Dr Fred @ Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:24 am wrote:
Ok next question.
Your CD player has died, and you have gone 50-100 shows without a request to run a customer CD. You run most of your shows off of a hard drive. And your software does not allow you to easily run a cd of your computer directly.
Would you buy a replacement?
I've always had people wanting me to play their discs, so it's tough to imagine not playing them. I'm going to say, yes I'd still buy another player. I'd take my time though and find another vintage player on ebay for a good price.
[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]