jamkaraoke @ Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:58 am wrote:
letitrip @ Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:50 am wrote:
I've had many offers for #5 both load-in and load-out but I usually politely turn them down. If someone somehow manages to injure themselves while helping me, could be as simple as tripping over a crack in the pavement while carrying my stuff, it gives them the potential to sue me. Most probably wouldn't and it's probably a long shot, but I just don't see the need to take the chance. I can have my entire rig loaded in or out of the van in under 10 minutes anyway.
At the end of every show I always get OFFERS to help.. I politely turn them down
- First of all THEY"RE DRUNK and secondly -- everything fits in the back of the truck a certain way

I don't have to unload and load any more because my equipment stays there, but I do put a few things away like mic cords etc... I always have people wanting to help. People without even asking start grabbing things. Aaarg! I appreciate the gesture, but I have a particular way of doing things too. The most common thing is for them to grab mic cords and start wrapping them the wrong way.