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 Post subject: Re: Bottled water
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:34 am 
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The bar owner dropped the price of coffee to $2 for 3 cups. I'm not sure why. He's not the type of person to do something like that because people complained. Maybe he just came to his senses.

I asked the bar manager Wed if they are making more money because they are charging for bottled water. She actually laughed at me. The day time bartender was sitting at the bar and he didn't even know how much they were selling it for because he's never sold one. She said $1.50. They are the large bottles so that made sense.

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 Post subject: Re: Bottled water
PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:03 pm 
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Hello All,

I guess it really all depends on the customers and the venue. If you have a lot of water-drinkers, I've had bar owners charge $1 a drink or whatever. Listen, you're not paying for the drinks, you're paying to part of the 'entertainment'.

This is a BAR where it's their job to make money.

If you want to come out and sing karaoke .... you have to pop down some cash for the drinks.

Coke and Pepsi too... some venue don't do free refills on karoke night.


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 Post subject: Re: Bottled water
PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:46 pm 
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I don't know what bars you go to, but here they do not give free refills of soda. You pay for each and every one. The places I go to have it in cans and the gun which is usually for the mixed drinks. $1.50 to $2 a can.

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 Post subject: Re: Bottled water
PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:25 am 
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Lonman @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:37 pm wrote:
jamkaraoke @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:26 pm wrote:
There is an expense for Coffee and I don't agree it should be FREE.
You might suggest that the bar have a "late night " price for coffee ....for those who want or need it before leaving. Maybe $1.50 per cup ..no re fills . ( chances are if 1 person orders a $3 coffe they have to make a WHOLE POT and end up throwing away the profits. ) Lower the price and maybe sell some coffee. BUT THEN AGAIN...its mainly a bar ? ( coffee drinkers need to go to Dunkin Dounuts LOL)

Coffee is a very low cost to bars. They probably throw away more mistakes in alcohol than an entire pot of coffee runs them.
If someone has been drinking/spending all night, then give them a cup of coffee or two. Sheesh! :roll:

Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes a little investment gains or keeps customer. Good PR too.

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 Post subject: Re: Bottled water
PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:29 am 
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diafel @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:38 pm wrote:
Babs @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:01 pm wrote:
I think coffee should be free for people at the end of the night. People who have been drinking all night and would like to sober up before driving.

This is a HUGE MYTH! The only thing that will sober someone up once they've been drinking is time.
Alcohol leaves your body at a rate of .015% BAC (blood alcohol level) per hour. So if your BAC is .015, you’ll be sober in an hour, and so on.
Coffee or any other thing taken or done (cold showers) to "sober up" have all been proven not to work.
All coffee does is make a very wide awake drunk.
When a person has been drinking, it's never a good idea to drive, period.

Ahh however if every bar partron everywhere drank a cup of coffee at the end of the night instead of one more alcoholic beverage,,, would one less person somewhere die? Tough call for bars to know who's had enough, who's driving and everything else.

Rule of thumb, once you stop drinking, one drink (one beer or one shot or one 4 ounce glass of wine) will leave your system per hour. Just a rule of thumb mind you

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 Post subject: Re: Bottled water
PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:32 am 
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tovmod @ Tue Oct 13, 2009 4:39 am wrote:
Clearly, the bar has decided to charge for coffee because there are people who think they can hang around and be entertained while drinking refillable coffee all night or find some other way to spend little or no money. For the bar, it's simply economics.

Interestingly, no matter what the discussion is on this forum regarding cheapskates, you can count on hearing from members who are cocksure that cheapskates are not really a problem.

On the other hand, when there are postings about how an owner has chosen to deal with the problem of cheapskates, there will always be those who suggest that the owner's is somehow wrong in his approach to the ("non-existent") problem. Hmm? Which is it?

And when it comes to cheapskates most posters insist that the problem, if any, is solely the owners. So, if that is the case why do we beat this "dead horse" every time an owner reacts to cheapskates and find fault with their decision? If it's their problem let them handle it.

Meanwhile, there are KJ's who have found cheapskates have become a problem that effects them directly! But, if the problem is solely the owner's and should be left to the owner, a KJ can't complain about how he is being effected by the owner's response to cheapskates!

Tov- I have to ask, are you or have you been an owner? You seem very sinsitive to any owner criticism.

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 Post subject: Re: Bottled water
PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:24 am 
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Sorry for the delayed response

Let's just say I have experienced "business" from every side of the spectrum and of course have my own entertainment business. Ironically, since my earliest involvement in business, I learned that many businessmen make money in spite of themselves; you can never discount luck - serendipity.

Nonetheless, I do take exception to anyone who is quick to criticize when the investment/risk is not theirs! However if such a person has or had a business and can state unequivocally that they never made a wrong business decision, then I might give such a person a "pass" for criticizing others.

But please don't lose sight of the fact that my above referenced post was more a response to the differing opinions and all too often contradictory opinions that appear(ed) in this thread and on this forum regarding this topic and related topics!

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 Post subject: Re: Bottled water
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:41 am 
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Tarzan @ Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:48 am wrote:
Babs is going to yell at me for not getting in more often, but I still concider myself one of her regulars...

I generally drink beer or my "Doc Shot" (equal parts gin and vodka) for the majority of the night and then drink the free water or coffee for the last hour or two... I think this new policy will ultimately cause me to spend less because I'll be drinking less and stretching it out longer so I don't end up driving impaired.

There you have it. The word from an actual customer in the actual venue. As I've said before on here, pinching pennies does not always add up to more profits. I'm sure someone will say I am bashing the owner. I am only commenting on the situation, not the person. This customer is spending money but wants to get home safely. Now he has to adjust his routine.

Who knows Babs, maybe this won't work out and the owner will adjust accordingly?

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 Post subject: Re: Bottled water
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:59 am 
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tovmod @ Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:24 am wrote:

Sorry for the delayed response

Let's just say I have experienced "business" from every side of the spectrum and of course have my own entertainment business. Ironically, since my earliest involvement in business, I learned that many businessmen make money in spite of themselves; you can never discount luck - serendipity.

Nonetheless, I do take exception to anyone who is quick to criticize when the investment/risk is not theirs! However if such a person has or had a business and can state unequivocally that they never made a wrong business decision, then I might give such a person a "pass" for criticizing others.

But please don't lose sight of the fact that my above referenced post was more a response to the differing opinions and all too often contradictory opinions that appear(ed) in this thread and on this forum regarding this topic and related topics!


Keep in mind, everyone makes mistakes. And evetryone still complains about others mistakes, or at least mistakes in their eyes. Speculation over the reason for business decisions will vary and often sound harsh.
In the end everyone is entitiled to their opinion. I don't think this owner is or was a cheapskate, hell I don't even know what that word means when I think about it. I just think it is a bad decision, not a dealbreaker but read the post above form the actual customer. That is one examle of what the business decision end result will be.
Again, I don't know why he made this decision, must be a reason but from what Babs says, it doesn't sound like it was costing the bar money. Maybe he just had a confrontation with one customer and decided to show the customer who the boss is? Again, pure speculation.

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 Post subject: Re: Bottled water
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:45 am 
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Correct. But keep in mind that the forum DIDN'T have all of the facts in the original post. The facts were revealed over several posts after people posed probing questions.

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