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 Post subject: Need some advice too...
PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:06 pm 
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Spotlightjr started a thread and it got me to thinking so I started this one.

Do y'all charge extra at all at your regular gigs for working on Christmas or New Year's? If so, how much extra?

Reason I ask is because when the owner asked me to work for Christmas (which just happens to fall on my regular day to work anyway) for my regular fee, I said I'd want $50 extra. He said no way and got someone else. This is after three years of dedication to this bar. Was I out of line to ask?

To be honest, the owner isn't very high on my Christmas list. I used to work every Friday AND Saturday night. Then he gave Saturday nights to someone else for less money with out even talking to me about it. He knows I put on a great show, but that almighty dollar is more important to him than anything else it seems.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:25 pm 
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For a holiday, esp Christmas, it would be 2.5 times the regular amount, the same rate he has to pay his employees (at least in Canada).

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:57 pm 
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Funny you should mention that. He said he doesn't pay the bartender any extra so why should he pay me extra. my response was that the bartender doesn't have to pay for what she's selling (liquor) where I have to pay for EVERYTHING I'm selling. He just had this dumb look on his face like he had no idea what I was talking about. :roll:

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:18 pm 
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I only charge extra for New Years Eve. Christmas is my day off.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:23 pm 
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I charge regular price for any night in my current show as it is 7 nights. Holidays are just a regular night for me. Private parties or other shows that want the holiday as an extra night get charged more.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:38 pm 
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I only charge extra for NYE & Halloween nights, the nights I'll make WAY more driving my taxi than hosting karaoke. It's not gonna break my heart if they hire someone else for those nights, and I've never lost a gig over this. I would be frustrated if that happened...

As Giligin's is my main gig these days, I've sort of got lucky with this:
If it's a holiday where they expect the place will be slammed busy without karaoke, they either have me take the night off or give me the option of doing it for the usual cash. The logic is there's no reason to pay for me if the jukebox and midgets will pack the bar without me. It's a win-win situation as on those nights I can usually make more in a taxi or book a private party. Generally these are Thursday nights (one of my regular nights) where the next Friday is a holiday making a 3-day weekend.

You guys got it good in Canada! I can't see 2.5x holiday pay ever being federally mandated here in the Capitalist States of America.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 9:56 pm 
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I will NOT work Christmas eve or Christmas day. That is FAMILY time. NO exceptions! Any other holiday is pretty much fair game.
As for charging more, on New Year's, that is definitely a given. I will charge at least a full private party rate. Minimum $650.00, more if it is not a regular venue.
This New Year's I will be off for the first time in years and I'm quite happy with it. The owners of my regular Thursday gig have chosen to close on that day. I think they are closed from now until the new year, actually. They told me last week they are going out of town to spend the holidays with family.
But had they wanted me, It would have been full price. My costs go up substantially that night as well. Should I need a sitter for my daughter (highly likely, since hubby also generally works on New Year's doing sound for bands or DJ'ing), I would be paying at least $100.00, possibly more. Why would I work for regular pay with an overhead like that?
For Halloween, I will play at my regular weekly rate if it's a regular venue. If it's a one-off at a non-regular venue, I will definitely charge more.
Halloween is generally not that huge here. Everyone dresses up, but it's not like New Year's where they bring in a lot of extra's for the night.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:42 pm 
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Thanks for the insights all. I don't feel bad at all for asking for an extra measly 50 bucks. I just hope I don't lose this gig over it. Still, if I did, I wouldn't shed many tears over it as the boss has kind of boned me over more than once in the past year. Have a safe and Merry Christmas all! :P

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:29 am 
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I have been at a place that only hires me twice a year... Halloween and NYE. Actually, they hired me 2 years ago for Valentine's Day as well. On Halloween, I charge them my regular rate of $200 for a 4 hour show. On NYE, I charge them $100 more, plus $50 per each extra hour (they usually have me stay on for 1 extra hour).

If I didn't have the above commitment, and I were asked to work elsewhere, I still would only charge the same as any other day... except for NYE. I would still offer the same rate (as mentioned above) UNLESS the place was charging a Cover Charge. Then I would ask for $400 plus $75 an hour over the 4 hours. If they don't want to pay that, then I can enjoy the New Year's holiday and go out myself.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:38 pm 
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MustangMarty @ Fri Dec 25, 2009 2:42 am wrote:
Thanks for the insights all. I don't feel bad at all for asking for an extra measly 50 bucks. I just hope I don't lose this gig over it. Still, if I did, I wouldn't shed many tears over it as the boss has kind of boned me over more than once in the past year. Have a safe and Merry Christmas all! :P

MustangMarty @ Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:12 pm wrote:
Well this is gonna be the first NYE I've not had to work since I can't remember when. Was supposed to work it. Owner still ticked that I asked for 50 extra to work Christmas, that he got someone else for NYE. Good guy, good sound, but nada as far as music goes. So gonna hang out at the competition tonight with friends and be the obnoxious one for a change! :twisted:

From the sounds of it, I think you may have been fired. I hope not... Please let us know.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:25 pm 
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Since its NEW YEAR ..it's a good time for KJ's to look at the calendar and check the major Holidays and see if they fall on your REGULAR night. Early discussions concerning Holidays could not hurt.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:42 am 
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[/quote] From the sounds of it, I think you may have been fired. I hope not... Please let us know.[/quote]

I appreciate the concern. Turns out it is well founded as I got the word last week. The owner said he would "allow" me to work Fridays this month, but then the gig would belong to the new guy after that. However, after the money the bar made last night, we'll see whether or not he changes his tune. Word got out that he was gonna let me go and a LOT of people came out in support. By 11:00, I had a 3-hour rotation (30 singers) and nearly all of them stayed till closing. While I was breaking all my stuff down, the owner kind of sheepishly said that he really liked the crowd. Then he proceeded to tell me that he signed a contract with the new guy but he would look for a loophole to get out of it if he doesn't do as good a job as I did. :roll: It was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud. We'll see what happens I guess.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:15 am 
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MustangMarty @ Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:42 pm wrote:
Then he proceeded to tell me that he signed a contract with the new guy but he would look for a loophole to get out of it if he doesn't do as good a job as I did.

A loophole if the KJ doesn't do as good of a job?????????????? I don't know of any KJ (that works with the use of a contract) who guarantees the Venue a good turnout or X dollars in the register by the end of the show. As long as the KJ shows up and does the required show, I doubt there would be anything the KJ would have written in a contract beyond that to be fired (during the time period of that contract).

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