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 Post subject: Tablets as Songbooks?
PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:32 am 
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Maybe I am just rambling here, but I was about to update all my songbooks, and I had an idea. We all know songbooks can be a pain to update and print. Personally, I have 8 binders (4 title/4 artist), each is about 200 pages long, and with the printing (myself or @ Kinkos), and putting in the sleeves and all, it is easily $20 - $25 per book each time I update.

I know Kiosks have been discussed here, but heaven help me, what a pain. First you need Internet access and/or your own 3g wifi connection, and it just seems like more trouble than it is worth. And I am a professional in the computer field.

So has anyone here considered and/or started using Tablets or E-book readers? Basic e-book readers can be had for under $100 on sale and could hold your PDF, while low-end tablets could both hold the PDF and possibly even send you a request, providing you had internet access. I see the Augen Gentouch running Android at K-mart for $150-170 (on/off sale). Also Stamp is about to release a $50 Linux tablet with similar specs. I know Android has it's limitations and drawbacks when it comes to hard-core software, but they can display PDFs without a hitch.

At the price point of under $100, it seems to me like it would be a reasonable investment for 2 or 3 of them. It would allow quick searches of your list, and optionally send you a request if you had wi-fi.

So the next question is how do you keep track of it? Good question. I know we have lojack on our lappys, and perhaps they have the same capability for tablets. Or maybe you could permanently attach them to a larger sheet of plywood or something?

What are your thoughts? Do you think it would be a worthwhile investment? What is the ROI on a project like this? Well if it costs me $200 per cycle to replace the books, and instead of updating the first cycle I buy 2 $100 devices, then I am off to a good start!

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:56 am 
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Why would you need wifi/internet for a kiosk? You can have an individual station with a small label type printer.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:17 am 
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LOL...whatever happens to your books (drink spillage, wear and tear) is going to happen to your e-reader, except the book will handle it with fewer problems :)

C Mc

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:19 am 
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Run a little web server on your KJ machine, bring a wifi router, and let folks browse from the comfort of their Android/Iphone. I do that in conjunction with kiosks. I don't trust folks with our wireless mics anymore, let alone a tablet.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:39 pm 
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I like the idea but the obvious concerns are what would keep me from doing it. Theft is a big concern. I've had my song books stolen already (really why does someone steal a binder full of paper that is meaningless?). If they'll steal that, I'm sure they'd be very happy to re-locate a more advanced piece of technology. Second, the spiller syndrome. I've seen just about anything you can imagine spilled on my books. Additionally I've seen them dropped, used as a playful weapon, bent every way imaginable, stood on, etc. I also think about the number of times I've found my books in the bathrooms, under a table, on top of the ice chest or other questionable locations. KJ's won't trust the people on stage with a $100 microphone where they can keep tabs on it, why would they trust the general bar going crowd that they can't watch with devices that cost the same amount.

The only way I could see doing this would be to have them as part of a kiosk. Probably mounted in some way so that they could not be taken, dropped or spilled on.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:26 pm 
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I'd be FAR more likely to set up a kiosk or just set up a web server on wi-fi for them to browse before I put MY expensive technology in the hands of drunkards.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:45 pm 
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letitrip @ Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:39 pm wrote:
Second, the spiller syndrome. I've seen just about anything you can imagine spilled on my books.


Spiller syndrome is not to bad with kiosks, especially with sugary drinks. The drinks dry and act like a glue on the base of the touchscreen. I love it.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 1:25 am 
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TopherM @ Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:17 pm wrote:
LOL...whatever happens to your books (drink spillage, wear and tear) is going to happen to your e-reader, except the book will handle it with fewer problems :)

WORD! (That means I agree with this wholeheartedly).

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:45 am 
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You guys are right, I don't know what I was thinking. Oh maybe I was thinking that my wireless shure's cost more than one of those tablets LOL!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:55 am 
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The chances of someone walking out with a wireless microphone they can't really use at home - sliim.

The chance of someone walking out with a Kingle, iPad, or other 'cool' device that they may or may not be able to use at home? Much higher IMO.

It's not a bad idea - it's a GREAT idea at face value. The problem is multifaceted though - cost vs. risk. I think the RISK is to high for one to disappear.

But I'm also not handing a $900 Audio Technica Microphone to my singers either.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:59 am 
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karaokemeister @ Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:55 am wrote:
The chances of someone walking out with a wireless microphone they can't really use at home - sliim.

Happened to me once. Which is when I quit using them, besides the fact that we don't allow anyone to leave the stage, made no sense to have them.

I don't know if i'd go with an electronic tablet. I know I have my books on the web that most can access with their phones or they bring in their laptop.

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