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 Post subject: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:08 am 
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I began this thread because in another thread of mine currently under discussion, several people concluded on their own that I would not adhere to a strict rotation policy and that in not having a strict rotation I would ruin my reputation.

We all know the importance of a reputation.

Simply put, a reputation is what is developed by “word of mouth”. And while “word of mouth” is the highest quality advertising, most businesses would go broke before word of mouth has any positive impact, On the other hand, bad news travels much more quickly. I know personally how fast bad news can travel when it comes to karaoke because I am quick to let fellow singers know about the bad aspects of shows I have visited and there was a time that I was out 4-5 nights a week singing,

About four years ago I had a bad experience with the rotation at a show of a very well-established host. He had inserted someone ahead of me in the rotation who had already sung before me. When I complained to him about it, he politely but firmly let me know that the singer had to leave and that he runs his rotation the way he sees fit,

Needless to say I have NEVER returned to his show. But in spite of my letting many people know about the problemS I have had with his show, he has more jobs today than he even had four years ago and has people working for him.

Other problems with the KJ:
He’s a married guy that hits on women at the show
He rarely starts the show less than 20 minutes late, usually later
At shows run by his employees they use duplicate discs that often don’t work

What I related to others has obviously not impacted his business in any way he needs to worry about. I guess those attending his shows have found other more important and redeeming value to his show to make him as successful as he is!

I have been to many successful shows where I don't fully understand why people like the show and even show up. I have been to many marginal shows that are quite good and I don't understand why they are poorly attended?

What gets people talking about your show?
a. You?
b. Your equipment?
c. Your selection?
d. Other people/groups attending the venue/show
e. Your rotation length?
f. Your rotation policy?
g. Your geographic location?
h. Your venue?
i. Your starting/ending time?
j. Other factors?

So, what is it about your show that causes others to talk about YOU and builds your reputation (good or bad)! And let’s see if we can discuss this subject without getting a holier than thou attitude

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:50 am 
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I don't know exactly what people are saying.

New people that were told about my show by a someone else usually just say, I was told by so & so to come in. I don't actually ask what they said about me. That sounds a bit self serving.

I have people tell me they like my setup, sound, the friendly people and how I run my show. I can only assume that is what they're telling them.

Hey Tovman - I sent you a PM.

[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:49 am 
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To me, a reputation is a personal thing. What a reputation is (in a good sense), is that you can be counted on to follow through with your beliefs. This holds through in business, personal life, wherever. Having a GOOD reputation isn't always a good thing, just as having a BAD reputation isn't always a bad thing. I personally would like to have a reputation of being someone that if I give you my word on something, you can "take it to the bank". Therefore, in MY case, what you see is what you get, I'm a man of my word, and I'll back up my beliefs all the way. If your word is no good, to me, you're not worth much. I bring this to my business life also. As a kj, I believe in being fair to ALL, some may like this, some may not, but ALL know that if that is what I believe, they're not going to change me. I have to sleep with myself at night, not them. At the end of the day I believe I've done the right thing. Whether this brings a person more business, or not, who knows?


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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:04 am 
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I think you have to run a fair rotation for the most part . I have in the past made some tweaks to the rotation - I never skip someone in the rotation but I don't believe in the John follows Mary in every rotation. I always start on time .....If i'm scheduled to start at 9PM thats when the music starts . Depending on the request slips I have I try to get the 1st singer up within 5 minutes. A KJ's reputation is conceived by the majority of singers and customers. Do a good job , keep them satisfied and you'll get a good rep. On the flip side if you play favorites or sing too much yourself , have sloppy books and old libraries along with crappy soudn....--thats the rep you'll get.

To answer....LOL

My personality, my selection and a decent sounding show would be my strengths.
I'm always on time and very reliable. DID I MISS ANYTHING ? :D

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:14 am 
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I think you've actually covered two things in your post. There's what gets people talking about my show and then there's what gets them to come out to my show, I believe the two are related but different.

If you take a long hard look at it honestly, the venue is way more important to the Karaoke public than the karaoke show itself. People go to the bars that they're comfortable at or the ones that their friends go to, etc. Now we as KJ's can either help build that venue's reputation or detract from it, but in the for most people it's the fact that the venue has karaoke that brings them in, not that this particular Karaoke show is playing at that venue. Now I'm sure many if not all of us have those regulars who will go from venue to venue with us if the venues are within reasonable proximity, but the majority of the guests at each show are likely in-house crowd.

As far as what gets people talking about my show? Well from what I've been able to gather it seems most often its me (my personality, hosting methods, etc) and my song list (selection and being up-to-date). Certainly people are usually impressed with my rig (especially the flying faders on the digital board) and the audio quality, but I wouldn't say those items "get them talking" so to speak.

DJ Tony
Let It Rip Karaoke

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:45 am 
It never ceases to amaze me how entitled people feel they are to have things their way.

If you don't like a show, unless you've got a beef with the KJ personally, what business (i.e. under what prima authority) do you have talking shxt about the show. You don't like it, go somewhere else.

Personally, I think it's your reputation that suffers when you resort to bashing a show because YOU don't like it. Drama, drama, drama!


I rarely start the karaoke portion of my 'program' until 9:30. I don't start until the energy dictates it's time.
I talk a ton of shxt to/about the singers and bartenders throughout the night (and they flip it back).
I have a foul mouth and use a lot of bathroom humor.
I cut the rotation at the end to play about ½ hour of DJ music (granted I don't adhere to a 9-1 schedule - I usually run from 8:45-1:30ish).


Here's why I think all the bars in town want me working their place, and why I have more private party requests than anyone I know:

I deliver a killer sound with an ear on the mix at all times.
I do not allow drama anywhere near my stage. I nip that shxt in the bud at first detection.
I let the crowd dictate the direction when applicable.
I run a tight rotation (and if I do fxck up and someone says anything about it, I tell them 'next time I'll hook you up'. Maybe they get an extra song in somewhere the next time around - the key is to deliver at an appropriate time).
I make even the worst singers comfortable (and scold others that might be heckling them).
The show runs smoothly (94/100 times).
The same bartender(s) and I have worked the show for years.
Every other show in the immediate vicinity sxcks (but I still support them).
I'm clever, funny, and charming.
I'm there every night I'm supposed to be.
I don't allow buzz kills at my shows (whiners, prima donnas, entitlists, etc.) If they want to participate, they play within the established guidelines just like everyone else). I don't aim to please everyone that walks in the door. I aim to please the majority.
I have yet to have a technical issue at a party/wedding (most others I know, have) - and I do play the part of a professional when I'm doing a private gig.
I do what I do for the love of music, and I do it for the people who love music (I just happen to get paid to do it).

When people ask me what my fee is for weddings/private parties, etc. I ask them ... "What's your budget?". I'm doing a wedding this Saturday ... I'll be there at 12pm setting up and won't be breaking down 'til 10pm. Total fee ... $300 plus food and a few beers. My philosophy is this ... I only do private gigs for people I know, or people I know that know a lot of people I know. If I don't have anything else I'm doing that day, hanging out with friends, being a part of their special day, eating, drinking, playing/listening to music ... what would I be doing otherwise (probably the same thing)? And I make some moolah on top of it.

Reputations are built on providing top notch, glitch-free, relevant sound/music, and giving people a consistent product that they can count on (who wants the drama??). There's usually enough on the fringe to satisfy everyone's tastes. You have a crappy system that breaks down, or you talk crap, people will spread that like wildfire.

Concentrate on your show and keep your nose out of other KJs' shows (unless they're doing something that's harmful in some way). You want respect, you've got to earn it.

 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:03 am 
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tovmod @ Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:08 am wrote:

So, what is it about your show that causes others to talk about YOU and builds your reputation (good or bad)!

That I'm not outside taking a smoke break all the time. I don't smoke.

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:03 pm 
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Please refer to my post in the "sound" thread..

These concepts are a requirement for hosting for Cabaret Karaoke. Your resume is on file...

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:07 pm 
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:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:01 pm 
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karyoker @ Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:05 pm wrote:
Please refer to my post in the "sound" thread..

These concepts are a requirement for hosting for Cabaret Karaoke. Your resume is on file...

Wake up you finger is still on the submit button. 6 identical posts just blew your reputation. :angel:

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:11 pm 
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angel910 @ Wed Sep 16, 2009 3:01 pm wrote:

Wake up you finger is still on the submit button. 6 identical posts just blew your reputation. :angel:

Not so.
It happens to the best of us and happens easily, I might add.
It's called a glitch.
Not the fault of the poster and certainly has no bearing on reputation.

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:36 pm 
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:angel: Not so.
It happens to the best of us and happens easily, I might add.
It's called a glitch.
Not the fault of the poster and certainly has no bearing on reputation. :angel:

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 5:02 pm 
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You havnt submitted post after post of the same dribble? Frankly I am tired of it. You still dont get it it do you?

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:26 pm 
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A bad reputation doesn't mean you won't have singers, but I think a good reputation will guarantee your singers will follow you to the next place if for some reason you lose your gig.

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:03 pm 
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seattledrizzle @ Wed Sep 16, 2009 7:26 pm wrote:
A bad reputation doesn't mean you won't have singers, but I think a good reputation will guarantee your singers will follow you to the next place if for some reason you lose your gig.

Good point!

However, I would find it hard to believe that there's a hard and fast rule

But I would imagine IF there is such a rule people will follow IF

the next gig is on the same night
the next gig is in the same general vicinity
the next gig is at a comparable venue
and the next gig is during the same hours

Those conditions met, I believe that the people will probably follow. But there are no guarantees.

And maybe some will even follow if you lose a gig and don't have a good reputation. Obviously those who have been coming already don't care about your reputation.

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:08 pm 
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Hank Singer @ Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:36 pm wrote:
:angel: Not so.
It happens to the best of us and happens easily, I might add.
It's called a glitch.
Not the fault of the poster and certainly has no bearing on reputation. :angel:

It happens to the best of us and happens easily, I might add.
It's called a glitch.
Not the fault of the poster and certainly has no bearing on reputation.

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:46 pm 
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tovmod @ Wed Sep 16, 2009 9:08 pm wrote:
Hank Singer @ Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:36 pm wrote:
:angel: Not so.
It happens to the best of us and happens easily, I might add.
It's called a glitch.
Not the fault of the poster and certainly has no bearing on reputation. :angel:

It happens to the best of us and happens easily, I might add.
It's called a glitch.
Not the fault of the poster and certainly has no bearing on reputation.

My post is glitching through others.
Cool! LOL

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:53 pm 
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karyoker @ Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:02 pm wrote:
You havnt submitted post after post of the same dribble? Frankly I am tired of it. You still dont get it it do you?

Good point.

Now on to the topic. I think what brings people to my show is that I treat everyone fairly and with respect. My rotation is fair and system sounds good. I create a "love one another, be happy" environment. So much so, that on the weekend of the last full moon, the other nights at the bar, there was lots of fights and crazy, angry people, as to be expected. My show, although it was packed that night, was a virtual a love fest.
It was weird. People were actually going out of their way to be nice to others. I've never seen anything like it and neither did my bartender. We discussed it afterward and she swears it's the atmosphere we create. That and the NICE crazy people came out instead of the angry ones. LOL

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:26 pm 
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[quote="letitrip @ Wed Sep 16, 2009 12:14 pm"]I think you've actually covered two things in your post. There's what gets people talking about my show and then there's what gets them to come out to my show, I believe the two are related but different.

If you take a long hard look at it honestly, the venue is way more important to the Karaoke public than the karaoke show itself. People go to the bars that they're comfortable at or the ones that their friends go to, etc. Now we as KJ's can either help build that venue's reputation or detract from it, but in the for most people it's the fact that the venue has karaoke that brings them in, not that this particular Karaoke show is playing at that venue. Now I'm sure many if not all of us have those regulars who will go from venue to venue with us if the venues are within reasonable proximity, but the majority of the guests at each show are likely in-house crowd.

As far as what gets people talking about my show? Well from what I've been able to gather it seems most often its me (my personality, hosting methods, etc) and my song list (selection and being up-to-date). Certainly people are usually impressed with my rig (especially the flying faders on the digital board) and the

No less than 8,,,8 people that usually go to the other bar I do karaoke at showed up tonight at my show at another bar. It could be other reasons but I believe the majority of them came because I was making my debut at this other bar. That says more than you are stating. I do agree with your thoughts for the most part but KJs can make an impact that is lasting and can affect the bottom dollar greatly!

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 Post subject: Re: A KJ's Reputation
PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 12:00 am 
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A couple that has recently become regulars at my shows pulled me aside and she told me she has worked with and seen many many other KJs over the years. She said me and one other were tied as the best she has ever seen. And she named many things she liked.

One was the sound system and it was a major thing to her. The rotation, my personality, my selection, my sense of humor. I'm all business. It all mattered to them but the sound was the kicker.

Take it for what it's worth. :angel:

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