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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:09 pm 
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johnreynolds @ Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:52 pm wrote:
THERE IS NO ONE perfect show, but room for improvement in ALL. Is Lonman an emcee with hilarious banter and an accomodating Hosting-style that keeps your attention and keeps you laughing between songs? I Don't know and i haven't seen posts that stated such. I WILL go to witness better sound, and pick up on things he does better than i do, but to HAVE FUN first! I would hope to have a moment to ASK him questions on sound.
I agree there is no perfect show, I don't claim mine is either - there is no possible way to please every person. When I first started out my own company I know what I wanted as a singer & tried to provide that which other hosts didn't do or do stuff as a singer I personally didn't like.
As far as hilarious banter between songs, not my style, I keep the rotation flowing as much as possilbe with little to no time between songs to be able to do unnecesary talking in between other than encouraging the applause, making a quick bar announcement or event coming up. This was one of things I didn't like as a singer to see the host trying to be the comedian between songs.

AND EVERYONE is at a different STAGE of learning. WHAT Lonman, DJTony, & LondonLive know extensively about sound took them YEARS of learning, testing, fiddling, and ASKING to get their acquired knowledge of such.
I still ask question as far as how to improve sound, again, can never know everything and there are always things that can be done to improve. I have taken sound engineering courses throughout the years when the local Guitar Center or other music stores have courses on such, sometimes if it's just a basic entry level course, there are often little things/tricks that I have missed or some new piece of gear that is introduced that is demo'd.

My ORIGINAL POINT here was that although disc-bringers are welcome to my shows anytime and have always been, the ones that REQUIRE extra hand holding TAKE UP MORE TIME and require MORE attention, that's all. Can I Do it? Absolutely.
I have to disagree, there is no more that a disc bringer requires than a person singing from your own stock requires other than loading a disc & flipping a switch. Again, I have had just as many singers without discs that ask for the exact same things that a 'diva toting disc singer' asks for as far as sound adjustments and what not. An requested adjusment takes no more time than making an adjustment that a kj normally would make anyway.

LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:28 pm 
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Okay we choose to disagree on the last point.

perhaps it's me,(quiet bruce) but most adjustments are automatic in my head and i can start and adjust sound and mics accordingly and consistently.

WHEn i'm given instructions on exactly HOW to do it by the singers, ie, "1 or 2 steps up i'm not sure", "oh, and add more reverb but not too much", "make sure the music sound is lower than the mic", "take out the mids and boost the lows" and my favorite "I think it's track #4 but it could be 7".

THAT throws me off my game and i can't multitask and/or talk and observe the audience AS WELL with all these instructions given to me. THAT takes MORE TIME and FOCUS for me, that's all.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:09 pm 
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I just realized that I bring my own discs to OUR show. I have Hot Hot Hot on a Sound Choice custom that has a tone then 4 beat lead in. We have that same song on our Sound Choice Foundation but it only has a 3 beat lead in. If those background singers get in the first "Ole" I'm done. So I bring my own.

I also have a Priddis "Whenever Wherever" that I love because it has the booming drums at all the right places. But it has the wrong words which doesn't bother me as I know the song. So I sing to that one but keep a different version in our library for our show.

I have been severely insulting myself by using my discs instead of the ones I painstakingly collected for our show. I will have to speak to myself about it.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:47 pm 
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Okay John. I'm going to talk like your lawyer again.

"Bruce, you sound like my lawyer! Although he's a good one, he has this uncanny ability to state one thing then contradict himself afterwards. GO reread the first and last lines of your post to me. One second you put words in my mouth implying i think i run a perfect show, then you talk of "deep seeded" insecurties i may have about it. Which is it? Have you been to my shows?"

Can you count John? The two sentences of which you speak are the first sentence and the fifth sentence from the end of my post, not the last sentence. The first sentence was simply asking a rhetorical question. Just because I don't agree with the way someone does something at their show, it doesn't mean that the rest of their show is crap. I think that all shows could be improved somehow. I brought up a deep seeded insecurities because you seem to think that my opinions are grounds for you to insult me personally and make assumptions about how I live my life. You seem to think that I live my life looking for ways to make other people's lives miserable, even toll collectors. You paint me as a person that would give a toll collector a hundred dollar bill for a two dollar toll when I had the exact change in my pocket.....all because I like to give constructive criticisms about the way karaoke shows are run. I must have hit a raw nerve with you so you think that insulting me will make you feel better. I hope it worked for you. I don't do what I do to hurt people's feelings. Well, sometimes I do but not today. I only make suggestions that I think would make their shows a better experience for all who partake in them.

Would your nose get so out of joint if someone said to you..."I wish you had more Country Music in your song book"? It's not an insult. It's a suggestion. There's no reason to take such suggestions as attacks on your show. When you take suggestions as insults, you're being very insecure.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:04 pm 
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I fired my lawyer.

Umm, 1, 2....5?

YOU Bruce have an extensive history on this forum of making wrong assumptions, bringing Chaos to other peoples posts, taking things personally, making your own attacks, playing the victim, and playing GOD, Mr. BRUCE ALMIGHTY.

I NEVER meant to insult or hurt your feelings...me so sorry. I didn't know YOU were so emotionally insecure.

Speaking about insecurity, i am very confident in my abilities and have done very well with those abilities. It seems to make me insecure when i openly admit my faults.

Truth is, I periodically JAB you Bruce to lighten up your tone. sometimes it works, sometimes you take it personally and play the victim. Feel free to JAB BACK if you like. I enjoy a great life in paradise and have a good sense of humor, even towards myself.

I AM not perfect nor am close to it, and not as eloquent in my speech as others, but I really am not out to offend anyone, namely you.

And YES, I DO need more country music come to think of it! Any suggestions? :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:44 pm 
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SwingcatKurt @ Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:48 pm wrote:
...... as they are pretty good mixologists......).


What does bartending have to do with it? :? :roll: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

"No Contests, No Divas, Just A Good Time!"

" Disc based and loving it..."

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 10:59 pm 
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johnreynolds @ November 16th 2009, 12:04 am wrote:
I fired my lawyer.

Umm, 1, 2....5?

YOU Bruce have an extensive history on this forum of making wrong assumptions, bringing Chaos to other peoples posts, taking things personally, making your own attacks, playing the victim, and playing GOD, Mr. BRUCE ALMIGHTY.

I NEVER meant to insult or hurt your feelings...me so sorry. I didn't know YOU were so emotionally insecure.

Speaking about insecurity, i am very confident in my abilities and have done very well with those abilities. It seems to make me insecure when i openly admit my faults.

Truth is, I periodically JAB you Bruce to lighten up your tone. sometimes it works, sometimes you take it personally and play the victim. Feel free to JAB BACK if you like. I enjoy a great life in paradise and have a good sense of humor, even towards myself.

I AM not perfect nor am close to it, and not as eloquent in my speech as others, but I really am not out to offend anyone, namely you.

And YES, I DO need more country music come to think of it! Any suggestions? :mrgreen:

I don't pay any mind to the insults that are thrown my way because I am very secure in knowing exactly who and what I am. I make observations on what I experience both here and in the real karaoke world. Some people are offended by my observations because they recognize themselves to be like some of the people I have run into in real life. I don't think it's wrong for me to assume that most KJ's with over 100,000 songs got them in a less than legal fashion...legal as described by Sound Choice at least. As far as me playing the victim....most of the times when I have "attacked" someone here on the forum or in the Singer's Showcase it was a retaliatory strike. Some people like to take shots at me and then delete their less than positive thoughts after I respond to them. Then they run to Phil to complain about my post as if it were the initial post. That is why you never see any foul language in my posts and very little name calling in regards to any specific person. I have to walk on egg shells for the most part because there are plenty of people who would love to see me banned because I'm not afraid to voice an opinion that doesn't just follow the rest of the sheep. There are people who refuse to play a customer's disc. I like to sing my own songs from my discs because I have many songs that most KJ's don't have. I think it is my right to complain about a show that will not play a customer's disc. I think that providing that service would improve a show from a B-plus show to an A show or a C-Plus show to a B show. If no one ever complained, nothing would ever improve. The status Quo would always remain the same because it would be assumed that everyone was happy about the way things are. There is always room for improvement. There was a time when there were no seat belts in cars. I wonder if the first person to suggest them was called a Pain In The A$$??? And what about cheese in a can???? or Jello shots??? Tea in a bag???

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:04 am 
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For once i totally agree with you on that last post...except that part about me insulting you. :D Sorry if i did. I don't know you but have opinions about you from previous posts. You do make a lot of sense most of the time Bruce.

I too like to bring discs to other shows and have them played. I try to make it as painless as possible for the kj to play them. The End. :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:31 am 
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johnreynolds @ Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:01 am wrote:
To ME, this is when it gets a little annoying when a disc-bringer wants the keychange, more effects, higer mic volume, mids reduced, etc...BEFORE the song starts. It gets a little hectic and annoying trying to make everything perfect before the performance.

Does it also get annoying when a non disc-bringer wants changes made before the song starts?

As a singer and a listener, I find it annoying to hear a singer begin a song in the wrong key and have the kj stop the song and restart in a different key more suited to the singer's voice. Also annoying to choose a song from the KJ's book only to find when it starts that it is a completely wrong version (take for example requesting Bobby Darin's "Clementine" and ending up with the old folk-song version of "Oh My Darling Clementine"). Then the KJ has to stop the song, seek out the correct song and restart. Surely these are far more annoying to both the KJ, the singer and the listeners than a singer having the correct song played in the correct key from the start.

I can't recall a time I have ever requested a key change on a song before the song is played. And I certainly don't request more effects, higer mic volume, mids reduced, etc...BEFORE the song starts. I do recall once mentioning to a KJ (during an instrumental break) of a regular show I attend that there was a bit much echo/reverb. (I think I was the first singer up at the time and the KJ's mixer was behind the FOH speakers). And there are times I can recall indicating to the KJ by a subtle hand signal to reduce the music volume in the monitor so I can better hear myself in an attempt to stay on key. I prefer to leave it to the KJ to do the mixing... after all, it's their job.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:44 am 
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c. staley @ Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:49 am wrote:
I don't have a problem with the person that might bring a single disc of a track that I do NOT own.... but I do have a problem with those that bring in a 100-disc Case Logic bag and sing strictly off their own discs all night.

How about a person bringing a single disc with 20 tracks that you do NOT own?

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:54 am 
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johnreynolds @ November 16th 2009, 9:04 am wrote:
For once i totally agree with you on that last post...except that part about me insulting you. :D Sorry if i did. I don't know you but have opinions about you from previous posts. You do make a lot of sense most of the time Bruce.

I too like to bring discs to other shows and have them played. I try to make it as painless as possible for the kj to play them. The End. :mrgreen:

I may not be the most politically correct person in the world..........because I don't really want to be.... I prefer to look at things and just shoot straight from the hip with an honest opinion of what I observe. I'm aware that it rubs some people the wrong way and I'm willing to pay the price for my honesty. I'd rather show the real me and let the chips fall where they may. I don't need people to fluff me or my singing so I don't feel the need to tell lousy singers how great they sing to get them to return the favor. I've already been banned for giving honest opinions about people's singing so I just don't comment at all on the lousy singers or their boycotting buddies. If you want to be lied to, I'm not the guy to ask. It seems like only positive glowing raves are allowed and that just doesn't sit well with me. It makes every singer great and that is just not the case. I dislike the hypocrisy so I don't get involved with it. I think EVERY KJ should be able AND WILLING to play a customer's disc. The KJ's that aren't seem to think that I'm attacking them personally. I'm sure that they are all very nice people but I think that they would be better KJ's if they would take my suggestion and run with it instead of fighting it every step of the way. KJ's who say things like I don't want those people at my show anyway are just bad business people, in my opinion. I think that EVERY singer can be an asset to a show.....unless they cause too much trouble to make it worth while. I just don't think that bringing your own discs or asking for some sound adjustments is reason enough for a KJ to want someone to just go away. I walked into a show the other night that I had never been to before and there were 3 people singing a Bon Jovi song and I thought.......This might turn out to be a place to come to more often in the future. As I was standing at the bar waiting to order a couple of beers for my son and I, the Bon Jovi song ended and the DJ instantly faded to a heavy bass beat dance song. As the bartender walked past me for the third time without noticing th etwenty dollar bill in my hand, I turned to my son and said let's go to a different karaoke place with no filler music and a pool table and that's what we did. They lost me in less than 5 minutes. Now, I'm not saying that the show is lousy. It's just not the kind of show where I want to spend my time or money. I don't want to sit at a bar and have half of the night taken up by filler music. Some people like places like that but most singers don't. Thankfully, around here there are many shows to pick from.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:02 am 
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As OP I'll have to throw in some comments.
Seems some singers are harboring some ill feelings towards KJ's and vice versa.

I've re read JR's post and the word Diva-ish seems to spark some controversy.

HELLO--- There are as many DIVA singers out there as there are SUPERSTAR KJ's who want to BE THE SHOW instead of presenting the show. A KJ wants to be told how to mix as much as a singer wants to be told --How to sing a song before he starts.

I know for me ..it's all about HOW something is asked for. I'll bend over backwards for most singers. But ....you come up acting like some a-hole --That's how you'll get treated. SIMPLE.

as a SIDE NOTE --This weekend I downloaded the demo version of SIGLOS karaoke player and it seemed to work fine as in playing a CDG on my laptop drive. I didn't try the KEY changer but it is suppose to have one. I'll have to try it again before I purchase it.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:47 am 
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Bruce said: "I don't pay any mind to the insults that are thrown my way because I am very secure in knowing exactly who and what I am."

Again...............these are not INSULTS!!..............Its just REVERSE LOVE!!!

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:51 am 
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(((((( and here I thought it was ME all along)))))) :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:33 am 
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I welcome key changes. In fact I suggest them many times to the regulars. I'd rather do a key change and see someone sing a song with ease then see them struggle.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:16 pm 
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And remember some original artists change the key as they grow older as they may not be able to hit the high notes anymore.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:25 pm 
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if i use PCDJ VJ,especially. if i do a wedding or other private gig etc.......giving me two decks ..one for music one for karaoke....BUT... i find the key change a NIGHTMARE......but i use Show Presenter for my static regular karaoke nights...the key change on this is top notch....

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:06 pm 
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I go to one show where the KJ uses PCDJ for his main hosting program but if I ask him for a Key Change, he switches over to Karafun.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 7:49 pm 

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I have an older couple that has been coming to my shows the past few years every now or then and bring around 200 disc total, I have no problem playing them but I sometimes wish they would mix up there songs. Coal Miners daughter, Crazy, Amarillo by Morning are growing thin with the masses. How would you suggest them getting some new songs to sing out of there collection of disc.

I also have been getting some good feedback from the regulars about the books and selection, spending some money is paying off. Gotta love this business

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:13 pm 
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DJTOMMYB @ November 16th 2009, 10:49 pm wrote:
I have an older couple that has been coming to my shows the past few years every now or then and bring around 200 disc total, I have no problem playing them but I sometimes wish they would mix up there songs. Coal Miners daughter, Crazy, Amarillo by Morning are growing thin with the masses. How would you suggest them getting some new songs to sing out of there collection of disc.

I also have been getting some good feedback from the regulars about the books and selection, spending some money is paying off. Gotta love this business

I would think that someone who owns 200 discs would at least know how to sing one song on each disc they purchased. Maybe you could just try asking to sing something that you haven't heard them sing yet. Flatter them into it if you have to.

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