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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 3:37 pm 
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I would like to get some feedback and opinions from those who use Hoster. I already tried to get some answers from MTU forum but all I got was I don't see that problem so it must be unique problem to you type of answer.

Here is the issue. I am using laptops (both Vista and Win7) through VGA to RCA converter (it has VGA through on it). From the RCA, I connect it to the bar TVs. From the VGA, I go through Wireless VGA transmitter to receiver then to the singer screen, which is a 17" LCD display.

When I am running the Hoster, the singer screen gets shifted. Now, it's not the whole screen but just the CD+G portion. The top banner and bottom singer list stays synced perfectly but the middle section where the CD+G is displayed, the whole thing is shifted up so sometimes the lyrics at the top doesn't show up. Here is the funny thing. If I resize the singer window, it snaps back and shows like it suppose to.

Now, if I connect the system directly to the wireless and to the singer window, this doesn't show up, as well as connecting directly from the laptop to the singer screen. However, I can duplicate this on my Win7 laptop through the HDMI connector to a 27" HDMI screen, it happens all the time. The MTU forum suggested that it may be related to widescreens but I am not sure.

Right now, I adjust the window little to get going on shows but it's getting annoying. I checked the extended desktop and confirmed that it is 1280x1024. I don't see why only the CD+G section is effected. Any thoughts on this issue?

Thanks in advance.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:03 pm 
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Don't use hoster but with a vga converter I have always used 800 x 600 fot my secondary monitors. It also uses less CPU.

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