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 Post subject: Liberal Or Conservative?
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:48 am 
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If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test!

If a Conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a Liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat..
If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a Liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A Liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)

If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A Liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:34 pm 
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:04 pm 
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Not many replies, I guess everyone is speachless (or afraid). What have we become? Mindless sheep?


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PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:44 pm 
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You may be right..

Butt, it is Easter weekend..

Must be out getting drunk.. :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:33 pm 
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But when J.D. is right, he is right.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:22 pm 
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Hey Tim.. How are you.. :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:21 pm 
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OK, first to say,,,, I am a conservative. There. Done.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:34 pm 
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Okay. . .I'll take the bait.

If a Conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a Liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

Regulation and outlawing are not the same thing. I think we can both agree that someone with a history of violent crimes or people with certain mental and psychological issues don't need guns. No one who's sane is trying to stop able minded adults from doing anything. Keep your guns.

If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat..
If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

Really? Everyone except PETA (which is small amount of the vegan/vegetarian community) respects the rights of everyone to eat meat problem. The problem lies in the production of the products. Factory produced meat ten kinds of unsanitary for people to be eating. People should at least be informed of whats going on in these factories and the illnesses linked with the consumption of these products.

If a Conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a Liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

"Respect". I like that word. I also think it's something that every human being should have and has the right to demand if he/she isn't getting it. Is protection from hate crimes/discrimination and access to a privilege that really has nothing to do with anyone besides the two people enjoying the privilege really too much to ask? I really don't find that ridiculous or illogical at all.

If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.

So liberals are both elitist rich north easterners AAAAAND are looking for hand-outs? Really? There are middle class and up liberals who simply don't mind helping the less fortunate in this manner. Maybe you do mind, does that really make it fair to paint liberals as a bunch of people looking for a handout?

If a Conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.

I'll give you this one. I personally disagree with censoring Fox news, especially considering the source of comedy it is for me. ;-)

If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A Liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)

Really? Seriously? Going back to the whole gay rights thing, isn't that denial of gay rights basically allowing religion to rule our country? Religion should be silenced in political arguments and shouldn't be presented in a bias nature in our schools. I really hope you were exaggerating with this one. You can't honestly feel this way about an entire group of people.

If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A Liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

Again, this implies that all conservatives have money and all liberals are bums looking to mooch off of them. Again, people with insurance don't mind more taxes if it means helping the less fortunate. Plus, some more conservative liberals see it as the lesser of two evils. Pay for the poor to go to an expensive ER, or pay for dollar poor to have a 75 buck doctor visit. Much more efficient. Also, of the top ten most educated countries eight of them are liberal leaning. How can they be BOTH most educated and most unable to afford their own insurance. Something's not adding up here.

In closing, American political discussions and the whole party v.s party thing really bothers me. Many people on each side seem to be doing is painting the other side as evil, or stupid, inhumane, immoral, or out to socialize/communize the country. Chances are you're not going to have everything your way, so why not try to compromise on things? Seriously, that's the point of the government in the first place. Also, that whole heathcare bill thing is filled with suggestions by both parties. You'd be hard pressed to find many people who think it's perfect, but most of us can agree that SOMETHING is kind of needed.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:11 am 
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Personally, I feel the best election reform that could take place is outlawing political parties. They're the number one obstacle to legislation in the national and state legislatures, and have already come close to destroying the country once (1860) from the polarization they engender. Now the dumbocrats and retardicans are trying to do it again!

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:13 am 
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YES! Exactly. You can't imagine how many people look at me like I have six arms when I say that.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:51 am 
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A conservative would have read the original post and either ignore it or have a quiet laugh about it. A liberal would have to analyze the heck out of it.

You can be strange but not a stranger

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:06 am 
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timberlea @ Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:51 am wrote:
A conservative would have read the original post and either ignore it or have a quiet laugh about it. A liberal would have to analyze the heck out of it.

I agree. - "Politically I'm slightly to the left of Atilla" :arrow:

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:23 am 
timberlea @ Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:51 am wrote:
A conservative would have read the original post and either ignore it or have a quiet laugh about it. A liberal would have to analyze the heck out of it.

Now I don't care who your are, that there is funny...

PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:55 am 
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Soapguy @ Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:13 am wrote:
YES! Exactly. You can't imagine how many people look at me like I have six arms when I say that.

Ol' Georgie nailed it in the speech he gave when he left office:

"I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the State, with particular reference to the founding of them on Geographical discriminations.—Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the Spirit of Party, generally.

This Spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind.—It exists under different shapes in all Governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but, in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy.

The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism.—But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism.—The disorders and miseries, which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an Individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of Public Liberty.

Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind, (which nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of Party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.

There is an opinion, that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the Administration of the Government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of Liberty.—This within certain limits is probably true—and in Governments of a Monarchical cast, Patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party.—But in those of the popular character, in Governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be encouraged.—From their natural tendency, it is certain there will always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose,—and there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be, by force of public opinion, to mitigate and assuage it.—A fire not to be quenched; it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should consume."

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:02 pm 
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timberlea @ Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:51 am wrote:
A conservative would have read the original post and either ignore it or have a quiet laugh about it. A liberal would have to analyze the heck out of it.

+1000 rep points Tim.. :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:29 pm 
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Moonrider, I'm so borrowing that entire quotation. It's amazingly eloquent.

I would continue to analyze your analysis of my analyzing your ridiculous political analysis, but something tells me that would be akin to attempting to have a bicycle race with a pedestrian.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:34 pm 
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lol.....what people say they are, and what they actually are isn't the same. Like the way Conservatives hate socialism, but use the socialistic programs to the max....lol...and the more they call for less spending and smaller government, the more they spend and increase the size of government.......all while lowering taxes for the rich, and not bringing in enough money to support all the senseless wars they get us into........then there's liberals like me, that make sure they have plenty of guns and ammo around the house......funny how right wingers threaten to go for their guns, as if Democrats don't own guns. They wanna start a civil war because they're sore losers.......millions killed on both sides, with the terrorists slipping in and killing even more of us during the confusion.......guess it's ok since a huge percentage of them think the END Time is comming during their lifetime, and there really isn't a future for you younger folks anyway..... :lol:

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 5:03 pm 
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Soapguy @ Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:29 pm wrote:
Moonrider, I'm so borrowing that entire quotation. It's amazingly eloquent.

I would continue to analyze your analysis of my analyzing your ridiculous political analysis, but something tells me that would be akin to attempting to have a bicycle race with a pedestrian.

Look up "George Washington Farewell address" for the whole speech.

Read it in light of the regional factions that eventually paralyzed the US legislative process in the late 1850's, and resulted in the Civil War.

Read it in light of the increasingly strident and adamant ideological factions represented by the Republicans and the Democrats. Nobodyhome graciously provided us with an excellent example of the unthinkingly partisan knee-jerk response these factions encourage (bet he thought it was from a George Bush speech).

Read it and realize that the US is on the verge of self-destructing for the SECOND time from the unrestrained factionalism and partisanship that George Washington warned us about in 1796!

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:18 pm 
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A Conservative will shoot you, and then bury your body.
A Liberal will shoot you, have sex with the your corpse, fry you up with some fava beans and have you for breakfast...... :shock: .....uh....guess that makes me a Liberal....... :)

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:28 pm 
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johnny reverb @ Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:18 pm wrote:
A Conservative will shoot you, and then bury your body.
A Liberal will shoot you, have sex with the your corpse, fry you up with some fava beans and have you for breakfast...... :shock: .....uh....guess that makes me a Liberal....... :)

Fava beans! How perverse! :shock:

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