KaraokeJerry @ Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:55 am wrote:
OK, I'm a chain-smoker; I know it's not good for me or anyone else, yadda-yadda-yadda. So please don't preach to me!
North Carolina law goes into effect in January outlawing smoking in all restaurants and bars (except richie-rich fat-cat country club bars, go figure). This will include all my karaoke shows.
I am dreading this with a passion.
Now I can drag down a cig in about 30-45 seconds when I set my mind to it, so I won't have any problem sneaking a quick break during a song.
I'm only worried about having to take 20 breaks an hour.

I'm with you buddy!! I'm hating it too. I also smoke. I hate Bev Perdue

Don't they know people are nicer when they smoke?

And more tolerant. They should never quit allowing bar employees to smoke.
masterblaster @ Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:12 pm wrote:
I use an electronic cigarette when I'm working. Therefore, there's no need for a "break".
I've been thinking about getting one. Mostly so the smoke won't bother other people, particularly my children. How do you like it?
It's called Karaoke Therapy...