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 Post subject: Am I illegal?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:27 pm 
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There is nobody here that has the coverage or google crawling to the expanse that has the noteriety than Cabaret Karaoke has

google Ollie Smith karaoke.
google 970-371-8695
If you want 40 pages google karyoker
google karaoke northern colorado
gooogle karaoke greeley
Hell just google karaoke I will show up in ten pages

If you really think that KIAA or Orka intimidates me then you live in a fantasy that thery do..

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 Post subject: Re: Am I illegal?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:29 pm 
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Am I illegal? - I don't know. Do you speak english?

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 Post subject: Re: Am I illegal?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:35 pm 
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I can hook you up with a green card.. :mrgreen:

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 Post subject: Re: Am I illegal?
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:11 pm 
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How do I know?

I can get hundreds of search hits for Bernie Madoff, and probablly would have gotten hundreds before he was busted as well.

About 14,000 songs for karaoke is not that unreasonable for a legit operation.

Especially one that has regular gigs.

You may be legit, but if you are not you are putting a big target on yourself.

A lot of your songs from sound choice are out of print, and hard to find. You may have them, but I would keep the disk safe in case sound choice comes calling.

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 Post subject: Re: Am I illegal?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:05 am 
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jdmeister @ Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:35 am wrote:

I can hook you up with a green card.. :mrgreen:

Are you legal ???

Did your Ma & Pa have a green card ?

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 Post subject: Re: Am I illegal?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:52 am 
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quote]Did your Ma & Pa have a green card ?
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ROFL My Pa had one I think Ma's was pink... Nah Jerry I get so tired of this legal crap.. I no longer do bars just private parties etc. I am from the generation you do not insult somebodies business integrity unless you have a lunch packed.
You dont even want to walk into a friends or my show and question legalities unless you have the authority. I have been busted by the FCC as the CE of a TV station. I have had direct dealings with the FBI and OSHA. I know how they operate and how to talk to them or work with them and they do not intimidate me. So some yokel is not going to question my host or intimidate me or them. Most here seem to be totally naive about federal laws and how they are enforced.

PS Yes I am from Colorado and have worked with and hired those with green cards and those without.

They keep stirring up my milk and the cream doesnt rise to the top.

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 Post subject: Re: Am I illegal?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 12:50 pm 
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The question is are WE ALL 100% LEGAL in everything we do ?
More of a MORAL question than a Karaoke One. People here say you can convert your cdg+g to an digital file on a 1to1 basis and its LEGAL. Some argue that although its accepted ..it's not LEGAL by the letter of the law. I would think MOST KJ's run a CASH business ..meaning they get paid in cash at the end of the night.
I question if ALL the KJ's claim 100% of the income or even if they claim ANY of the income for the casual and part time KJ's. Do you have any copied cdgs in your library ? DO you have more than 1 copy of your library even if its just for back up.
Forget about all the moral dilemas and bickering over who's library is bigger - STOP BLAMING THE KJ down the street for your lack of business (not you Ollie) just in general. Stop saying KJ's with LOADED HARDRIVES have inferior sound systems --these are all excuses and what this industry needs less of are excuses ..we need more suggestions and out of the box thinking to excite the Karaoke Industry and excite the SIngers . enough of my rambling ..OLLIE POUR ME A DRINK !!!!!! :beermates: :beermates: :beermates:

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 Post subject: Re: Am I illegal?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:48 pm 
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Jam I am one who has spent hard earned money on both my libraries I have 13 K karaoke 9K dance I am very proud of my selection. I found a guy who was retiring and I bought all his SC Cd'S worth the money Out of my libs 13K 75% is SC The rest is CB and THM

my libraries

All of my friends got the free music (yes they share here for free). Am I disappointed? Yes... Am I mad? Maybe a little bit. Do I understand? YES. With what corps and the GOV has done to this country I totally understand. I see families living out of their cars. As a kid in the 40's I knew still owners and bootleggers. They were very honorable gentlemen and supported their family. However due to those laws they provided what most wanted. Were they illegal? Yes very much. Yet they were patronized and protrtected by the locals. In bad times folks tend to form bonds fight things forced upon them by those who want to control them. In this country we are armed and perhaps have more control than those in other countries. Our predicament was not caused by pirates or rustlers or Bonnie & clyde. I cant even blame Jimmy Hoffa only his kids. It is too late to shut the gate and keep the cows in. We must figure out better ways. The only route I see now is independent artists.

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 Post subject: Re: Am I illegal?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:18 pm 
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Ollie.....you said you were 18..... :oops:

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