DannyG2006 @ Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:23 pm wrote:
Micky @ Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:49 pm wrote:
Micky hate to disagree with you but audiograbber is great for mp3 extractions but for karaoke it leaves artifacts (little dots) in hard to rip discs and it does not zip the files. Naming can be questionable too depending on how t comes off of freedb.
Audiograbber only leaves artifacts if you're not using an official cdg drive, if you slow down the speed it's perfect, well with my LiteOn Sata drive

But I agree with you on the naming...
Karafun is really just for home, it's built on the Bass engine so it offers a great sound but it does take forever to load the songs from the folder, so 4500 tracks might take a while