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 Post subject: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:36 pm 
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Ok ..Ive been DJ for at least 10 years and never had this happen. In the Middle of my show this 300lbs guy throws up..passes out and falls out of his chair right in the middle of his own vomit...it took 4 guys ..30 min ..just to get him in a wheel chair to get him out of the bar..as you can see last night was a interesting to say the least...LOL. anyone else???

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 12:43 pm 
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We've had a girl pass out twice and be taken away in an ambulence. Stopped the show both times and the last time people started to leave. The bartender bought them all drinks and they stayed for the rest of the show. Also with the vomit to clean up. If it's been 10 years then your doing good.


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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:09 pm 
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Wow I can't say I've ever had a 300lb man ever puke and pass out at one of my shows.

I have had people throw up on stage, spill drinks, fall off into monitors, speakers etc...

After KJing for so many years though I do have a good feel for who should be cut off from singing. I have less issues because of this. If stated in the right manner people appreciate when I don't let them sing because of intoxication. I usually get a thank you when they come back.

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:25 pm 
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:lol: .....no drunk, you just got a visit from the Karaoke Pukasourus.....this is a good omen......it means he loves your show, and you'll have 7 years of good luck....

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 4:50 pm 
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One time before I became a KJ I took a stranger straight to the hospital and dropped her off as a Jane Doe. I had had a brief conversation with her a few hours before and no-one else really wanted to deal with her, and no-one admitted to knowing her.

She came to visit a the bar a few weeks later and found out who had helped her, apparently the hospital told her the next day she would probably have died if they had not pumped her stomach.

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 6:35 pm 
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Ive had an older guy(he was a long time fixture and his health was quickly declining and he had apparently become incontenent) piss himself anbd left a substantial puddle.

Another time a women fell off her bar chair with a THUD and start having a SEIZURE. Asked the hub if we should get 911 and he said no--this happens all the time--he said he'd just take her home.

Have had other infrequent puke adventures occur tho.

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 7:24 pm 
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johnny reverb @ Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:25 am wrote:
:lol: .....no drunk, you just got a visit from the Karaoke Pukasourus.....this is a good omen......it means he loves your show, and you'll have 7 years of good luck....

Love it.
Love it.
Love it...

Are you sure your not from Liverpool?

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 8:40 pm 
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We have a few -- had two tonight. If you confuse them enough, and get them to try and write down their song, they can never get their song chosen. I've had a couple of people try for an hour or more to get something comprehensible to me, then they give up (or pass out).

Everybody knows everybody here, very few strangers. When they bother us too much we get their friends to get them out of there. The worst is when they hover over the mixing board holding their beer. We quickly send them away when that happens.

[color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color]
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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 9:41 pm 
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I HATE drinks around my equipment. You ask them not to place them on your table and tell them why so then they hold it OVER your equipment, sloshing all the way... I don't hesitate to let them know that it's not OK when they do that. I also usually take their drink and set it down somewhere appropriate until they are done slurring at me.

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 9:10 am 
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I was out one night, and picked this guy up off the floor, and set him back on the bar stool. He was so bad, that he kept falling off, and I finally decided to take the poor guy home. I had to look in his wallet to find out where he lived.....just a few blocks away from the bar. I knocked on the door, his wife answered, and I told her that her husband had had a few too many, so I brought him home..........she acted very releaved, and thanked me......and then asked me where was his wheel chair... :oops:

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:46 pm 
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Had one young guy. Very polite. Nice lad.
Add beer.
As I was on the way to stop him swinging the mic. by the cable,
it hit him in the chin making him back away into a Martin 518.
He lost a tiny bit of blood.
Too good for him. I lost a meter of Klotz.

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:09 am 
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Last year, we had a rash of very drunk people falling off bar stools. Literally it happened every Friday for several weeks in a row. It became a running joke as to "Who will fall off a stool this week?". Come to think of it, it hasn't happened in many months. I guess I am due!

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 6:07 am 
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All kidding aside be very careful of VOMIT. ( or any other bodily fluid ) :shock:

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:23 am 
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If someone isn't able to negotiate the step up to the stage, or pick up the mic on their first attempt, I usher them back down to their chair. PERIOD. Nobody wants to listen to a drunk and I'm not risking damage to equipment. Good idea - maybe a knock on the chin with a 58 might cure drunken singing!

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:57 am 
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Just what, exactly do you tell a drunk when he's too drunk to sing without having him go ballistic on you? Is there a way to get through the drunken mind to the reasonableness that should be locked away somewhere in there? (assuming they are a reasonable person when sober).

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:41 pm 
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diafel @ Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:57 am wrote:
Just what, exactly do you tell a drunk when he's too drunk to sing without having him go ballistic on you? Is there a way to get through the drunken mind to the reasonableness that should be locked away somewhere in there? (assuming they are a reasonable person when sober).

If that happens, I will get security over or have the bartender deal with them. Usually there are no problems.

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:22 pm 
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Lucky that you have those backups. In my one venue, the owner doesn't ever want to throw anyone out (but doesn't hesitate to drive them away with his winning personality!) and they have no "security" or bouncers, and the "bartenders" are all young girls without a clue. My little finger is tougher than the whole lot put together!
I'm really just looking for good words to ease the blow of "Sorry, but you're too drunk to sing".

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:39 pm 
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We don't have bouncers, either, and our bar tender is a female--but she also drives a school bus so she has "it" as far as handling things. She has the authority to 86 anyone who makes it uncomfortable for others but evidently that's not a criteria in Diafel's situation. But one thing she does is get the person's friends to take care of them and either make them behave or take them home.

In the rare case of a male passing out on a barstool, they wake up wearing a bra and a blonde wig. It just isn't the type of bar where you don't want to have your wits about you.

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:58 pm 
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Funny one Mimi. I think I'll put a blonde wig and a really ugly big bra in my stuff somewhere just for such an occasion. Actually, the places I work there is never a question -- if I suggest to the bartender that someone is too drunk, she will find friends of the drunk and prompt them to get the perpetrator off the stage and out the door or they'll all be gone. PERIOD. No more for anyone. I can't say I've ever had a problem getting a drunk off the stage but it could have something to do with the maturity level of the people who come to our show. (Wait, I have used the firm grip on the upper arm, especially with the thumb very firmly implanted underneath ... )

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 Post subject: Re: DRUNKS & KARAOKE
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 11:12 pm 
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GeminiMALE40 @ Sat Apr 24, 2010 3:36 pm wrote:
anyone else???

I won't let someone sing if they are so drunk I think they might injure themselves or damage my equipment. I really care more about the possibility that they could trip on their mic cord or stumble off the stage and hurt themselves, than a broken microphone or whatever. So I explain that if a person can't walk steadily, they can't be on the stage.

I have had a few people give me attitude about this, but I stand my ground. If necessary, I ask the door men to escort the person to the parking lot. Fortunately, the door men at my show are really diplomatic, but also, really good at forcing people out the door and shutting it behind them when they have no better option.

Jeff Wheeler, moonlight DJ/KJ

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