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As a singer do you prefer wired/unwired mics.
wired 40%  40%  [ 10 ]
wireless 56%  56%  [ 14 ]
depends on the venue size 4%  4%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 25
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:58 pm 
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As a singer, I prefer wireless. It gives me the freedom of moving around the room or dancing without worring about the cord.

I have 2 wireless PGX24/SM58 mics that I love and a couple more Nady DKWDUO mics if there is a group singing. My KJ mic for announcing is a wired Shure 565SD which I like because of its on-off switch.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 2:08 pm 
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Kevinper @ Mon 02 Nov, 2009 8:39 pm wrote:
[Editor's note] Just trying to sound full of myself. How did I do?

Pretty daym good:)

I use both at karaoke, but as long as they both have good sound, I'd prefer the wireless... like others have said, to not have to deal with the cord. I never use a mic stand when singing karaoke.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 2:37 pm 
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As a performer, I greatly prefer a good quality wireless mic hands down. At my show, I use Shure SM58 and I love them. Virtually now handling noise, and crisp vocals and response.

I love to dance around a bit, especially during a musical break, and I am very animated. One of the KJs I frequent only uses wired mics... and I hate it. I feel "hemmed in" and my free hand... that I use to express myself while singing is constantly moving and reaching for the cord. During a musical break I feel like a lump because I don't feel free to move around.

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 1:05 am 
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people like my wireless mics alot more

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:05 am 
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Hey everyone. Been real busy lately, good to see you all here.

Point is moot in my case imo. I have both. I have 2 sm58 wireless, and 1 sm58 wired. All 3 have off/on switch. The wired off/on does NOT have a light.

When my show is ready to start, I wrap blue painters tape around the switches so they don't get accidently turned off. I control the muting functions from my mixer.

When a singer approaches the singing area, I point out both a wired mic on a mic stand with a cast iron round base and the wireless which sets in a loop on my lyrics stand.

I also point out to them that the sound quality is the same for both.

I would guess that about 60% of the time, they reach for the wireless.

When I sing, it doesn't matter. I stay on the stage and rarely wander out while singing. Sometimes it is fun to have the mic stand to grab, hold, move, whatever. If I do want to wander, I take a wireless and make sure I am within viewing distance of a monitor in case I forgot a line.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:59 pm 
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ripman8 @ Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:05 am wrote:
When my show is ready to start, I wrap blue painters tape around the switches so they don't get accidently turned off.

See my post above. This isn't necessary with wireless SM58's. I used to do the same thing until I learned about the semi-hidden locking feature.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:15 pm 
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End up singing on whatever they happen to have. Wired, wireless. Its a smorgasboard. Vocopro, Shure, off brands, whatver they have.

Wires get tangled up and can trip on them. Cordless often are too heavy or wont fit in the mic stand holders(I always prefer to use a mic stand).

Almost NEVER will you come across the ONLY MIC I EVER REALLY CARE TO SING WITH:

Nothing beats it for FATNESS of sound and the feel in your hand and the look there simply is nothing else like it. It it what I KJ with WHENEVER AND WHEREVER I'm DJ'ing. It is my signature mic. Its the one people ASK for at my shows. Charmin has sang on it before when she visited my fill in show at TACHO's MEXICAN RESTAURANT one night. It is the one I bring and use and its the one shown in my AVATAR/MONIKER photo on here.

Whenever I see one in peoples ads, I ask them do you REALLY use one at your show or is it only in your ad for looks??. Ive only come across one other KJ that was actually using one at their show.

They are EXPENSIVE to buy---about $200. But WELL WORTH THE INVESTMENT both in terms of sound and the fun and experience of singing on one. They also are EXTREMELY DURABLE and PRACTICALLY INDESTRUCTABLE. The one the bar I DJ at used to have one that went almost 10 years 7 nights a week before finally wearing out from getting too much love!

Most people have never sang on one before. Theyve only seen them in the movies or TV.

But to have the ACTUAL REAL DEAL right there for them to use---now that is a UNIQUE expereince.

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:24 pm 
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SwingcatKurt @ Mon 09 Nov, 2009 12:15 pm wrote:
Charmin has sang on it before when she visited my fill in show at TACHO's MEXICAN RESTAURANT one night.

I loved that mic. I tried to steal it, but you kept watching, Lol. (dang it)

I have that on my christmas list, I want one. And.. I told ya, when we do the photo shoot, that's got to be a prop:)

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:37 pm 
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How bout we FORM OUR OWN BAND and you can sing on it at all the rehearsals and gigs???

And I EVEN HAVE A SPARE one you can take with u to practice at home!!!

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:51 pm 
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Why not? That's easy.... cause you don't sing country/honky tonk and I don't sing blues/jazz, Lol.

You not hooked back up yet? I told ya what to do, run your OWN ad, rather than reply to someone else's... you do your own pick n' choose and cut out the drama:)

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:53 pm 
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Did I misread something ? Is the question ..What do you prefer a CRAPPY mic or a GOOD one ?? LOL

wired or wireless --assuming its the same mic

I prefer a mic in a stand ..BUT THATS JUST ME :roll: :roll: :roll:

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:58 pm 
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I can sing HONKY/TONK---and country blues, Ray Price or Bakersfield Swing. All it has to have is a GROOVE!! Jsut so long as its not that slow tears in your bear mamma got run over by a dammed old truck CRAP!!.

I even sing BIG AND RICH at Karaoke some times!!

So I could even handle some BLUEGRASS if called upon!

Just think of the HARMONIES we could sing!

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:00 pm 
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Run an ad----------Then Id have to be the one MANAGING THE DRAMA!!! :)

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:02 pm 
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SwingcatKurt @ Mon 09 Nov, 2009 12:58 pm wrote:
Just so long as its not that slow tears in your bear mamma got run over by a dammed old truck CRAP!!.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Go read some bluegrass lyrics. You may be disappointed:)

PM me, we're hi-jacking.

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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