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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:46 am 
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Here is the ranting of someone who believes there are only 2 types of KJ's who use computers ONLY and don't offer the ability to play customer CDG's.


These KJs come in two forms. One is the guy or gal who bought a hard drive from E-bay a year or two ago and hasn't bought a new disc since. If you do bring a personal disc, they try to copy it without your knowledge. If they don't have a CDG player, I'll just sing something from their song book but I probably won't go back to that show in the future. The other sort of KJ is the one who just downloads every song from the internet and feels that there is no need for him to carry around a CDG player because, in his mind, he has every song that anyone would ask for. The problem with this sort of KJ is that I make my own karaoke tracks using backing tracks that I purchase from various on line sources and I don't want this KJ to copy my home made tracks to his hard drive. Once he has my home made tracks on his hard drive, he's just one step away from sharing my home made songs with the entire planet. If people that I know want to sing some of the songs that I've made, they are more than welcome to sing them when I'm there but I'm not making copies of them for every KJ that runs from a hard drive only. I spend too much time making them to just give them away to people that never seem to want to buy any new songs since they have purchased their loaded hard drive. It's funny how these people who are always claiming to own all of their songs legally, never seem to have purchased any NEW SONGS for a very long time. They had no problem spending a TON of MONEY to get their first 100,000 songs but then they decided that they didn't want to spend any more money to get any new releases any more.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 7:53 am 
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Jam, that's a bunch of crap.

I've legitimately format shifted my disks to computer, but I also download from legitimate sources (like tricerasoft). I can download on the spot in most of my venues, so I have access to a large data base if I need it. Screw your illegal 100,000 song hard drive.

I also have a CD+G player on an a/b switch. In addition to the fact that I'm obviously NOT copying my singer's discs it leaves my application free for me to do other thing while the song is playing.

That's the type I'm am.

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:05 am 
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Lonman @ Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:18 am wrote:
KaraokeJerry @ Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:02 am wrote:
Jian @ Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:17 pm wrote:
It is a bad attitude to tell singer who bring their own disc to stay home.



-3 Maybe they shouldn't stay home but go to shows that can accomodate them instead of getting on line and making negative claims in general about these shows.

I mean do these people walk into Burge King and ask for a BIG MAC and then complain because Burger King is the HOME of the WOPPER :lol: :lol: :lol:

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:07 am 
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Jian @ Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:17 pm wrote:
I ALWAYS bring my own discs to any show. I stopped going to one place because their replacement player won't play my burnt discs. When the owner asked me why I don't frequent his pub anymore I told him why. I have a choice of not going to a place; I have a choice of where I want to sing and that choice is very dependent on if they can play my disc/usb pendrive.
It is a bad attitude to tell singer who bring their own disc to stay home.

Sorry I have to disagree..you are ATTENDING THEIR SHOW..NOT YOURS..it it disrespectful to go into any show with your discs... I either sing something from their book or suggest a song they should get.....As most know this is a big NO NO at my shows..again MY show...My equiment...ect... should I go on..What is funny I have had only two times where discs where brought in ..and they learned quickly.....they stayed and sang and everything was fine. The other KJ in town uses computer and it wont read discs so Im not worried about them going any where else...LOL Also I have the biggest and best selection in town..so I know where singers are going to come..LOL

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:15 am 
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As often is the case, "we" are speaking in generalities. Let me speak, rather, in some "general" specifics, if I may?

I have been to shows where virtually everyone brings their own discs, every week.

I have been to shows where no one ever brings in discs.

Since July I have had just one person use their own discs at any of my shows!

Just because someone has a burnt disc that has played elsewhere doesn't mean it will play on my computer drive. While my Deck will play just about anything, I stopped carrying it two years ago. It has been proven TO MY SATISFACTION that for my show it isn't worth the effort of taking it along.

SINGERS who won't sing from a KJ's mp3+g Library - parody
PostPosted: Yesterday at 2:14 pm
I'm running into more and more singers that bring in their own discs and are too lazy to look in the book to see if the KJ already has that song and version in their state of the art computer system.

I agree and would guess that 98% of "customer jockeys" with their own discs don't even look at my song book, which I spend a fortune on for the benefit of the customer. And if their burnt discs do not play on my equipment, why would I want to deal with that, especially if I have the very same track?

And as I posted in the "other thread" on this subject, as a singer I do take some discs with me when I go to a show, but before filling out a slip I first look to see what the KJ has in his songbook, avoiding the use of my discs (which might not even play) where possible.

leopard lizard
Re: SINGERS who won't sing from a KJ's mp3+g Library - parody

PostPosted: Yesterday at 7:46 pm
I just don't get it. When we went to karaoke a minium of two nights a week at the same place and then tried out every other place we could fit in on the off nights acquiring a song collection was part of the fun. I like to find songs no one else sings. Why can't I if that is fun for me? Why should a host have to buy a song that only I sing? Why can't karaoke be fun? Why can't karaoke be about singers singing versions that they are comfortable with because that adds to their fun? Why can't we have fun? Why can't we have fun? What is the problem here?

When I see someone bringing their own discs to our show I am glad because it means they are a karaoke fanatic and I want their business. They have probably even practiced and will try to do a decent job. That is the other reason people buy their own discs--so they can practice. Why can't we practice? Why can't we have fun? I don't get the issue here.

I guess it depends upon whose perspective you are considering the issue from and how you define "fun". KJ's seem to have different opinions in this regard, as do singers!

As a singer, I don't have "fun" when I attend a show where the same patrons are singing the same songs week-in and week-out. And while it is only an opinion of MINE, I strongly feel that I run into MORE "stagnated singers" more frequently at shows where people are using their own discs. I imagine this occurs because such singers find less of an incentive to try something new when there is nothing (no songbook) in front of them to offer "new" ideas!

As a host, I have expressed in the "other thread" reasons why I prefer not to deal with discs though I often do! My "fun" is certainly not enhanced by working with discs. If you consider the potential technical issues and the "pattern of events" that I referred to in the "other thread", it would take an exceptional performance of an UNBELIEVABLY EXCITING track that I happen NOT to have to result in my experiencing "fun" from someone using their own disc.

Re: SINGERS who won't sing from a KJ's mp3+g Library - parody
PostPosted: Yesterday at 8:18 pm
................. If you get one person in drinking all night who bring their disc, that's extra money for the venue and you are offering the service that is desired by that one person.

That one person will tell 5 or 10 people. Make them mad and they will tell 50 to 100 to stay away.

Now what is worth it?

Yes, it is ALWAYS about the CUSTOMERS, but it can't ALWAYS be about EACH and EVERY customer! In other words, "you can't please ALL of the people, all of the time" But I would be most interested in finding out who is spending "real" money and try to please them!

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:34 am 
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GeminiMALE40 @ 4th November 2009, 12:07 am wrote:
Jian @ Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:17 pm wrote:
I ALWAYS bring my own discs to any show. I stopped going to one place because their replacement player won't play my burnt discs. When the owner asked me why I don't frequent his pub anymore I told him why. I have a choice of not going to a place; I have a choice of where I want to sing and that choice is very dependent on if they can play my disc/usb pendrive.
It is a bad attitude to tell singer who bring their own disc to stay home.

Sorry I have to disagree..you are ATTENDING THEIR SHOW..NOT YOURS..it it disrespectful to go into any show with your discs... I either sing something from their book or suggest a song they should get.....As most know this is a big NO NO at my shows..again MY show...My equiment...ect... should I go on..What is funny I have had only two times where discs where brought in ..and they learned quickly.....they stayed and sang and everything was fine. The other KJ in town uses computer and it wont read discs so Im not worried about them going any where else...LOL Also I have the biggest and best selection in town..so I know where singers are going to come..LOL

I respect the places/bar that can play my discs/usb pendrive; I don't disrespect those that can't; I just don't go there. When I run a show I welcome singer's that bring their own dicsc. I don't see them as being disrespectful.
You may have the biggest collection of songs in town but you would not have the 50 songs that I want (can) to sing.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:56 am 
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Wow, Jam, do you really show that attitude to the bar customers? If so, I'm surprised you keep a crowd at all.

For one thing, so many KJ's who think they have a:
state of the art computer system.

Lots of times... don't really have one. Your average (i did say "average") karaoke singer is going to worry more about a) how often they get up and b) wether or not you have the songs they want to sing. (not... the pricetag on your "state of the art computer system").

I always take a few of my own disks. My local KJ will often look at my disks, and purchase them herself (even if nobody shows an interest in singing the song but me), so I'm usually only brining my "newer" disks to the show. But occasionally she'll say "Oh, I got such and such song"... and I'll try it, and if it's a version I don't like, I stick with my disk. I'd NEVER "expect" her to have all the songs I like to do, some are a bit obscure.

Scratched disks? Simply announce it on the mic afterwards, "If you're going to bring your own disks, please make sure they're in good condition"... simple, then you don't have to bear the "shame".

Wow... :roll: ... you sure you really enjoy your job? Because you should, or you should get out of the business.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:58 am 
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I agree it's not disrespectful to walk into a show with your discs if its your first time there. It's disrespectful to get upset at the KJ for choosing not to offer the ability to play your burnt disc. HECK some KJ's who play customer discs will REFUSE to play burns of any sort. If your show requires it play don't play its up to the KJ.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:39 am 
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That's why karaoke works so well... there are tons of singers out there, and many, many shows to go to. So everyone can find "their place" and KJ's can attract the type of crowd they like.

Not playing burnt disks is understandable... because you could be playing illegal copies.

I've never gotten mad at a KJ for the inability to play my disk (nor would I for the "refusal" to play mine), I just wouldn't go there again. Simple as that, then he's happy and I'm happy:)

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:43 am 
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Wow, some great reading here. There are good points being made all over these replies.

Some points and things that I've noticed or done. First Gemini you can't agree 100% because Jam says he'll play our discs. He wants us to go thru the effort to see if he has it already though. I never pick my own disc over the KJ's version period.

I bring my discs with me probably a little more than half the time, and of those times maybe 25% of those times they even come out of my car. I do agree with Jam where we singers should go thru the KJ's books first. Whoever said it, is right and the singer who just brings up thier own disc so they don't have to look through the book is just lazy and a little high on thier horse.

I don't ask about my own discs being used unless I've seen someone else doing it. Whether it's a laptop or cdg show. And then I ask if it's ok or if they mind before I even try it. That way I get to know thier rules on this. I've never been denied or even heard a KJ complain about it. They just have to figure out how to tweak it in and then your good to go.

But in my case, it doesn't much matter either way. You KJ's spend enough cash on your libraries. I'm sure I could find another song. Mine are basically to have my own type of music for home parties or stuff that is so new, no one will have it. It won't stop me or start me from going to a place.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:53 am 
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[quote="jamkaraoke @ November 3rd 2009, 11:58 am"]I agree it's not disrespectful to walk into a show with your discs if its your first time there. It's disrespectful to get upset at the KJ for choosing not to offer the ability to play your burnt disc. HECK some KJ's who play customer discs will REFUSE to play burns of any sort. If your show requires it play don't play its up to the KJ.[/quote]

What is the real reason then, Jamkaraoke, why you don't want to play a customer's disc?? You claim that it has nothing to do with being cheap so why wouldn't you want to make a customer happy? What is your great fear of a customer's CD? Will it somehow damage your system? Your Reputation? Are you worried that someone might ask you to get that particualr disc so they can sing a song from it in the future and you don't want to buy a disc for your customer??? WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF????

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:02 am 
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BlueStainedShoes @ Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:56 am wrote:
Wow, Jam, do you really show that attitude to the bar customers? If so, I'm surprised you keep a crowd at all.

BLUE - for you I'll explain - I don't have an attitude towards customers - I bend over backwards for singers to give them a great experiance. PERIOD - I just don't have a need at my current show to hook up a CDG PLAYER to play customer discs.
If I did have a NEED I would hook one up. SIMPLE - My attitude is towards those singers who believe ENTITLED to use their own discs or home made karaoke and THEN HAVE the nerve to insult any KJ who can't or won't play their burnt discs.
Yes you come into the venue with a HIGHER THAN THO attitude ...you just may get one back ... LOL

And yes I love my job as a Karaoke Host.

and BLUE you sum it all perfectly " That's why karaoke works so well... there are tons of singers out there, and many, many shows to go to. So everyone can find "their place" and KJ's can attract the type of crowd they like."

Hopefully I've cleared up any misconceptions

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:15 am 
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Jian @ Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:34 am wrote:
GeminiMALE40 @ 4th November 2009, 12:07 am wrote:
Jian @ Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:17 pm wrote:
I ALWAYS bring my own discs to any show. I stopped going to one place because their replacement player won't play my burnt discs. When the owner asked me why I don't frequent his pub anymore I told him why. I have a choice of not going to a place; I have a choice of where I want to sing and that choice is very dependent on if they can play my disc/usb pendrive.
It is a bad attitude to tell singer who bring their own disc to stay home.

Sorry I have to disagree..you are ATTENDING THEIR SHOW..NOT YOURS..it it disrespectful to go into any show with your discs... I either sing something from their book or suggest a song they should get.....As most know this is a big NO NO at my shows..again MY show...My equiment...ect... should I go on..What is funny I have had only two times where discs where brought in ..and they learned quickly.....they stayed and sang and everything was fine. The other KJ in town uses computer and it wont read discs so Im not worried about them going any where else...LOL Also I have the biggest and best selection in town..so I know where singers are going to come..LOL

I respect the places/bar that can play my discs/usb pendrive; I don't disrespect those that can't; I just don't go there. When I run a show I welcome singer's that bring their own dicsc. I don't see them as being disrespectful.
You may have the biggest collection of songs in town but you would not have the 50 songs that I want (can) to sing.

Exactly. There is absolutely NO disrespect with a singer wanting to enjoy a night of karaoke singing songs from their own disc that they own. NONE WHATSOEVER>! Biggest bunch of crap I ever heard. There is NO WAY a kj can have and own every song out there - especially since probably over half - at least with certain manus - are no longer even available anymore. I don't understand some kj attitudes, it's almost an ego thing - "hey I spent all this money on my library, you will sing from my library only?" I myself have spent tons of cash over the years & if someone want to sing from their disc, then it's completely fine. Even if I have the same version - I will let them know that I have it so they have the option of not having to bring it in next time, but don't whine if they do.
Don't matter to me, I will take those customers off your hands. They are MORE than welcome to come and spend their money at our shows.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:19 am 
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jamkaraoke @ Tue Nov 03, 2009 9:58 am wrote:
HECK some KJ's who play customer discs will REFUSE to play burns of any sort.

This is a completely different subject since burns would be in the technical side of illegal. Relevant, but not.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:21 am 
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I have to hold with the people who say it is up to the host (and ultimately the venue who continues to employ them). I have been to well over 250 different karaoke gigs in 117 cities, and in this day and age I would say about 30% of hosts will play burned disks.

I won't carry thousands of dollars worth of disks to cover all the songs that I sing, so I burn compilation disks. They also have key changes on them. In a couple of cases, where I downloaded Zoom or SBI songs from Tricerasoft or bought customs from Sound Choice, all I have is burned disks.

I have frequently had hosts say they either can't or won't play burned disks. Some players really don't seem to play them well. If they have a JVC triple-tray and say "can't", I know that is a euphemism for "won't". But I don't blame them for dodging the legality issue if they are refusing to play burned disks.

Bottom line is that if I want to sing karaoke many places, I have to have a fallback position. And for the 10% that can't even seem to get key changes done (due to lack of knowledge or Sax 'n' Dotty's) I need to have some songs that I can sing without key changes. I am OK with that.

I like to burn custom disks just for the gig, and do it often. If I know the host and that they welcome disks, I'll hand them a disk at the beginning and say "I'll do #1, then #2, #3 etc." They love that if they are disk-based, it makes their job easier.

[color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color]
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:28 am 
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mckyj57 @ Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:21 pm wrote:
If they have a JVC triple-tray and say "can't", I know that is a euphemism for "won't".

Oddly enough one of my JVC single tray (triple trays little brother) 'won't' play burns - have had it cleaned, serviced to no avail - it simply does not play a burned disc, the other machine will so I can see where some of the triple tray users that only use one player may have that leg to stand on.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:28 am 
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Bottom line is that if I want to sing karaoke many places, I have to have a fallback position. And for the 10% that can't even seem to get key changes done (due to lack of knowledge or Sax 'n' Dotty's) I need to have some songs that I can sing without key changes. I am OK with that.

Sax & Dotty's uses the winamp key changer called pacemaker. I think it's one of the best plug ins out there for karaoke. You can raise or lower the key as well as you can speed up or slow down the song to suit your liking.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 11:30 am 
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jamkaraoke @ Tue 03 Nov, 2009 11:02 am wrote:
BLUE - for you I'll explain

Holy xhit, someone choosing not to argue back? That's a first:)

Reading closer... I see the "customers wanting to sing from thier disks ONLY"... and I think I missed the word "only" before.

It takes all kinds for the world to spin tho.

To clarify, again, I'd never be so bratty as to refuse to sing songs from the KJ's collection, but it's nice when KJ is willing to meet you on middle ground so you can sing what you'd like to sing. I don't refuse to sing your songs in the book, you don't refuse to play my disks for me... and no beer bottles get thrown. LMAO


I'll leave you KJ's to talk about KJ stuff now... :wave:

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:37 pm 
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Mr/Ms Singer - I apologize in advance but I currently don't offer the service to play your CDG's and or custom made karaoke tracks. Please sit down and look thru my book and maybe you can find something you like to sing, the disc manus are listed next to the titles. If you have any questions or need assitance finding something don't hesitate to ask.
I also ask you to please refain from calling me CHEAP and or a PIRATE because I use only use the mp3+g format. - OH you have a drive with the same songs --sure I can use that as long as you don't mind. - Please fill out a slip.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 1:13 pm 
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BlueStainedShoes @ Tue Nov 03, 2009 8:56 am wrote:

... Scratched disks? Simply announce it on the mic afterwards, "If you're going to bring your own disks, please make sure they're in good condition"... simple, then you don't have to bear the "shame".

Yep, scratched discs can cause a multitude of problems whether they are on an original or a burnt disc.

If the scratched disc is really bad, no amount of apologies or shame/blame shifting is going to change the reality of that bad incident. That's why many KJ's are suggesting that they would like to avoid such problems, altogether.

BTW, all to often the "off-beat" announcements made by KJ's are garbled and difficult to understand. So don't expect too much sympathy from an announcement that "shifts the blame" to a customer's disc or requests that customer check that their discs must be in good condition! Would anyone intentionally bring a disc to a karaoke show knowing it wouldn't play properly?

Lastly, I am most concerned as a KJ about the burnt discs that successfully reproduce the audio but no graphics ever appear.

What does the KJ do then? First, as the KJ, you have to quickly determine what has caused the blank screen. Did you video cable fall out. Did the video settings somehow get changed? Then, and both more pressing and stressful is the reality that you have to determine what to "do" next with that singer and your show.

Burnt discs that won't display the graphics is the most common problem I find with customers' discs, not scratches.

Actually, I can't remember the last time someone came to my show with an ORIGINAL disc that they wanted me to play? I have NEVER carried an original with me to sing from! Originals are part of my show library and that's where they stay.

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