Lonman @ Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:13 pm wrote:
atxklown @ Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:57 am wrote:
Since the new rock is basically new wave part 2 the 80s have already been back
Especially when I have been seeing ALOT of 'new' music (covered for their own style) - originally from the 80's - even the 70's. It's funny when my kids say HEY you have to listen to this 'new' song, then I break out the original! But then come to think of it

I did the same thing with my parents growing up & they did the same thing right back to me when the song was originally recorded in the 50's & 60's.
I guess i was in an odd place, being that I knew and loved the oldies even as a kid in the 80s I listned to rock from the 50s to 80s (then current). My dad played in a rock band that played a wide variety of music from all that time, a few polkas, and a few country western songs too. so I may have been exposed to more variety than most of my friends. when those "new" cover songs came out I already knew the oldie and was the one to tell my friends it was an old song.