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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:39 pm 
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Start a list of the bigest ones. Which would be the #1 Reputation killer.

Bad Sound System
Bad KJ personality
Bad Rotation
Bad Selection Size


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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:46 pm 
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Good liquor.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:50 pm 
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Bad rotation

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:56 pm 
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I would have to agree with Bruce on this one. Bad or unfair rotation is numero uno bad thing

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:07 pm 
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Its going to be the amalgamation of both kl rep and rotation. When the kj thinks he's the main star of his karaoke show that he either has to add in his vocals or follow up your song with one of his performances. And its up to his choosing of which of the songs that u signed up for. My first choice is there for a reason its a warmup song

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:02 pm 
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Non existing rotation is the worst of the lot. This is followed very closely by BAD sound. Bad sound here means abused of vocal effect, bad eq on the vocal and main mix generally producing sound that is literary a pain in the ears. The system need not be the best but for as long as the KJ make the best of it then I will be happy.

I can cop with a KJ bad personality for as long as he does not 'steal' the time from the rotation for his 'radio dj talk'.

The size of the book is irreverent to me cos I bring my own CD/usb stick.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:02 pm 
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1. bad rotation
2. bad sound
3. bad kj personality
4. bad song selection- not size of selection

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:25 pm 
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johnreynolds @ Tue Sep 22, 2009 12:02 am wrote:
1. bad rotation
2. bad sound
3. bad kj personality
4. bad song selection- not size of selection

Although it's hard to pick just one for an actual show killer, i'd pick bad rotation over anything else. The other three can have exceptions if the crowd is still having fun - including bad singers.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:43 pm 
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#1 Reputation Killer for karaoke companies and venues is 125,000 pirateded Hardrive karaoke music libraray they got from some hooker the karaoke host slept with for $50.00 TO GET A FREE KARAOKE MUSIC LIBRARY. Ithink that any bar/lounge singers that know they have a pirated karaoke music library should get 50% off their drinks. Why should the karaoke establishments charge full price for drinks when they paid nothing for their music. Now that's a killer.



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PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:45 pm 
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Ego and rotation

A KJ with an over inflated ego thinks they know everything, so they don't learn how to be any better. It can effect every aspect of his job.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:19 am 
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I would have to go with DJ personality.

I think that any rotation system will work if it is what the people in the bar/show want at the moment.

I have done parties where the rotation went to hell, basically people just signed up at the last moment, but everyone was having a great time, and no one individual was excessively hogging the mic.

Such chaos would probably not work in a bar, but among a group of friends it was not much of a problem.

Same with song selections. I have been to parties where people had a lot of fun with the most limited karaoke song list of a couple hundred songs, that was run through a horrible sound systme.

I even went to a show once that had an hour of "David Bowie karaoke" the song list was 15 songs. But the KJ pulled it off with personality and it was a good show. Every song was sung at least once and a few were repeated. Even with about the most minimal song list possible it was a good show.

People were still having a great time because they were enjoying the music and each other's company.

Now on the other hand I have been to shows where the KJ is annoying, egotistical and had other personaltiy flaws. Despite a great sound system, extensive good song list, and a consistent rotation policy, I just did not find it to be a fun show.

The KJ personality I think attracts or brings out the right attude for karaoke.

THat is to have fun, and that makes for a good show regardles of how well everything else is done.

Now if a KJ has the right personality for the job, he probably will be paying attention to the needs and wants of the singers, so he will get a rotation that is working and get the best possible from the sound system and songlist.

For every KJ they have a rotation system they believe to be "Fair" but most probably have different systems, or change their system depending on circumstances.

The personality of the KJ can make the singers think that the rotation system is fair.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:48 am 
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Babs @ 9/22/2009, 2:45 am wrote:
Ego and rotation

A KJ with an over inflated ego thinks they know everything, so they don't learn how to be any better. It can effect every aspect of his job.

Good thing we don't have any of those kind on here. :D


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:52 am 
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DJ DANGERUS @ Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:43 am wrote:
#1 Reputation Killer for karaoke companies and venues is 125,000 pirateded Hardrive karaoke music libraray they got from some hooker the karaoke host slept with for $50.00 TO GET A FREE KARAOKE MUSIC LIBRARY. Ithink that any bar/lounge singers that know they have a pirated karaoke music library should get 50% off their drinks. Why should the karaoke establishments charge full price for drinks when they paid nothing for their music. Now that's a killer.

Now you are introducing this off-topic screed into every thread, no matter the real topic? This is just tiresome. You are not enhancing the attitude of people toward this issue.

If you are representative of "the KIAA", I know why it is falling on its a$$.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:55 am 
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A KJ's Personality is usually a PLUS (It could be a minus, but I don't think a KJ with a bad personality would last very long)

Bad Rotation is a MINUS

So.... it depends on how Positive is the Plus vs how Negative is the Minus. For me, an unfair rotation is USUALLY a "deal" breaker. But I know of successful shows where the people like the KJ and they ignore "shenanigans" with the rotation!

I do find it most interesting that as of yet no one has placed SOUND at the top of the list. Hmmm?

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:44 am 
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There are two kinds of rotation "failures"

The first is chaos.
The second would be favoratism for some singers over others.

Now a rotation system based on chaos is not going to be liked by much of anyone, but a system based on favoratism may appeal to some and in the opinnions of some "rightsize" the crowd.

Now the second kind of "failure" of a rotation system may appear bad to non regulars who do not get the favorable treatment. It may even appear to be chaos to an outsider.

This kind of unfairness may actually be liked by the regualrs who get the favored treatment.

This could also include favorable or unfavorable treatment of songs or singers based on how well the KJ thinks they are good for the crowd or how good a singer the KJ thinks they are.

I am dealing with a shift of my rotations from my weekly show from the 10-15 singer rotation to rotations regularly in the 30-35 person range.

Many of the old regulars who have gone to the show for years, rarley missing a show think it is "unfair" that they do not get favored treatment in the now much busier rotation.

The old regulars may want the old 10 person rotations back but the bar certainly likes the 35 person rotations.

I have more "rotation" complaints now even on the first rotation when it just comes down to playing one song per new singer in the order they were recieved than I did when I had a slower show. Now nothing can be more fair (at least for the first cycle) buttry telling that to a rabid singer who has waited an hour for their turn with nothing to do but drink.

What many of us see as bad rotations by KJs is actually enforced on them by their regulars who really want to drive away new singers to keep the rotation shorter (for them). It does not look that way on a first or second visit to a show but that is what can be going on, even if the regulars or KJ may not realize it.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:10 am 
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For Better or for Worse, and probably much to the chagrin of others here...

I CAPP the first and most rotations at 15 singers before starting another one and then decide to alternate 1 new and 1 old singer insertion method.

Most of my regulars stay the entire 5 hour show and spend a lot of money on food and beer, so i am guilty of making sure ANY "early bird" is going to be rewarded with an hour or close-to-an-hour long rotation.

In the PAST i kept the rotation line opened to all new singers, then realized MOST of my regulars left and took their groups with them. ALL i was left was a few "ONE SONG SINGERs" who sang and took off hitting other bars...and eventually the crowd dwindled to a few scattered singers.

Fortunately BOTH my shows rarely have 30 people rotations, so i'm not stressed out and rarely have any complainers, other than the young selfish ones that expect "to sing next" after having just turned in their songslips. :o

So FOR ME, it works out better to cater to my/the bars' "bread-n-butter" with the regulars, than to the 75,000 tourists that visit the islands daily, and have no loyalty to the longevity of my shows. :D

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:11 am 
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angel910 @ Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:39 pm wrote:
Start a list of the bigest ones. Which would be the #1 Reputation killer.

Bad Sound System
Bad KJ personality
Bad Rotation
Bad Selection Size


I pick the two KJ personality and Bad Rotation - When I think of bad rotation I assume we mean playing favorites and skipping singers along with singing too much themselves .... THIS IS A BAD KJ PERSONALITTY

I think selection size you can live with unless its just 5 cdgs LOL - Bad sound system is relative.. The majority of Karaoke Singers do not know what a bad system sounds like ( no offense to the singers here ..You are special )

The other reputation killer is just running a bad show --always late - dirty and ripped books - no slips or writing tools if you talke slips - etc.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:16 am 
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A good singer can adapt to any system although they dont like singing on bad ones when used to a good one.

The size of selection has nothing to do with it. Its what is in the selection.

The bad KJ and rotation go hand in hand . Either one kills karaoke and it is hard to convince a bar owner to try it again.

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:21 am 
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I would say it is the KJ. A BAD KJ will make all of the decisions to ruin HIS show. A bad KJ runs the rotation however HE wants to, shows favoritism, mixes the music the way HE wants it, it's the KJ's choice to re-invest in equipment, HE makes the decisions on EVERY aspect of the show. So it is my conclusion, that ANYTHING that is wrong at a show is a reflection on the HOST. If people are singing inappropriate songs, the HOST is allowing it. If the rotation is messed up, the HOST is allowing it. Other than things OUT OF THE HOST'S CONTROL, the HOST is responsible. EVERYTHING depends on the HOST. THAT'S what will make him or break him, the way he handles EVERYTHING.

I don't want to be labled SEXIST, so when I say HE, I am using it as a GENERIC term. Not looking to offend any of the ladies that are hosting karaoke shows.


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:27 am 
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tovmod @ Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:55 am wrote:
I do find it most interesting that as of yet no one has placed SOUND at the top of the list. Hmmm?

Because a bad sound system won't necessarily make or break a reputation if other factors are going fine. But if I had the option to go to show A where everything was going great but had terrible sound or show B where everything was going great, maybe a larger rotation & great sound I would personally choose show B - although have stayed at show A if friends are thereand still enjoyed myself, just was glad to be out of there at the end of the night, or ????. Would I say it was a 'reputation' killer, no, they ran a great show otherwise.

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