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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:16 pm 
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I've got a Vocopro Gig-Star, Vocopro PV-802 speakers, Vocopro Subwoofer 1500, KRK Rokit 8 stage monitors, both wired and wireless mics. I also have a Mackie 1402Vlz3 mixer. I need to know how to hook up everthing together. Would appreciate expert advise on this. I'm a newbie at this. My wife and I want to use karaoke for our local church functions. Thanks and God Bless!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:43 am 
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Druelas. This stuff doesn't happen to still be in the boxes, does it? You could have done MUCH better for the $$$ you spent. If it is still in the boxes and returnable, let us know and we can get you a better system for less $$$. I count up about $1800 you spent, and I could put together a system twice as good of all pro-level stuff for around $1000.

This stuff is for home use, correct? I hope so, because it is not pro-level stuff.

Also, note that those KRK speakers are NOT stage monitors. They are studio monitors. If you intend to use them as stage monitors, you got the wrong speakers.

I was also looking at everything you have as far as the connections that you need, and it is going to be a REAL mess. It can be done, but you are mixing lots of consumer gear with a commercial mixer and studio monitors, and the VocoPro sub in particular is not designed to handle a pro-level input, so hooking all that stuff up is going to be a pain.

Take it all back if you can. Even the mixer is overkill for what you are trying to accomplish. It is a 16 channel mixer that cost you $450 where you could really do it all with a 6 channel mixer that would cost about $75.


C Mc

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:41 pm 
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Thanks TopherM for the info. Unfortunately, I bought this stuff a while back (7 months ago). Total spent was around $1100. Wheeling and dealing brought the price down. Also, this karaoke equip. is used only in a small church hall. I meant to say studio monitors instead of stage monitors. Before I bought the studio monitors and the sub, everything else sounded fine when I used it inside a church setting.
I guess I was taken for a ride when I bought all this karaoke stuff. Still, if there is anyway to hook up all the messy equipment I purchased, I would appreciate the input. I thought the Mackie 1402 VLZ3 was a 14 channel mixer instead of the 16 channels you mentioned. Thanks a lot for your quick response!

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:36 pm 
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You state that the connections can be done but it would be a real mess. Can you explain to me how to do the messy connections? Would really appreciate it.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:15 pm 
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I'm trying to find pictures of the inputs and outputs for everything. I've seen Vocopro gear but never used it so I'ma try to get pictures off the internet and help you the best I can but it's gonna be a few before I've got it all together... For now here is a manual for that Gig Star that might help you http://cachepe.samedaymusic.com/media/V ... 03ba4e.pdf

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:31 pm 
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Thanks for the info. Sonik. Will await your response later on. I do have a copy of the owner's manual for the Gig-star and the real panel is shown on page 16. The vocopro sub-1500 has rca connections only but it is active. The vocopro pv-802 speakers also are active and I daisy chain them with a speak on cable. They also have rca connection input and output. The two studio monitors are also active and receive either an xlr, trs or rca cable.
My main concern is the Mackie 1402-vlz3 mixer. I want to know how to connect the Vocopro GIG-Star to the Mackie mixer. The audio outputs from the GiG-Star are RCA outputs and the Mackie's only RCA connections are for Tape Input and Tape Output.


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:08 pm 
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Connecting the Gig Star to the Mackie mixer is simple. Take the audio outputs of the Gig Star (RCA outputs) and plug them into one of the 1/4" stereo inputs on the Mackie marked Line In 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14. You will just need an RCA-1/4" cable like this

I would personally run all the mics to the mixer as well bypassing the GigStars mic mixer as it will not sound anywhere close to the sound quality of the mixers mic preamps. Only drawback at this time is that mixer does not have any built in effects so you might want to consider an external processor for vocal effects. You could get something as simple as this for effects.

To connect the mixer to the speakers, you will need a set of XLR female - RCA - might want a better cable for this as it will be running a long run. Something like
http://www.cablestogo.com/product.asp?c ... &sku=40056
Plug the XLR to the (L&R) Main Out on the rear of the mixer & run the RCA to the Line Input of the subwoofer.
Then take the (L&R) Line Out on the sub and run to the Line In on the 802's. Again, you may want a better cable for these as well. But you could definitely get it going with something like this (one per channel).
http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1 ... o_RCA.html

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