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Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:01 pm |
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Joined: Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:21 pm Posts: 228 Been Liked: 0 time
CroakDog @ Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:58 pm wrote: If a cop fxcks up a crime scene it's thrown out of court, and they've gone through extensive training. Who is conducting these investigations, 'cause last I remember you said you're doing investigative work? What qualifies you? If I have someone in my neck that I'd like to have 'investigated', do I call someone, is it anonymous or do I do it myself? What's protecting you from retribution from the KJs you oust? Is part of the KIAA's benefits that they offer protection?
So this is more mob style justice than anything. Do you see what I'm getting at with this?
Thanks for not answering my question. Perhaps someone will....
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Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:16 pm |
Joined: Sat Oct 20, 2001 6:55 pm Posts: 4433 Location: New York City Been Liked: 757 times
DJ DANGERUS @ Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:33 am wrote: What I am tring to find out is what are people's reactions to some newly released "Piracy" propaganda that everday ordinary people are allowed to pass out (mail) authorized by these National Karaoke Associations. 
Why would some everyday ordinary person be passing out propaganda about Karaoke Piracy, and who would be giving it out to them to pass out in the first place? Where are these everday ordinary people passing out this material? I've never seen it in NY.
Why would some everyday ordinary person even care about Karaoke piracy???
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Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:19 pm |
Joined: Wed Sep 04, 2002 12:41 pm Posts: 4094 Location: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada Been Liked: 309 times
Actually Croak brings up a valid concern. Anyone wanting to take action via "undercover work" has two options. First trying to get LEO involved which would be so low on their priority list that it's ridiculous, unless some DA or politician makes it the crime de jour. Second is to use licenced private investigators at $60-100+ an hour plus expenses. It wouldn't take long for fees to be in the hundreds of thousand dollars plus for a national campaign.
_________________ You can be strange but not a stranger
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Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:19 pm |
I don't really freakin' know what the RIAA did, other than fail. And for someone who works for a company that has a membership to an unresponsive organization, you sure know more than you ought to.
I've asked you countless questions you haven't answered, and I've asked the KIAA a few that I haven't received answers to - guess they only answer questions for those that pay first, eh?
You self-righteous putz!!! That's right, I resorted. You know InsaneKJ, you're like the ex that just can take 'go away' for answer.
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Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:46 pm |
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Joined: Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:21 pm Posts: 228 Been Liked: 0 time
CroakDog @ Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:19 pm wrote: I've asked you countless questions you haven't answered, and I've asked the KIAA a few that I haven't received answers to -
I answered all your questions in the thread that has now gone away & referred you to The POOP for answers regarding questions about them. I am not on The POOP board or listen to their voicemail or check their email.
I am sorry that The POOP haven't gotten back to you. I will do this for you. I will speak to a rep this week & forward your complaint that you have not received a response. That's as far as I can take it.
I/we are only interested in justice here in our area in the Pacific Time Zone & The POOP is helping us in that endeavor.
However, thank you very much for answering my question honestly by admitting that you do not know what the RIAA did or did not do.
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Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 8:30 pm |
You're annoying dude. Good luck with your investigations.
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Karen K
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:07 pm |
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:56 am Posts: 2621 Location: Canuck, eh. Been Liked: 0 time
Howz things up in Woolley town? I've gotta make some time to get up and visit you again.
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Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:11 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:43 pm Posts: 6784 Location: Fort Collins Colorado USA Been Liked: 5 times
How many times have we gone through this crap? Each time gets more insane than the last one. The collective knowledge and experience on this forum is massive. We are the veritable experts and can give an accurate history and evolution of piracy by region or by state.
We have seen many posts about how somebody is suing a bar or KJ and finally something is going to happen. We have heard and discussed every opinion in the book. We have seen every scam to date and have investigated them.
Everybody that frequents a karoke bar whether singer or just a regular knows about illegal hard drives and what is going on It is public knowledge.
So when one makes a statement that people need to be educated then I suggest you tap into the knowledge here and get the facts from the horses mouth. We are the experts and can give several personal accounts from real situations in different regions and economic situations. Yet you have absolutely no respect for our opinion or knowledge.
When you accuse us of being lethargic you are totally ignoring the fact that we are in a 24 hour 7 days a week having to deal with this and other problems. We have seen all the band wagons roll through and dont jump like some do WE operate with proven facts and we try to stay within the limits of the law which has not been proven for our applications.
I cant believe you are still sitting there wondering why you got the reactions you did. next time you might want to mosey in and get some expert opinions first before you go blowing like a whale in heat. I really dont know how to explain it any different. If you still dont get it then this is aborted. I really cant take another round of this crap.I am ready to throw my hands in the air and totally dissociate myself and business from this forum. It is no longer conducive to successful outcomes or positive promotions. It is becoming a detriment rather than a forum to promote karaoke in an adult positive manner.
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Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:45 pm |
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:12 pm Posts: 5046 Been Liked: 334 times
Sigh.... Again, all this reaction to InsaneKJ, who, with all due respect, sounds like a little kid playing spy. Nothing concrete, lots of innuendo, which seems a good match for the KIAA, after visiting their site.
Insane, if you have something, put it out there- and I don't believe that will happen. A kid hiding behind an online identity with no background trolling, IMHO. Relax, folks.....
_________________ "No Contests, No Divas, Just A Good Time!"
" Disc based and loving it..."
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Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:04 am |
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:43 pm Posts: 6784 Location: Fort Collins Colorado USA Been Liked: 5 times
No the result of 5 years of many insanekj's and false legal propaganda, 5 years years of misplaced blame. 5 years of arguments based upon conjecture and not facts 5 years of thinking RIAA has law enforcement authority. 5 years of.........................insanity and mafia
_________________ Join The Karaokle Singers Social Network. Upload Your Music!!
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Ronny D.
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:14 am |
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Joined: Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:41 am Posts: 180 Location: Splendora, TX Been Liked: 0 time
An observation here. It would appear that this alleged "member representative" for the so called 'KIAA' is doing more harm for its effort than good so just let him keep doing what he is doing. Instead of gaining support for his cause it would appear he is instead gaining more opponents. He should learn more about making friends than enemies and quit pi$$ing off those he is allegedly trying to influence or recruit.
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Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:56 am |
I have to admit, I didn't know what a troll was until I looked it up on Wiki. 
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Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:03 am |
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Joined: Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:03 pm Posts: 61 Been Liked: 0 time
Ronny D. @ Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:14 am wrote: An observation here. It would appear that this alleged "member representative" for the so called 'KIAA' is doing more harm for its effort than good so just let him keep doing what he is doing. Instead of gaining support for his cause it would appear he is instead gaining more opponents. He should learn more about making friends than enemies and quit pi$$ing off those he is allegedly trying to influence or recruit.
You think!! 
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Ronny D.
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:04 am |
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Joined: Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:41 am Posts: 180 Location: Splendora, TX Been Liked: 0 time
butsie13 @ Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:03 am wrote: Ronny D. @ Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:14 am wrote: An observation here. It would appear that this alleged "member representative" for the so called 'KIAA' is doing more harm for its effort than good so just let him keep doing what he is doing. Instead of gaining support for his cause it would appear he is instead gaining more opponents. He should learn more about making friends than enemies and quit pi$$ing off those he is allegedly trying to influence or recruit. You think!! 
I thought. 
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Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:25 pm |
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Joined: Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:03 pm Posts: 61 Been Liked: 0 time
Ronny D. @ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:04 am wrote: butsie13 @ Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:03 am wrote: Ronny D. @ Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:14 am wrote: An observation here. It would appear that this alleged "member representative" for the so called 'KIAA' is doing more harm for its effort than good so just let him keep doing what he is doing. Instead of gaining support for his cause it would appear he is instead gaining more opponents. He should learn more about making friends than enemies and quit pi$$ing off those he is allegedly trying to influence or recruit. You think!!  I thought. 
I think you thought right!! 
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Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 12:53 pm |
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Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:22 pm Posts: 418 Been Liked: 0 time
Sonick @ Tue Sep 08, 2009 2:13 pm wrote: Why should I care about other people's systems and music? My stuff is legal and I have an skb case with all my stuff to prove it. My <span style=font-size:10px><i>(@$%&#!)</i></span> is covered.... should I care if joe blow doing a show down the road is legal? He will eventually get whats coming to him if he's not.
I'm not saying don't talk about it. It is a semi-important topic... but it seems everyday there is a new thread about it. If you are that worried about other people then play karaoke police and go to local shows and ask to see their disc collection... if they don't have one, report them or whatever it is that will make you feel more comfortable with what you have.
p.s. I'm not trying to be a jerk... just putting in my 2 pennies... ranting about piracy on these forums does nothing to help the cause... if you wanna help then do something more productive than just posting about how much you hate it.
It's costing you money, that's why. Lots of money in lost income. You and i should be making hundreds of dollars a night. Them being your competition flooding the market keeps our fee lower than it should be. Is taking money from your pocket a good enough reason to care?
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Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:08 pm |
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:12 pm Posts: 5046 Been Liked: 334 times
karyoker @ Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:04 am wrote: No the result of 5 years of many insanekj's and false legal propaganda, 5 years years of misplaced blame. 5 years of arguments based upon conjecture and not facts 5 years of thinking RIAA has law enforcement authority. 5 years of.........................insanity and mafia
No arguments from me, Keryoker. I was just too polite in my statement. As you state, false statements, misplaced blame, and false propoganda. In other words, he has no credibility. That's why I said to relax. He's nothing but air. nothing to take seriously, or get upset about. He's just playing I Spy and Secret Identity.... He's got a secret mission that he can't discuss, a name that's top secret, and he discusses an organization with nothing but a mfr. of questionable rep associated with it.
Never rise to troll-bait... 
_________________ "No Contests, No Divas, Just A Good Time!"
" Disc based and loving it..."
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Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:33 pm |
Joined: Sat Oct 20, 2001 6:55 pm Posts: 4433 Location: New York City Been Liked: 757 times
I wish DJ would just answer my questions.
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Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:59 pm |
Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:42 pm Posts: 246 Been Liked: 1 time
I'm still here, seems like I've said that for decades..... oh well. To answer your questions, first I think that if you are going to have a nationwide allience that makes a statement then the lines of commadry should be drawn. I just think it is interesting that "POOP" would put out open to the public a notice and broucher anyone can print off and hand out. You would thing they (POOP) would just ask for a mailing address and business name for tracking purposes or set up a system for POOPED ON karaoke operators or club owners to purchase and mail a certified letter to an establishment introducing themselves and educating them at the same time without recourse for niavity. As I do belong to other organizations in order to hand out any media relating to those organizations you have to be a member. I don't see non-members handing out media for these organizations say for example the Chamber in your local area. If you were a member you might help promote locally in your area this organization but if not then you could probably care less. So now we have a whole bunch of members and non members handing out some media that is not trackable from "POOP" which basicly has no teeth other then the fact members and non members of this organization has read this material and when it comes down to it and their hand gets caught in the cookie jar they can say "I didn't know anthing about this...." So that's the POOP about POOP so far from my perspective.
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leopard lizard
Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:33 am |
Joined: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:18 pm Posts: 2593 Been Liked: 294 times
Okay, so I don't mean to promote the KIAA as I have my suspicions about them but I have to admit I actually like the concept of this ad that turned up on our area's Craigslist. But I think they blow it by showing a pile of karaoke discs instead of a hard drive. Haven't heard of a lot of pirates using stolen DISCS.
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