When I switched over to digital I never considered the fact I'd have people asking me to play their discs, so when it started happened more often I felt subpar that I couldn't provide that service. So I brought my CDG player in and was manually changing the plug ins to switch from one to the other.

I had it down to a science making sure I wouldn't loose any time between songs, unplugging and plugging in. Well of course this was rediculous, but at least I could accomidate the requests. Shortly after I discovered I could use an AB switch. Dah !
The reason I went through all this is because I just felt better knowing when someone asked I could say, no problem I can play your disc. It's the same feeling I get when someone asks me if I have so & so song and I can say, yes. It just feels good to have what people are asking for. I actually wasn't worried about losing customers over it. It never dawned on me that people would not come back because of it.
I may not be the most technical KJ, but I try to give my customers what they want.

[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]