I took a lot of time mulling over the best karaoke name for my business only to find out no matter how much I plastered it every where, people will refer to your business by your name or your karaoke name. The name of my business is "Monkey Business Karaoke", but everyone says karaoke with Babs because that's my karaoke name.
I'd be more worried about what people call you.

For example: If people refer to you by your karaoke name, say it's "GI Joe", they'll refer to your business as Karaoke with GI Joe, GI Joe's Karaoke or The GI Joe Show.
How about using your real name if your worried about copy right with Mattell. For instance "GI Bob".
I think people remember your name not your business name more because they hear it and use it more. If I did it over again I'd simply go with, Karaoke with Babs.
Good luck and let us know what you decide.
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~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]