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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:31 am 
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It is true that I don't play customer discs at my show. If that is a requirement of yours I guess you wouldn't be satisfied at my show. I don't think I gave any indication that all of the singers would not be treated with respect and common courteies. I'm trying to understand why you mentioned me directly in your shows to avoid post. I have a decent sound system and selection and run a fair rotation.
So please .... is there something I'm missing? It is true that I believe playing customer cdgs is a personal choice a KJ makes as is what amp and mixer they use. The same goes for what manus they offer whether its Soundchoice or Sweet Geogia Brown. All singers should frequent shows that they personally enjoy going to.
Unprovoked derogatory remarks are not helpful to anyone.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:45 am 
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BruceFan4Life @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:09 am wrote:
My complaints are an effort to improve a show for EVERYONE. If your show is a B+ show; wouldn't you want it to be an A+ show if it were possible? I don't see how adding a CDG player to your rig hurts anyone at all, especially when you say that you already own three of them, Jam. If I complain about filler music delaying the rotation, I'm only trying to get more songs sung for everyone. If I complain about someone stealing my tracks....I think that is obvious. If people didn't complain about things that could be improved, we'd still be part of Great Britain.

:angel: As previously stated..When I feel hooking up a cdg player will improve my overall show..I will do it. Right now its a matter of supply and demand. I have the supply but have no demand to hook one up. I never said it is WRONG for a KJ to offer a cdg player NOR did I ever say it was wrong for customers to bring their own discs. I said that singers should find a show they like and not insult shows that they don't personally enjoy. Pretty simple concept. And the good thing about living in the good ole USA is the freedom you have Bruce as a singer to go to any show you want. Why you feel the need to CHANGE the way a KJ runs their show I can't understand. Nor do I understand why you insult all KJ's who own HARD DRIVES and call them all pirtaes and thieves.

Hooking up a cdg player does not hurt anyone - I don't hook one up for the same reason I don't put out 6 microphones ( even though I have 8 ). Same reason I'm not pushing 5000 watts out of my system or running 2 18" subs. I just don't have the NEED although more power and subs would probably improve my show or at the least ..couldn't hurt it. It's a choice I make as the KJ. When the time comes ...I'll have no problem adding a cdg player / amps and subs .... But not now.

Why is this so hard to understand ??? :?: :?:

ps Bruce -- You should reread your post in the TAYLOR SWIFT topic you mispelled a few words. I guess we are not all perfect spellers ? NOW THAT IS THE FUNNIEST THING !!!!!!!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:04 am 
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Jam, from reading your various posts and replies, in all likelyhood if I happened to stumble across one of your shows, I'd probably have an enjoyable time and stay till closing. However, after my experiences with a lot of karaoke tracks I have chosen to sing from various Kjs' selections, I prefer to sing using my own tracks if I can. Therefore, I prefer to attend venues where I am able to sing using my own tracks. Your venues will not be one of those (gleaned from the information you have previously provided), and so if I know beforehand where your venues are, then I will know that I would prefer to avoid those venues.

Simply, your shows do not offer the service I seek. No "unprovoked derogatory remark" was intended or implied.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:14 am 
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Murrlyn @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:04 pm wrote:
Jam, from reading your various posts and replies, in all likelyhood if I happened to stumble across one of your shows, I'd probably have an enjoyable time and stay till closing. However, after my experiences with a lot of karaoke tracks I have chosen to sing from various Kjs' selections, I prefer to sing using my own tracks if I can. Therefore, I prefer to attend venues where I am able to sing using my own tracks. Your venues will not be one of those (gleaned from the information you have previously provided), and so if I know beforehand where your venues are, then I will know that I would prefer to avoid those venues.

Simply, your shows do not offer the service I seek. No "unprovoked derogatory remark" was intended or implied.

Understood ..no harm no foul !!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:26 am 
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srnitynow @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:11 am wrote:
I know this may look like a (side track) to the subject, but I don't see it that way. As a karaoke host that has a (limited) song library, about 10,000 (seperate) titles, I find it REDICULOUS to EXPECT the host to have not only the song that you want in their library, BUT also the SPECIFIC version. IMO this is why people are buying 100,000 song libraries, so they KNOW they can accomodate YOU. If not, they can do a better job than I can with ONLY 10,000. I list every song I have (once) in my books, but may have 10 versions of that song. In the front of my book I mention this, all the singer has to do is ASK if I have the version they want to sing. Sounds to me that some of you are taking it just a little too seriously, instead of going out to have FUN. I know, if you can't sing YOUR (specific) song on the (specific) version, you CAN'T have FUN. I know, I get it!!!! I do have a player, but what if your disc doesn't play on it, am I STILL a terrible host, and are you STILL going to tell the manager? Remember, WE'RE dealing with a WHOLE BUNCH of personalities at each show. The guy before you may have been a TOTAL jerk, so when making ALL of these DEMANDS, stop and think about what we're going through to put on a GOOD show for EVERYONE, and maybe (for that one night) pick something from our LIMITED SELECTION. Believe me, WE DO APPRECIATE IT!!!!


100K libraries don't really mean anything. I used to worry about it. I still get people coming in all the time that tell me they can't believe I have this song or that song & KJ X that boasts 100K or more don't have HALF the stuff they want to sing. I have a meager 12K unduplicated selection in which was carefully selected by the majority of customer requests (over 16 year period) & also tried not to buy discs that I already had the songs to - so I don't have a ton of duplicates anyway, but I don't list every version anymore either unless they are different enough to warrant it's own listing. As a kj I cannot offer every version of every song - however if the version I do have is not a good one, then I will look onto a better version. I just replaced a couple bad versions on my last disc buy.
But someone claimed it was a waste of money to buy a request bassed on a customer that may or may not sing that song, well yes that is true, it may be but at least it had interest enough to warrant noting, and since I buy the songs via custom site, they only cost a couple bucks vs $15-20 for a disc that I may not need or want anything else on or for the hopes that someone might sing in the future just to have. Which is why I encourage people to buy their own & bring them in.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:37 am 
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I hope Timber doesn't mind me saying - The "Customers Always right" statement by him was meant within reason. He's been on KS a long time and I've never known him to be a hiltler type host. There are many reasons in karaoke why the customer isn't always right. If that was the case I'd have quite a scary rotation because so many people want to dictate when they sing. Not to mention I'd have to go home with a lot of drunk men. LMAO

I'm still told at karaoke I'm to nice. I try to be as patient with drunk patrons as possible, but sometimes you have to put your foot down. Knightshow helped me quite a bit with that. You have to know when the customer isn't right and how to handle it. Some people need to be treated aggressively or you have a bigger problem later on. I have great respect for Timber and have every confidence he handles these situations well.

[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:00 pm 
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Never thought I'd see a thread that would make me miss angel910 :angel:

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:44 pm 
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Tovmod, in my company I am in the position to tell a client off. They get ticked at me, they call the owner (my only superior and have known for over 20 years), who in over 8 years has always backed me. When I tell someone something I am not talking out of my hat. Now usually I try to tell them in a nice logical way but some people just don't get it.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:13 pm 
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Hey, guys, look quick..... a hot blonde chick!!


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:14 pm 
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I know I'm late to this but my answer to the original question is very simple. If they can't play my disk, I sing the version they have and be happy with it. If they don't have the song I want, I'll pick something else. I guess I've never been so attached to one song or a particular version of a song that I had to sing only that.

There have only been rare cases where I've ever brought a disc to a Karaoke show to have the host play. I only do it if I know the host doesn't have the song and I always ask if they'd be willing (note: willing not able) to use it. If they can't or they aren't willing, that's fine. I move on and choose something from their library. If I really don't like the version they have of the song I want, I sing something else.

It's great that some KJ's offer this ability, personally, I do too. However, I don't see why it's such a huge deal when some don't; other than that apparently from the passion expressed here, it loses them potential singers. At the same time I don't think it's such a horrible thing for someone to ask the KJ to do it either.

I have a few regulars who will only sing off their discs. I don't particularly care for that but hey, it's about them not me and I like to keep them happy. If they want to just have me provide a high class audio rig for them to sing their Karaoke through, that's fine with me. Others count on me for that plus having a library of songs to sing. Whatever they're happy with in that regard is fine for me.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:14 pm 
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.... Just trying to distract from the arguing for a moment;)

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:30 pm 
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timberlea @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:44 pm wrote:
Tovmod, in my company I am in the position to tell a client off. They get ticked at me, they call the owner (my only superior and have known for over 20 years), who in over 8 years has always backed me. When I tell someone something I am not talking out of my hat. Now usually I try to tell them in a nice logical way but some people just don't get it.

The customer is always right -- but sometimes I have to turn customers into non-customers.

And I do. My partner and I formed our business (not in karaoke) with the express goal of enjoying ourselves and not doing things we didn't want to do. If a customer is of the type that likes to browbeat you to try and squeeze every nickel out of everything -- it's sayonara, baybee! Or someone who is abusive and argumentatitive? Here's your last invoice, see ya!

Now we normally try to get rid of people we believe are becoming a problem by quoting large fees, and that works most of the time. But one time we had to use what I like to call the nuclear option with a client -- and they ended up firing the offender from that job (re-assigning him in the company, actually) to avoid having us walk out.

[color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color]
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:44 pm 
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KaraokeJerry @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:00 pm wrote:
Never thought I'd see a thread that would make me miss angel910 :angel:

I wouldn't go that far. But I don't think he "picked fights" where there really wasn't any disagreement!

And I don't see what more can be said here. The original OP is being pretty much ignored and has been chastised for commenting about it.

This is the third thread that has given BFFL the opportunity to tell everyone how much money he spends when out for karaoke, to chide KJ's about improving their shows, and to attempt to take them, dragging and kicking, to a higher plateau!

When does a moderator take this thread out of its misery

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:22 pm 
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Bluestained, this is ONE guy that WAS distracted. It's ALWAYS good to be distracted by a nice lookin' "chick on the rocks". :twisted: :twisted:


Edited: Just made me think of a Neil Diamond song!!!!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:47 pm 
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srnitynow @ Thu 12 Nov, 2009 2:22 pm wrote:
Bluestained, this is ONE guy that WAS distracted. It's ALWAYS good to be distracted by a nice lookin' "chick on the rocks". :twisted: :twisted:


Edited: Just made me think of a Neil Diamond song!!!!

Neil Diamond? Did that guy ever sing anything risque that would bring to mind a hot chick?


Wait!! A hot chick... on the rocks. (Hit me as I was re-reading your post.) Yeah, I've heard that song before;) It's a good one, though the meaning of it eludes me.

Glad to see the pic made somebody pause and look. :D

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:49 pm 
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BlueStainedShoes @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:13 pm wrote:
Hey, guys, look quick..... a hot blonde chick!!


Bless you, Blue! Here's some cheesecake for you too!


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:50 pm 
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BlueStainedShoes @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:13 pm wrote:
Hey, guys, look quick..... a hot blonde chick!!


Blue --you need to be careful on them rocks

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:00 pm 
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Moonrider @ Thu 12 Nov, 2009 2:49 pm wrote:

Bless you, Blue! Here's some cheesecake for you too!

Wow, thanks:) I've always been fond of cheesecake:) :whistle: And... which one did you say was you? :D

I'm going to be in Vegas in about 3 weeks, maybe I'll have to meet some of those guys in person. Wait, that's right... hubby will be there too, so I probably shouldn't;)

Blue --you need to be careful on them rocks

Nope, I'm not a blondie, can't be me. But you can all pretend it is, I don't care. lol

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:24 pm 
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cueball @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:57 am wrote:
Dr Fred @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:50 am wrote:
As for Cueball, the starter of a thread does not control the direction it goes. Face it the conversation on how KJs operate is of interest to more than a few people here based on the level of respose. Most threads that get more than 10 or so responses change direction from the origional post to some degree.

As this conversation has moved into the subject, some KJs have made comments, negatively about how others run their show, their profesionalism or experience. We are entitled to defend our actions, and our reputations.

The interest of the singers and KJs are interacting at this point. The question each KJ must ask, is keeping the person(s) with the CD happy worth it. For me where I live the rate is 1 per roughly 1000 singers so I will have to say no (as a kj). Your experience may be different. If the numbers were 1 in 100 people that wanted to play CDs I might change my setup. But at 1 in 1000 it would have to be no.

As the Author of this topic thread, I may not control the direction this topic goes in, but I can can surely ask/request/tell everyone to steer it back in the direction it was intended. If you feel the need to defend your stance as a KJ, or, (as you put it) "...the conversation on how KJs operate is of interest to more than a few people here based on the level of respose.", you are more than welcome to open your own topic thread rather than to tell me to go **** myself (which is what I interpreted from your last 2 posts, where you rambled on and on all about YOU and YOUR show.

Dr Fred @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:26 am wrote:
While I try very hard to accomidate my singers, but when a non-regular planning a first visit goes to such an excess as prior contacts regarding a song (beyond privately checking the songlist online), I would begin to worry about them being an overly demanding singer.

As for the options listed 1-3, as a KJ, I probably would not accomidate someone as a first time visitor, although I might do a lot for them once they become a regular, probably buying the requested songs myself. As for option 4, the managment and I would probably have a good laugh about it at closing time and he certainly would not ask me to change my style. That is if you can get time to talk to the management as he is usually busy serving the drinks.

Although I will credit you with one thing (you state that you have your song list ONLINE... not many KJs that I know of do that), my general impression of what you state here is, you don't do a whole lot to keep a new customer. You clearly state that you are NOT willing to accommodate a new Singer at all (even one who would go to the added effort of contacting you ahead of time). So much for me wanting to stop by and check out your show if I'm ever vacationing in your area. Yes... there are those one-time visitors who do come by on vacation, and I would rather look up someone that I've had some interaction with on these Forums than to go to a total stranger's show.

When Talking about singers bring disc ...the subject of if a KJ will play will follow no way around it...sorry..just the way it is......as stated before I feel its rude for singer or for other KJs visting to bring discs...sorry but that the way I feel ..I love having people come sing but I will not play a singers disc..never have wont start..as I said before if you want to use your own disc ...START YOUR OWN SHOW!!!!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 3:25 pm 
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cueball @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:27 am wrote:
The arguments given here are:
A. I'll stay for this visit, but I'll never return.
B. I'm leaving! Goodbye!
C. The KJ doesn't have the Manu version that I like to sing from.

Murrlyn @ Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:48 am wrote:
How about, "I'll stay for this visit, and may or may not return, depending on the selections available, the host's personality and professionalism, the venue's appeal, etc., etc."

I just went back to that original post and reworded that part.

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