I'm trying to purchase sc8829. Hit's of metallica vol. 1
to the best of my knowledge SC no longer have a stockist in the uk and no one who once had SC has it left in stock.
I've been told by two Uk sources, that the chances of finding SC discs are limited due to a large number of people buying discs they suddenly realise they need to own.
I'm at a bit of a loss of where to start looking for it over the pond (i've tried amazon

to no avail) and was wondering if anyone can help.
I have a pay pal account, family in America and family visiting shortly, so i should be able to save on postage but this all depends on finding it.
Plus since I'm already going to this much effort for a customer, I'd kinda like Du hast which I know is on SC8756 and I think is on a PHM disc.
Thanks in advance. . .
Marble (who is missing customburn
