Hi. I'm WaOvrMyHd. I stumbled across this forum while looking for info on speaker selection and decided to join. I posted a question in the tech forum... Whats watts.
My wife and I have been doing karaoke for approx 12 years. 10 yearss ago we puchased a VocoPro "TWISTER" for karake in our house and have been very happy with it. It is a very simple unit and anyone visiting us can operate it. On occasion we KJ at retirement homes and some parties for friends. Recently the cd placer stopped functioning and i am replaceing the TWISTER. Hence the question in the technical forum.
My wife is the real singer, I jus t operate the "stuff" and sometimes moan into the mike.
Haven't visited the Singers Showcasr yet or any of the other stuff for that matter.
Looks like there is a lot here . Me

my wife