget for entertainment, so 50% off doesn't shock them at all.

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:17 pm 
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mckyj57 wrote:
Boy, it must be crappy eating bitter soup every day.

I know why they do it that way, and so would you if you thought about it.

I'm thinking about it, and can't figure out why. Please enlighten us.

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:00 pm 
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American Cancer Society's "Relay For Life" five years plus of gigs lasting up to 24 hours each. This also includes some pre-, and post-relay events as well.

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 Post subject: Re: General Discussion
PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:08 pm 
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mckyj57 wrote:
Boy, it must be crappy eating bitter soup every day.

I know why they do it that way, and so would you if you thought about it.

Must be tough being a "Mr. Know-It-All" isn't it?

Tell you what: Why don't you stand over my niece's grave and explain to her why she was given a "wish" and then have it taken away. I'm sure you have a perfectly good explanation that will make her disappointment with Make-A-Wish and her death a little more palatable and somehow justifiable to you.

It's real easy for you to make your crappy statement isn't it? You're still here and alive.

I don't give a $h*t what their reasoning is, there was no stipulation on who she could take until she made her decision and no "second decision" was ever offered.

Try as you might to justify their actions, it ain't gonna cut it here with me..... ever.

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