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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:21 am 
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Some people just can't fit into the community and need to be locked out. :angel:

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:37 am 
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Now Angel...
That was naughty.
Bad girl.

In future please ask Mommy what you can and can not post to adults.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:55 am 
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I can't believe how many assualts/murders etc happen in relation to karaoke. I know it's not actually that many in the grand scheme of things, but hardly a week goes by without my Google Alert for the term "karaoke" bringing up a story about karaoke violence.

It's weird when you think that singing is essentially such a joyful experience. Er, starting to sound like a bit of a hippy now so I'll stop there. But have any of you ever hosted a karaoke show that turned violent?

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:23 am 
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Babs @ Fri 25 Sep, 6:36 am wrote:
Angel - You need to back down and apologize for attacking people because they are Canadian. There is no excuse for this behavior !
She doesn't limit it to Canadians, she attacked me because I'm a guitarist! :P

So she's gone now Jian? We have a grown up community again? :angel:

StuartW @ Fri 25 Sep, 10:55 am wrote:
Returning to the original post...

I can't believe how many assualts/murders etc happen in relation to karaoke. I know it's not actually that many in the grand scheme of things, but hardly a week goes by without my Google Alert for the term "karaoke" bringing up a story about karaoke violence.

It's weird when you think that singing is essentially such a joyful experience. Er, starting to sound like a bit of a hippy now so I'll stop there. But have any of you ever hosted a karaoke show that turned violent?

As always, it doesn't matter what sparks it. In the UK we have a history of Football Hooligans. Its not really about the football or the karaoke or whatever, its just about idiots. An idiot + Booze + any excuse to demonstrate that he/she is an idiot = trouble.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:25 am 
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StuartW @ 25th September 2009, 6:55 pm wrote:
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I can't believe how many assualts/murders etc happen in relation to karaoke. I know it's not actually that many in the grand scheme of things, but hardly a week goes by without my Google Alert for the term "karaoke" bringing up a story about karaoke violence.

It's weird when you think that singing is essentially such a joyful experience. Er, starting to sound like a bit of a hippy now so I'll stop there. But have any of you ever hosted a karaoke show that turned violent?

I think there are more violent in just one RAP concert than there are karaoke-related violent in a year. In a RAP concert violent is expected and therefore under-reported. The press just love to pull down karaoke. They will link anything bad with karaoke. I will bet that if an airline crash near a karaoke bar, the press may just said that the bad singing from the speakers make the pilot lost his bearing.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:26 am 
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To answer Stuart's question, yes, I've seen violence at karaoke shows but it never had anything to do with karaoke.
More to do with people with bad attitudes getting loaded on alcohol and continuing to make bad choices.

The first KJ I ever sang with (in Alabama) was murdered in the bar's parking lot after a show but it had nothing to do with karaoke.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:13 am 
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I posted a story a few years ago --Horrible Singer who use to come every week to my show. Voice was like nails on a chalkboard. But I gave her the same respect on stage as everyone else.

One time during one of her songs I just happened to look up and a SHOE was thrown from the bar area and almost hit this girl in the head. The show went by her head and almost hit ME and my EQUIPMENT.

As funny as it was ..I immediatley stopped the music and LOOKED for the one shoeed culprit ( SEE THEY THEY THREW OTHER --good CSI work)
Anyway it happened to be a group that were FRIENDS with the Bartender.
I told the Bartender there would be NO MORE MUSIC until her Friends were asked to leave. After a little argument the Friends were asked to leave. As the Bartender knew I had a good relationship with the manager. ( bartender was fired shortly after for various reasons)

Anyway --Being a KJ is Dangerous work ...But somebody has to do it !!

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:52 am 
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I had a massive bar fight break out once last year. It was my daughter's birthday. I was singing Any Way You Want It by Journey at the time.
Both those things were coincidental and had nothing to do with the fight any more than karaoke did.
But Man!
What a bar fight! Almost better than on TV. Drinks and beer bottles were flying. One hit the fireplace right behind my station and smashed perfectly. A stunt crew couldn't have done better. A patron who happened to be sitting there waiting to speak to me when I was done literally had to duck for that one, just like in the movies!
When all was said and done, I had a few drops of a drink on my lappy (I was CHOKED!) and I found a partially full beer in my pole stand case. The funny thing was that there wasn't a drop spilled in it.
The fight literally involved half the bar and when it was done, I lost that many people.
My other venue, there has never been a fight and is more like a love fest. It's kind of strange, actually, but definitely in a good way!

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:34 am 
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We have had some verbal fights with threats that didn't break into violence. A person made a derogatory comment about the next singer coming up that was audible to all and the singer's boyfriend got extremely hot under the collar when confronting them.

The one physical altercation was not karaoke related but it was broken up by the singer who didn't miss a note. A married man brought in a girlfriend to play pool thinking he was far enough away that he wouldn't be caught. But his wife and another female friend tracked them down and barged in and attacked the girlfriend. Our singer sauntered over and shoved the attackers out the door all the while still singing his song. Then the two woman stayed outside, each on a window, so they could watch both doors and not let the cheating couple sneak out. They stared in at us for quite some time before the couple made their break.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 7:58 am 
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Jian @ Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:25 am wrote:
StuartW @ 25th September 2009, 6:55 pm wrote:
Returning to the original post...

I can't believe how many assualts/murders etc happen in relation to karaoke. I know it's not actually that many in the grand scheme of things, but hardly a week goes by without my Google Alert for the term "karaoke" bringing up a story about karaoke violence.

It's weird when you think that singing is essentially such a joyful experience. Er, starting to sound like a bit of a hippy now so I'll stop there. But have any of you ever hosted a karaoke show that turned violent?

I think there are more violent in just one RAP concert than there are karaoke-related violent in a year. In a RAP concert violent is expected and therefore under-reported. The press just love to pull down karaoke. They will link anything bad with karaoke. I will bet that if an airline crash near a karaoke bar, the press may just said that the bad singing from the speakers make the pilot lost his bearing.


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:31 am 
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Does anyone know much about the site reporting this story? The reason I'm asking is, it is either fabricated, or EXTREMELY COINCIDENTAL, or supposed to be a joke. LOOK at the SINGERS name. Leidy, in spanish pronounced Lady, Alcantara, in spanish meaning al cantara (the singer) female version of the word. What is the odds that a SINGER with that name gets assaulted by 6 other women, and it makes it into the papers. As soon as I read her name, I figured that someone posted this as like an April Fools joke. I may be WAAAAY off base here, but just thought it to be QUITE coincidental. I'm not a linguist, and COULD be wrong, but that's the spanish-english interpretation I come up with. If there are any spanish speaking people on this forum, please correct me if I'm wrong.


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:36 am 
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You're not wrong. I get that too but missed it until you spotted it. Good eye!
Still may be true....
Who knows?
Maybe snopes?

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:45 am 
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Dr Fred @ Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:55 am wrote:
I think it is interesting to note that none of the atackers were even 21 so should probably not even been in the bar.

I was waiting for the age factor to be mentioned as I kept reading responses. Are minors even allowed in bars in Conn?

As for all y'al up North, hockey is the best sport out there, so you won't hear me complainin'.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:48 am 
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srnitynow @ Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:31 am wrote:
Does anyone know much about the site reporting this story? The reason I'm asking is, it is either fabricated, or EXTREMELY COINCIDENTAL, or supposed to be a joke. LOOK at the SINGERS name. Leidy, in spanish pronounced Lady, Alcantara, in spanish meaning al cantara (the singer) female version of the word. What is the odds that a SINGER with that name gets assaulted by 6 other women, and it makes it into the papers. As soon as I read her name, I figured that someone posted this as like an April Fools joke. I may be WAAAAY off base here, but just thought it to be QUITE coincidental. I'm not a linguist, and COULD be wrong, but that's the spanish-english interpretation I come up with. If there are any spanish speaking people on this forum, please correct me if I'm wrong.


Hey Srnity, I see your point, however I had run across this elsewhere and posted it in the lounge a bit earlier than this post. The link I gave was to a local Connecticut TV station web site, and I also found it on a web site for the local paper there as well. I would sooner think that the singer uses that as her "stage name" on her request slip and it somehow was reported as her actual name.

Just another thought, I could be wrong.

jr2423 @ Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:21 am wrote:

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:48 am 
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We have several "18 to party, 21 to drink" clubs in Mobile, so if the club was one of those, they could have been in there.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:40 am 
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Avg Joe @ Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:45 am wrote:
As for all y'al up North, hockey is the best sport out there, so you won't hear me complainin'.

On second thought, I'm probably not really Canadian after all.
I hate hockey.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:08 am 
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Now you're in trouble, D. Our local community (just south of the great white border) has a WHL team and the arena and games have revived a town that was dying. Games are affordable, 15 minutes from my house, and a wonderful family event. Everett Silvertips is our home team; main rival is the Seattle Thunderbirds (always lots of great hockey between the fights).

I used to watch hockey with my stepdad in the '60s and '70s - "Hockey Night in Canada" Wednesdays and Saturdays. Boom Boom, Gordie Howe, Bobby Hull, and Orr was JUST getting into goal tending then. Okay, so yah, I must be a real Canadjun...I love hockey.


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:43 am 
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Pretty funny incidents mentioned in this thread. I don't think I've ever seen a fight break out. I saw one almost break out...a few minutes later my friend sang Saturday Night's All Right for Fighting lol

One of the funniest Smoking Gun items (click the video)

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 11:12 am 
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seattledrizzle @ Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:43 am wrote:
Pretty funny incidents mentioned in this thread. I don't think I've ever seen a fight break out. I saw one almost break out...a few minutes later my friend sang Saturday Night's All Right for Fighting lol

One of the funniest Smoking Gun items (click the video)

That Glock must be a dangerous weapon! My husband's last album was produced by a tremendous guy named Tom Pfaeffle. Tom and his wife were over in Eastern Washington for a birthday party (several hours east of the Seattle) and they went to check in to their motel; the doors were poorly numbered and he went to the wrong door. The guy behind that door was actually sleeping in his skivvies, wearing a holster with two loaded Glock 40s in place. This idiot heard the door moving, and though he had a chair wedged under it (like in the movies, he said), he was afraid (read PARANOID) that someone was breaking into his room. He shot Tom through the door and Tom died of the wounds a couple of hours later. The guy was released ON BAIL OF $100,000 (for murdering someone, no less) and he (imagine this) jumped bail and left a suicide note. Yah, right, bets he's long gone. Kind of a survivalist mentality, I believe, obviously not right in the head. Music world lost an amazing guy to this idiot. And of course there is Plaxico B who shot himself in the leg - don't know if he was using a Glock or not. BTW, Glock makes a great gun for women - nice and compact. But be VEWWWWWWY careful you don't shoot yourself or someone else with it. Wow, talk about a hijack!

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:49 pm 
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Professional sport was good prior to the multi-million dollar contracts

You can be strange but not a stranger

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