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 Post subject: Re: Fed up!!!!
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:46 pm 
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tovmod @ Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:14 pm wrote:
I don't see any upside to involving the corporate office and I think that approach might hurt matters more than improve them.

I agree. There is no quicker way to be 86ed than to get someone in trouble with their boss. And besides, corporate is most likely to side with their 80-hour-a-week manager rather than some one-day-a-week independent contractor. You won't accomplish anything except make an enemy of the manager who'll immediately be looking to replace you.

spotlightjr @ Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:08 am wrote:
Well, well, now my manhood is in question. Look, I have a "pair" as you say and have had discussions with management regarding this situation. Besides writing a letter to corporate headquarters my options are limited.

But they're NOT limited. Your "discussions with management" apparently were too meek and subservient. After you left the manager probably had a good laugh with his staff about it, knowing that you would continue to bus tables for them.

I can understand that you wanted to vent. But if you're looking for a solution - and don't want to call out the staff on the mic as I suggested - I would sit down with the manager one last time. "I really enjoy working with you. I know our mutual goal is to make the register ring, and I'm happy to do whatever is in my power as your karaoke host to help that happen. I know your staff can be busy and can't be everywhere at once. When I see new arrivals waiting or dirty tables where people want to sit, would you like me to give you a heads up on the mic? It saddens me when I see people leave because of that, because now we're BOTH not getting the benefit of more customers."

Then shut up and let him talk. One thing you didn't mention is exactly what was said during your "discussions with management" and what action was promised. Or did the manager just say, "thank you"?

I recall one bar at which I worked, after I was hired and showed up the first night, I was told the duties of the KJ was to put out the candles on the tables at the beginning of the night, replace any which were burned out, and put them back at the end of the night. HellO? I'm the talent, not a waitress! As that proved indicative of the general management attitude, I left after 2 weeks.

Sometimes "having a pair" means knowing when the gig isn't a good fit.

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 Post subject: Re: Fed up!!!!
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:08 pm 
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wow.....exactly the opposite in the UK.....iI have a few nights a week with a faceless,national chain...i do nothing but play music...when my time is up...off I go home.....the barstaff are often there 2 hours after closing...cleaning..re-stocking etc....whereas the gig i have with a solo Pub...the MOM and POP organisation as you put it......often i will help clear tables...play late......even serve behind the bar......not that this happens often......in return they REALLY look after me...ie...cook me meals if i havent eaten and just come from my day job...offer to put me up for the night if its going to be late one.....

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 Post subject: Re: Fed up!!!!
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:14 pm 
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wow.....exactly the opposite in the UK.....iI have a few nights a week with a faceless,national chain...i do nothing but play music...when my time is up...off I go home.....the barstaff are often there 2 hours after closing...cleaning..re-stocking etc....whereas the gig i have with a solo Pub...the MOM and POP organisation as you put it......often i will help clear tables...play late......even serve behind the bar......not that this happens often......in return they REALLY look after me...ie...cook me meals if i havent eaten and just come from my day job...offer to put me up for the night if its going to be late one.....

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 Post subject: Re: Fed up!!!!
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 6:29 pm 
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Dan I've been called many things in my life but never "subservient" or "meek". Who in the hell do you people think you are?? You assume(which is stupid) because my dealings with the manager have fallen on deaf ears that I'm lacking in effective communication? Please! Both of these managers are twenty something year olds who dont have a damn clue. I am very direct and to the point with them. They are very aware of my concerns regarding service, etc. and have done little or nothing about it
Sure, I could make threats and see where it goes but that's not really what I'm about. I will more than likely talk with the regional manager who I originally negotiated with. (have voice mail with him right now). Hopefully I can relate my concerns without stirring the pot too badly.
Some of you need to read what you type before you post it.

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 Post subject: Re: Fed up!!!!
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:45 pm 
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He did not say you were meek in any way. He was describing the converstaions with management. The conversations themselves most likely were not "forceful" in nature. No worry, you should not feel meek yourself as a result and i don't think Dan meant it that way either.[font=Courier][/font]

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 Post subject: Re: Fed up!!!!
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:35 pm 
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DangerousDanKaraoke @ Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:50 pm wrote:
instead of quietly going up to the bar and telling the server, get on the mic and say, "Welcome to (restaurant)! We have some great food and drinks for you and our new arrivals would love to have some - if they can get a waitress. So if one of our fine staff can give the folks sitting (point to where they are) over there some attention, it would be appreciated. Thanks!"

+1. Call them out! You should know all these people by name by now. "KAREN! You have thirsty customers @ table four!". :lol: If that's too bold for you tell them that the managers name is XXX and to go ask for him as he is the only one who can do anything as you are just the hired entertainment.

And stop with the table bussing...you have become their enabler! Besides, the tables reflect on the bar...not you. If I go into a club and the service sucks, I don't blame the band.

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 Post subject: Re: Fed up!!!!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:25 am 
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Thanks for clearing things up for me. I'm sure Dan is also appreciative as well. By "forceful" as you put it, no, I didnt smash them over the head and make my demands over the microphone. What I did do was contact the regional and he actually came down and met up with me. We discussed, in a civilized manner, what I thought was hindering my show and how it affected his bottom line.
He was very receptive and took immediate action. The manager at one of the places has been terminated (actually not because of me, was already a problem) and I noticed a difference at the other location last week. While my tactics may seem "meek" or "subservient" to some, in the end things have worked out.
I get to keep these gigs and hopefully the service will continue to improve. I also have not made any enemies with the management or staff because the regional has kept everything on the DL.
Communication takes many forms. What works for some may not work for others. What should be remembered is to not judge or criticize one when he or she does something different than what you deem appropriate. Just my 2 cents!

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 Post subject: Re: Fed up!!!!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 10:31 am 
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Well done Spotlight. Velvet glove approach. Has always worked for me, too.

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