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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:52 am 
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"Don't shoot the messenger?"... who put you On such a high horse? Act like a gentleman will you & have some respect for others & stop your whining for heavens sake! We're all here to have fun, we don't need people like you putting a damper On things!


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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:33 am 
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Hello Rong

I appreciate your sensible and intelligent response to this thread which has sadly been sidetracked from an assessment of the new player.

I agree with what you have written and must point out there is a vast difference between what I wrote and how it has been mis-interpreted.

I was not ridiculing anyone and chose my words carefully to avoid that ( or so I thought ) :lol



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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:42 am 
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Well ya coulda fooled me! It's too late now to back-track On what YOU said. If ya just kept your opinions to yourself, this thread woulda been ok & we woulda never got side-tracked into this nonsense you brought! I know your type & for now On I will stay far away from you, cause you ain't worth the paper this is written On nor my time!


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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:39 pm 
Hey PHiLL,

I really like the new player, songs load for me so much faster now, and I like that it doesn't pop out.

Best wishes,


 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:45 pm 
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Not sure if this is the right place to post this or not...but I have a "some-timey" player. The player works on some songs and is not even visible on others.

I do miss the pop-up window as my attention span is short and I like to look around and read things as I listen.

I can handle not having the pop-up window. I just REALLY need the player to be VISIBLE on every page.

I've not heard back from Phill yet and I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem.


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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:14 pm 
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Hey SS forum people how are ya?,
This is my first post on the forums although, I’ve been a regular member of the showcase for 5 years now!LOL Infact I may not be able to post this because I have no points…if that’s the case then I’ll have Andy post it for me. I am not a karaoke guy and never have been…I strictly perform with live bands and even the word “karaoke” is taboo amongst musicians.LOL When I first came to the site years ago I had no idea how karaoke sites like this work and never realized how offended and how much competition was always in the air. In my world we are the entertainers and the audience appreciates what we bring, a successful gig is when everyone leaves happy and we get paid! LOL…but it appears on K sites that is not the case…and I could only assume it’s probably worse in Karaoke bars with Physical attacks versus verbal attacks here. I know the pain of verbal attacks and how much mental damage it can do oh too well! I’ve had my share of controversy with a few bad apples here. Personally I am a LOVER of music, not POLITICS! I came to this site to share my music and have made many sincere friendships along the way…I never came to this site to listen to other peoples music!(I’m being honest) and I think anyone here that says otherwise isn’t being truthful to themselves!, thus the reason for the politics.

Now I am not saying that I don’t enjoy hearing all the awesome singers here and the growth of the amateurs…I truly enjoy listening to people express their soul through song, as I’ve done for many years now(too many to mention! LOL). I think any singer here at any vocal level is AWESOME!…If they have music in their hearts and wish to share you‘re O.K in my book! So many people that I know, just don’t get music and it’s sad IMO. In fact if the world had the same perception of music as we do…the world would be a much better place and I honestly believe that!

In reference to the new player and not being able to view listens…personally I think it’s GREAT! I think that the site would be even better if it didn’t display the amount of comments on the front board as well. I feel that’s where all the problems and competition comes from…if you want my opinion(and you probably don’t! LOL) both the comments and the listen totals should be only viewable by the artist and not the public! Listeners can still give comments and the public can read them and if they feel like counting them go ahead LOL…but that would at least level the playing field from a visual perspective on the boards. I think the comment totals is the biggest cause of issues on the site…and that’s what brings the air of competition. I don’t know about you people but I’m not in a competition here and numbers mean nothing! It’s the quality of the people giving the comments…not the quantity that counts to me. The politics here sicken me and I will never be part of that! Going down the board and giving everyone the same high accolades just to get a comment on their song, is equal to a politician kissing babies and buying votes! It has no validation and is meaningless IMO. I would like to think that people listen and comment because they want to…not because they feel obligated!…but I realize it just doesn’t work that way here and probably never will. The bottom line is all singers! want to be heard much more then they want to listen…and that’s a simple logical fact.

My simple SS philosophy and survival guide is to put a song out each week and give mutual respect to the people that were kind enough to give me that same respect. I don’t read other peoples comments on songs at all and when I listen to an artist I listen to the entire song and give my honest feelings about the performance without knowing or caring what others may think of that performance. Some people may take offense to my method, if so…I mean no disrespect. I just think that we should all be here for the love of music and take out the numbers game completely…after all the numbers mean nothing in the real world…as I’ve always said “25 cents and a hundred comments still can’t buy a cup of coffee!LOL”
Hope I didn’t offend anyone…but if you don’t know me, I always tell it like it is and stand behind it
Have a great weekend folks,


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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:12 pm 
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~*~SweetestL~*~ @ Thu Mar 11, 2010 4:39 pm wrote:
Hey PHiLL,

I really like the new player, songs load for me so much faster now, and I like that it doesn't pop out.

Best wishes,


Same here :D

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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:54 pm 
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[quote="I think that the site would be even better if it didn’t display the amount of comments on the front board as well. I feel that’s where all the problems and competition comes from…if you want my opinion(and you probably don’t! LOL) both the comments and the listen totals should be only viewable by the artist and not the public!"

Steven, I completely agree with you on this portion of your message. I have mentioned before that the numbers should only be displayed to the person subbing the song. I personally don't listen to songs because of high or low numbers. I choose to listen to songs I like, haven't heard in ages or because I like the genre of the song. I often don't look at who's singing the song until after I've decided to listen to it.


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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:24 pm 
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@ Steven; next time when you post, please use your own account.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:18 am 
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I really don't see why not having a display of the number of listens is such an issue to so many here. In Steven's words, it's all quite meaningless! All that count really told us is how many times the "listen" button was clicked. It didn't tell us how many times someone liked the song, and it certainly didn't tell us if the song was stopped soon after it was started because someone didn't like the song/performance.

Perhaps a better tally would be the addition of a "poll box" with a "like" and a "dislike" button which a listener could select (only one vote per username) and the results of which would remain anonymous and only be viewable to the person who submitted the song.

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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:14 am 
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I agree with both of you boys, however I happen to be 1 of the exceptions that Steven is referring to... I strictly came here to this site to listen to music & it wasn't until later that I decided to try singing as well, which is only just for fun & I don't expect any grades, I'm just lil' ole' me playing rock star :D


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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:13 pm 
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I had to edit my comment so many times cause I kept misspelling the darn words... blame it On Saint Patrick's Day :lol:


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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:00 am 
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Andygurl @ Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:13 pm wrote:
I had to edit my comment so many times cause I kept misspelling the darn words... blame it On Saint Patrick's Day :lol:

I blame many things on St. Patricks day.. :mrgreen:

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 Post subject: Re: Songs on SS
PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:35 pm 
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Keedeeg @ Thu 11 Mar, 2010 wrote:
Not sure if this is the right place to post this or not...but I have a "some-timey" player. The player works on some songs and is not even visible on others.

I've not heard back from Phill yet and I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem.


I get that every once in a while. Most of the time, the player is nice & quick... but maybe 1 out of 20 times, the player "doesn't show up." I've noticed that after sitting there & waiting several seconds, it finally pops up, or backtracking or refreshing the page kicks it into gear.

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