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PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:41 pm 
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Thanks for all the feedback.

1. The arrangement I have with them is provide solo entertainment until it is time to start karaoke at 9.30, gives the people eating dinner some quiet time and a chance to leave before all hell breaks loose.

2. I do have a day job, but this show is paying quite a few bills and is fun most of the time :). I know they have been through several KJs and entertainers in the past. I played there once, and was aked to come in every weekend, and have been for the last 3 years. The owners are nice enough people, just don't have the ballz to tell customers to get out.

I can take a heckler to a certain extent. But when it is really disrupting my show, and the management is not doing anything about it, I just don't believe it is my place to tell them.

All the feedback gives me different ways of dealing with the issues. Like I said, I am prepared for the next time that happens. :)

Cheers all.

Vic in Sydney.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:30 pm 
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jerry12x @ Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:50 pm wrote:

I have seen a DJ stretchered out of a venue looking very red.
Maybe you have not.

That may be the case, Jerry, but it didn't seem like this was that type of scenario. The ladies were being drunk and rude, but they were not described as violent.

One night, some guy tried to grab the mic out of my husband's hand. He wouldn't let go, so the guy tried to twist his arm. My husband took him down and he and the bouncer dragged the guy out the door.

At this point, I've seen just about everything. :roll:


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:20 am 
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No way I walk out mid show over HECKLING. Threats, maybe... If management does not provide a safe work environment, YES I would walk mid show.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:59 am 
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There's heckling in good fun, and then there's the kind that should not be tolerated. I would guess the OP is used to the first kind, having been a musician/performer for several years; but the behavior he describes is unacceptable. People screaming "(@$%&#!) you" and "karaoke NOW NOW NOW" at a solo musician or a band either one is not okay. Heckling karaoke singers is also not okay, and I would hope the karaoke hosts on this forum would not permit unruly drunks to drive away their singers with that kind of behavior.

One thing people don't seem to realize is the more stupidity you are willing to tolerate, the more stupidity drunks will dish out. For this reason, when someone is affecting my show, I want the problem resolved before a fight breaks out or customers start leaving. If that means speaking to the customer and telling them their behavior is not cool, great. If that doesn't work, the misbehaving customer will leave the bar, on their own feet or otherwise.

Jeff Wheeler, moonlight DJ/KJ

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:18 am 
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birdofsong @ Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:44 pm wrote:
IMHO, whether you had the support of the establishment or not, walking out in the middle of a gig is highly unprofessional. We all have to deal with drunk a@@holes...it's part of the job when you work in a bar. The appropriate thing to do would have been to finish out the night and then if you wanted to assess whether you want to return -- have at it. Walking out and not finishing a night can haunt you, as well. Bar owners talk to each other. Just keep smiling and singing...


Would you feel the same way if a drunk became beligerant and tried to physically assult you? Drunks are unpredictable, and personally I'm not willing to risk my safety over a gig.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:04 am 
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A quick 9-1-1 call would resolve the problem if management didn't do it immediately. Last thing clubs want is cops coming blasting through the doors. I wouldn't hesitate to tell ANYONE who stepped near my gear or me that it will take about 1 minute to get the cops involved.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:20 am 
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Karen K @ Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:04 am wrote:
A quick 9-1-1 call would resolve the problem if management didn't do it immediately. Last thing clubs want is cops coming blasting through the doors. I wouldn't hesitate to tell ANYONE who stepped near my gear or me that it will take about 1 minute to get the cops involved.

I agree Karen just shut off the music and say into the mike as you are looking at your cell phone..."Now what was the number to the local PD....OH YEA 911", I think if they were that drunk a call to to the local PD might just be in order so they don't leave and kill someone on the way home.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 6:51 pm 
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I sympathize with anyone who has to deal with drunks on a regular basis. Certain markets and certain types of bars seem to attract more of them. The worst thing is when the management want you to just put up with the crap because "they're such good customers"or they're related to the owner or whatever.

The more drunk people get, the more they seem to act like children. Anyone ever watch that "Super Nanny" show? The gal that does that stuff is just amazing. She remains calm and loving, while simultaneously being firm and in control of her own emotions no matter what kind of crap the kiddies pull. She'd probably be a helluva karaoke host. Maybe you can pretend you're the Super Nanny next time you have to deal with a drunk. Too bad the bar don't have a "naughty mat"...

I know a lot of people here consider it unprofessional to drink while hosting and I respect that, but in my case I'm a super high strung person and when I'm totally sober I don't suffer fools gladly.

If that's you, it probably wouldn't help to have 1-2 beers (but no more) before a show. For me, it's just enough alcohol to make me feel more relaxed and patient when I have to deal with people acting downright stupid. If you're naturally mellow you probably are already dealing with things as well as can be expected.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:32 pm 
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Alan B @ Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:18 am wrote:
It also shows your customers that you're on an ego trip and care more about your personal show then karaoke for the patrons. Most people that go to karaoke bars go there to sing. Put yourself in their place. Would you really want to listen to one person sing for 2 hours when you and anyone else that's there could be singing now.

You're giving new meaning to what a karaoke show is supposed to be all about...The People.

Well now that was certainly uncalled for! He already explained his arrangement and it has nothing to do with the problem. Ego trip? I'm surprised someone hasn't dressed you down on these comments already! Name calling certainly won't help anyone on this forum and the forum should be to help us make each other better. If that's how you feel about the situation, you should express it in an objective way.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:45 pm 
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I don't disagree with the way the problem was handled. I think I would have warned the bar one last time and specifically let them know that if the problem isn't taken care of, I will shut down for the night.

I've dealt with drunks before. Only had to take it past my people skills once, and the owner gladly took care of it. I had explained my expectations to him beforehand in dealing with people and he agreed wholeheartedly with my philosophy. I think it's important for the owner/bartender and host to know where each other stand beforehand and communication is very important. Even though the bar is the customer, the host DOES have some rights!

As far as drinking while hosting, I'm not above having a few. My limit is one per hour and none in the last hour. That's when people are obviously more likely to be more of a problem and I want my judgment to be solid. At that rate, I well below the line for driving and my reactions and judgment are still fine.

Having said this, I've been in a situation of being done setting up early before and had requests to sing. If they are nice about it, I'm happy to oblige. If they are azzes about it, forget it!

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:49 am 
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Curious: When you say you have a "Solo Gig" prior to karaoke, are you playing guitar/singing, etc? Or singing Karaoke/backing tracks?

That would make a big difference as to peoples perception. If it LOOKS like you are doing two hours of solo Karaoke, it could rub people the wrong way.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:28 am 
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Great question Bazaa

Funny thing how it works.

if you can play guitar and have a great voice you have a special talent.
But if you use the same voice with a backing track, then you're just doing karaoke.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:39 am 
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Bazza @ Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:49 am wrote:
Curious: When you say you have a "Solo Gig" prior to karaoke, are you playing guitar/singing, etc? Or singing Karaoke/backing tracks?

That would make a big difference as to peoples perception. If it LOOKS like you are doing two hours of solo Karaoke, it could rub people the wrong way.

I used to frequent a bar that tried to bring a local talent in that did just that. Sing Karaoke for 2 hours. I'm not saying the guy wasn't talented, but they also tried to charge a cover. This definitely didn't go over well. It was in a different area of the bar so for most of the ones that wanted to sing they just waited for him to get done singing and went in after without payin the cover.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:00 pm 
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Before I got the club i'm in now in 92, they had bands, the last straw for the manager was when she hired a supposed 'one man band' only to find out he was singing to karaoke tracks and holding (not playing) a guitar, she fired him the first 'set' break and refunded everyones' cover charge - they started karaoke shortly after.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:31 pm 
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I play the guitar and sing and do use backing tracks for some of the songs. and yes, I am definitely playing. :)

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:43 pm 
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well my method is unconventional....I carry a few candy pacifiers with me and when someone gets rude or nasty I unwrap one walk up to them put it in there mouth and say WaWaWaaa. For me this works but I am kinda known as the hugging mama of KJ'ing around here. Dont know if it would work for anyone else :D

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:27 pm 
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Karen K @ Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:04 pm wrote:
A quick 9-1-1 call would resolve the problem if management didn't do it immediately. Last thing clubs want is cops coming blasting through the doors. I wouldn't hesitate to tell ANYONE who stepped near my gear or me that it will take about 1 minute to get the cops involved.

Can't do 911.
It labels the venu as a police watch place.
Worst thing you can do.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:02 pm 
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jerry12x @ Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:27 pm wrote:
Karen K @ Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:04 pm wrote:
A quick 9-1-1 call would resolve the problem if management didn't do it immediately. Last thing clubs want is cops coming blasting through the doors. I wouldn't hesitate to tell ANYONE who stepped near my gear or me that it will take about 1 minute to get the cops involved.

Can't do 911.
It labels the venu as a police watch place.
Worst thing you can do.

Originally I thoughts Karen's was a nice subtle idea yet direct to the point. But after reading your point Jerry, I'd have to agree with you.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:23 pm 
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jerry12x @ Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:27 pm wrote:
Karen K @ Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:04 pm wrote:
A quick 9-1-1 call would resolve the problem if management didn't do it immediately. Last thing clubs want is cops coming blasting through the doors. I wouldn't hesitate to tell ANYONE who stepped near my gear or me that it will take about 1 minute to get the cops involved.

Can't do 911.
It labels the venu as a police watch place.
Worst thing you can do.

No duh! (oops, been around kids too long) -- get it? You threaten to dial 9-1-1, it's amazing how quickly management and servers stop the situation...for the very reason you mention J12.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 11:39 pm 
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Calling(or threatening to) 911 on hecklers??

If I was a bar owner, the KJ might do that once....JUST ONCE.

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