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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:29 am 
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tovmod @ Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:45 pm wrote:
I am sometimes amazed how easily posts can be misinterpreted

That is true. It is called semantics.

Is it possible for a person to totally relate an experience to everyone.

You appear to have posted here asking a question that you either didn't convey adequately or didn't like the answers to.

What is it you would like from us ?
How can we help you in a way that you want to hear ?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:09 pm 
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Post Re: Has anyone experienced this?
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:29 am
tovmod @ Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:45 pm wrote:
I am sometimes amazed how easily posts can be misinterpreted

That is true. It is called semantics.

Is it possible for a person to totally relate an experience to everyone.

You appear to have posted here asking a question that you either didn't convey adequately or didn't like the answers to.

You, Jerry, have helped me make the very point that you referenced with my quote (in red) above.

Now, AGAIN, here's what I presented in the OP:

tovmod @ Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:31 am wrote:
A few months ago I started a job in an Italian restaurant/pizzeria. I’m there Thursday evenings from 7-10 pm.

It’s been touch and go but he number of singers has been growing, I am now averaging between 13-18 singers throughout the entire length of the show.

There are 10 tables of karaoke regulars, on average, which accounts for about 30 spending customers, including most of the regular singers. Some of those attending regularly arrive at the start of the show and leave after an hour and half or two. Some come later and stay till the end of the show.

During the last few weeks there have been four newcomers that come together. All four of them sing. They order a pizza and a pitcher of refillable soda for the table. While they are present for the entire show, their total bill, I am told, never exceeds $20.

Personally, I don’t care what anyone spends and I don’t keep track of such things. It’s not in my job description. However, 4 couples that are regulars at my show since the beginning pointed out what that groups spends and are upset that they are now losing turns at singing during the few hours they are in attendance to the “table of cheapskates who come just to sing and don’t really spend much money” (their terminology)!

The four couples tell me that they spend at least $30 a couple during the few hours they are around and don’t understand why a singer who spends $5 during the entire evening should receive the same turns at singing as one of them who spends $30 in just 2 hours! They are really mad and are getting other regulars mad at the situation. In short regulars who were with me since the start of the show are now threatening not to come back.

If they do stop coming I don't think the show will survive?

The Points I Made In The OP

1. My show is new and doing marginally okay
2. Eight people who come together and are spending a good deal of money are threatening that they are going to stop coming
3. Based upon what they are spending, I would be in deep "doo doo" if they were to stop coming IT WOULD PROBABLY SPELL THE END OF THE GIG
4. I IMPLIED that I don't want the gig to end
5. I IMPLIED THAT I needed suggestions as to what I might do

I am sorry if those points were not clear to every reader. I thought I had stated the problem simply and clearly in the OP. I really don't see where I failed in that regard?

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:42 pm 
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Possibly point 4 was a bit understated.

Had you impressed just how important this gig was to you...
The response you received may have been a little different.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:46 pm 
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Where is the manager? This is managements problem not yours..

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:53 pm 
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:08 pm 
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It would be like me complaining to host that they are not putting enuff rum in the coke. Dont tell me go talk to them. Im the karaoke host I dont mix drinks, cook, serve, sell., bus tables or collect for your ticket. What do I look like? A bus boy?

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:11 pm 
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Post Re: Has anyone experienced this?
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 12:42 pm
Possibly point 4 was a bit understated.

Had you impressed just how important this gig was to you...
The response you received may have been a little different.

Perhaps that is so, Jerry?
However, I think in conjunction with my second post my desire to keep the gig should be inescapable? NO?

tovmod @ Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:23 am wrote:
Angel and some others

You are missing the point of my question
I don't want to lose the gig and if the whiners stop coming the "gig is up" most likely. I say that because the owner recently mentioned that the show is marginally providing a benefit and that on some nights he doesn't believe it is paying for itself!

And why would I need to express explicitly that I wanted to keep the gig? Isn't doing gigs what we are in business for? And if I were unconcerned about keeping the gig I WOULDN'T HAVE RAISED THE QUESTION ON THIS FORUM

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:16 pm 
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tovmod @ Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:11 pm wrote:
I don't want to lose the gig

Yes that is pretty impressive.

Don't you think this is getting a bit heavy.

You have triumphed. Well done.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:19 pm 
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karyoker @ Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:08 pm wrote:
It would be like me complaining to host that they are not putting enuff rum in the coke. Dont tell me go talk to them. Im the karaoke host I dont mix drinks, cook, serve, sell., bus tables or collect for your ticket. What do I look like? A bus boy?

And your point is?

I posted previously that I had mentioned the problem to the owner and got a "shrug" from him for my efforts.

In fairness to the owner, as I have already noted, he never had a karaoke show at his place before and he had never attended a karaoke show. With his lack of knowledge regarding karaoke shows, rotation problems, personalities, audience satisfaction, and the like, what would you expect a manager/owner to say?

IMHO, if he has any business sense, he'd tell me that I was hired to run the karaoke show and in doing so to satisfy the karaoke customers and listening audience. He would consider his responsible to be for the hosting, the ambiance, the kitchen and the wait staff!

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:50 pm 
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Actually, I don't see what YOUR point is. What do you expect the people on this forum to do, that hasn't already been done? You asked for advice, you got advice. You tried the advice you were given, IT WORKED, you pleased the singers that were whining, you POSTED your results, were CONGRATULATED on your results. What else do you want from the members of this forum? Could you PLEASE be specific, one problem at a time, so MAYBE your problem can be solved and ALL will be happy.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:32 pm 
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Attention all shoppers!

Dead horse on aisle 14 READY FOR BEATING! Have at it kidz!


Dave's not here.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:37 pm 
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Agreed, I'm DONE!!!


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:56 pm 
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Moonrider @ Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:32 pm wrote:
Attention all shoppers!

Dead horse on aisle 14 READY FOR BEATING! Have at it kidz!


Amazing. That is the sort of thing I go at my gigs.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:57 pm 
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srnitynow @ 28th September 2009, 5:50 am wrote:
Actually, I don't see what YOUR point is. What do you expect the people on this forum to do, that hasn't already been done? You asked for advice, you got advice. You tried the advice you were given, IT WORKED, you pleased the singers that were whining, you POSTED your results, were CONGRATULATED on your results. What else do you want from the members of this forum? Could you PLEASE be specific, one problem at a time, so MAYBE your problem can be solved and ALL will be happy.


But what do you expect from an Eric thread?

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:00 pm 
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Hah!!!! :wink:

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:10 pm 
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Sorry this is so late, 1st time on this forum, but would like to add my 2 cents.

We have to remember who's number one here. It's the BOSS. We're here for one reason only, to make him money. Not OUR egos. If we don't make HIM money, we don't have a job. How big a deal would it be to give the whiners an extra song ahead of the cheapos? I've kj'd for 13 years and I've NEVER run a strict rotation. If someone has to go home, and asks to sing, I let them. If a guy comes in and drinks water, you can bet I'm gonna let the drinkers sing more songs. They are the reason I have a job. If the cheapos question that, I tell them like it is, if the boss doesn't make money, I'm not here.......

And on that subject, I have a very strong rule about ballads, and my people know it (or else I tell them). Ballads may fly at the end of the night, and occasionally during the night, but I'm there to sell liquor, and ballads don't do that, so they get put at the bottom of the pile. That may sound unfair to you all, but it works for me. Everyone has fun, (nothing brings you down faster than a ballad), and my boss is happy. :)

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:07 pm 
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Maryoke @ Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:10 pm wrote:
Sorry this is so late, 1st time on this forum, but would like to add my 2 cents.

We have to remember who's number one here. It's the BOSS. We're here for one reason only, to make him money. Not OUR egos. If we don't make HIM money, we don't have a job. How big a deal would it be to give the whiners an extra song ahead of the cheapos? I've kj'd for 13 years and I've NEVER run a strict rotation. If someone has to go home, and asks to sing, I let them. If a guy comes in and drinks water, you can bet I'm gonna let the drinkers sing more songs. They are the reason I have a job. If the cheapos question that, I tell them like it is, if the boss doesn't make money, I'm not here.......

And on that subject, I have a very strong rule about ballads, and my people know it (or else I tell them). Ballads may fly at the end of the night, and occasionally during the night, but I'm there to sell liquor, and ballads don't do that, so they get put at the bottom of the pile. That may sound unfair to you all, but it works for me. Everyone has fun, (nothing brings you down faster than a ballad), and my boss is happy. :)

Thank you, Mary ----- It's is really great/REFRESHING to hear a different viewpoint from an experienced professional. Your thoughts were presented like a true business person. Beware, though, most members here will view you as UNnprofessional, a heretic and of ill repute for not adhering to a strict rotation!

As for me, IF I had to bastardize my rotation to keep the 4 couples coming back I would probably have done it. HOWEVER, I never suggested in this thread that I would or was even considering it. I tried to avoid doing so, and UP TIL NOW my method is working ---- the rotation has remained sacrosanct!

Now, I don't know what horse I am beating. To my mind, those "beating the horse" are those who keep insisting that the solution(s) to my problem were specifically expressed for my benefit over and over again and that I chose to ignore them. Srintynow was just one of several posters who made such a claim, Jerry 12x was the last a few post back. I expressed my response to that unsupportable OUTRAGEOUS assertion made by srintynow (and others) with the following post:

For those who missed it, see the following:
Re: Has anyone experienced this?
PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:06 pm

My posts -----which are being likened to "beating a dead horse" ---- have mostly been in response to those who are actually "beating the horse".

Those "beating the horse" are those who insisted over and over that I would be wrong in adjusting my rotation and would ruin my reputation by doing so WHEN I NEVER SUGGESTED that I was considering placating the whiners by tweaking the rotation. So, while I offered no suggestion regarding the rotation and didn't debate anyone about the thought of doing so, the posts about my reputation and the need to honor the rotation kept coming.

Those "beating the dead horse" also include those who kept insisting that I should ignore the whiners because they are bluffing. It also includes those who suggested after my success that the "whiners" folded and that I had called their bluff ----- BOTH THEY (the whiners) AND I DID NO SUCH THING!

And those beating the "dead horse" are those that go on and on with their incomplete analysis of the posts that were made to this thread because:
1. they didn't read every post in its entirety
2. they made erroneous assumptions about my situation
3. they decided that the only remedy would be to tweak the rotation
4. they assumed that tweaking the rotations couldn't possible come to a good end
5. they assumed that since I shouldn't tweak the rotation and no other advice was offered, that I should just walk away from the gig and that I would do so with no regrets
6. they think that I am the one who is beating the "dead horse" rather than themselves. UNLIKE ME, they are striving for truth and clarity and to be helpful while I simply want to make unfounded assertions about the essence of this thread and their contribution to it!
7. they think their CONTINUING/ONGOING assertions about my "flawed" analysis of what the essence of this thread contains should be HONORED, while my assertions to the contrary should be rebuked and are equivalent to "beating a dead horse"

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:34 pm 
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tovmod @ Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:45 am wrote:
Some had recommended that in this type of situation the decision should be turned over to management. How many people still think that would be the most sensible way to go.

I am curious if Misbipbip has ever consulted management about her whiners?

I am honored that you care for my opinion. To be honest with you, I hardly ever consult management for any situation unless it becomes unavoidable. I take the stance that I own the business, and I have learned how to handle most situations that come up now. In the past, I have asked the owner about problems and usually found their advice to be unhelpful to me, mostly because they don't have any experience working on my side of the bar.

In a previous post on this thread, I spoke of some customers we have that are overly serious about karaoke, watching everything everyone else does, how many times they sing, how much they drink, etc. I usually ignore it. My mom runs some of my shows for me, and she has suffered much abuse from one of our regulars. It got really bad a few weeks ago, way out of hand, and I made a stance to ban them until they apologized to her and at least tried to make it right. I DID NOT consult the bar owner. When the bartenders got involved, asking me to let them sing, I told them it had nothing to do with them. They can serve whoever they want. We both are offering services. They serve up the alcohol; I serve up the songs. My business is no different. I reserve the right to not serve up a song if I don't want to. However, the bar owner did finally approach me about it. The customers were regulars, and she basically wanted me to ignore their behavior and "suck it up". I explained my stance and that I refused to do it. If she had made me, I would have quit. Thankfully, she respected the way I felt. I explained that I could see where she was coming from. She wants to hold onto our regulars; their business is very important in the winter. (We are in a tourist area.) But I cannot allow customers to disrespect me or other KJs working for me or it will continue to be a behavior I have to deal with. I simply refuse to. In the end, we dealt with it our own way. One of the "whiners" is back and things are mending. One of them has now decided to tell people he has been banned from singing (which is not true) and has not been back. Whether or not he will, time will tell. I am ignoring the whining, because most of it is not true anyway.

In the end, you own the business. It is up to you how you handle things. If a person is causing your job to be difficult or making it impossible, then you may want to consult management. If not, you have to make a decision as to how it should be best handled. You are a new KJ. You have time to build a good reputation. If you don't keep a gig going for a while, you won't build any reputation at all...good or bad. I think brown nosing a little was a good choice for you, even if you had to rearrange rotation a little. I do it to a point, to appease our winter business, or like you, I won't have a job in the winter. I don't want to be running around begging for gigs, so I do what I have to do. I don't do anything that would offend any of our customers, but I work situations out as i need to. I understand your situation. There are always ways you can work situations that make customers happy as well as save your reputation. I have stayed late to appease customers at times. When you came in early, I think it was admirable. You made them happy, and everyone else was happy too. That's a point in the good for you. You care about your customers and you care about keeping your gig. Anytime you have run a gig for a reputable amount of time, it looks better than a KJ who jumps from gig to gig. Just my humble opinion.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:30 am 
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tovmod @ Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:07 am wrote:
Now, I don't know what horse I am beating.

The horse is this topic.
Your posts have become boaring.
Please let it die.
You may regain some credibility.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:46 am 
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Maryoke @ Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:10 pm wrote:
Sorry this is so late, 1st time on this forum, but would like to add my 2 cents.

We have to remember who's number one here. It's the BOSS. We're here for one reason only, to make him money. Not OUR egos. If we don't make HIM money, we don't have a job. How big a deal would it be to give the whiners an extra song ahead of the cheapos? I've kj'd for 13 years and I've NEVER run a strict rotation. If someone has to go home, and asks to sing, I let them. If a guy comes in and drinks water, you can bet I'm gonna let the drinkers sing more songs. They are the reason I have a job. If the cheapos question that, I tell them like it is, if the boss doesn't make money, I'm not here.......

And on that subject, I have a very strong rule about ballads, and my people know it (or else I tell them). Ballads may fly at the end of the night, and occasionally during the night, but I'm there to sell liquor, and ballads don't do that, so they get put at the bottom of the pile. That may sound unfair to you all, but it works for me. Everyone has fun, (nothing brings you down faster than a ballad), and my boss is happy. :)
A breath of TRUTH !!!!!!!

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