I posted this in KJ section by accident and not sure link is working to justiafor lawsuit against kandy store,

but those of who wish not to believe or get your kicks out of demanding links if its not right I'll get it right for those of you that consistently wonder why the sellers of hd's aren't gone after, they are but it takes sometimes yrs.
Dan Stern aka Bill Benee the most prolific seller of pre-loaded hard drives on craigslist, e-bay, sell.com advertising 100,000 songs was served with warrants from FBI on about March 10. 2010. the result of a couple of year investigation, I can only give you the court and docket Number and I know that won't be enough for some of you but, oh well
Central Districk of Cali. Docket 10 case NO. 0496m Judge Patrick Walsh.
SC filing against Kandy Store for selling pre-loaded Hd's with there music. This is supposed to be the link
http://dockets.justia.com/docket/court- ... id-165800/
Have fun