If I wasn't doing Holiday/Christmas parties this weekend I would suggest you come to my shows, but I can recommend my friends at O'Shuck's on International Drive.
O'Shucks Pub and Billiards
7467 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819
Their website:
They do karaoke 7 nights a week, Katie Joyce is in charge of the karaoke and works Thurs-Sun, other hosts that work for her do the other 3. Since they are in the touristy area, they have the best drink prices for the area and not just alot of tourists go there, a good amount of locals, (service industry peeps) hang out there. The owners work there bar tending, Bob, Keith & Richard they are all cool guys. Tell Rich Happy belated B-day, (Today's his B-day), he would be surprised....

Be VERY CAREFUL of drinking & driving down here.....
Have fun while you're down here.....