Got a TON of gigs booked over the next 2 months. I think I only have one Friday & Saturday off in June.
And we are doing the sound for "Iowa Falls Idol" on a Wed nite. Every year that have "law chair nite" with some kind of performance. Usually about 50-100 attend. But for the "Iowa Falls Idol" nite which coincides with "Taste of Iowa Falls", they had 300+ last year. Last year our "competitor" did the sound and messed up bad. He actually mad an announcement over the mic saying sorry to the people in the back that can hear the performances, but his amps (I think radio shack

) are over heating.
SO for this one I am breaking out all the extras... compressors, EQs, & extra amps/speakers, and the GOOD MICS. I think I will even get out the ole' Black Widows, they still sound good. Setting it up in the yard for a test run this weekend to see if I can pi$$ off the neighbors

To bad there wasnt a way I could fly my speakers easily/cheaply.