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 Post subject: Going against all Logic!
PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 3:55 am 
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It is said that when a guy is talking with a girl he should make sure that the conversation is going where it needs to. In otherwords if you were to let them talk about anything the conversation might get boring, hence the guy is boring, even though she is the one who was speaking. Maybe we can take a note from that and save the "clappers" from poor song choices by the "singers".

I had an interesting night, mostly was a three person rotation till about midnight. (Then of course 15 people signed up within ten minutes and filled the rest of the time.) Mostly filled with twenty somethings with very short dresses wanting to get their freak on the floor. So if you didn't guess, we had about 60 people upstairs at one time and about 10 Singers out of that group. And they were very vocal about songs that brought the mood down the last hour. Weren't too into the slow songs unless it was romantic.

Here's what ties together my Subject line: I am going to try something tommorrow (Saturday evening), another Experiment, that will probably blow up in my face, but doing it once shouldn't hurt. For one, I am going to put on more Upbeat Club music, less house and more like the new tracks on the radio. I will play an Entire song every few songs. Also Be more vocal in asking for choosing a better song. Like asking them to pick another song after 11:30 if it doesn't mesh with the other songs. This will cause a longer wait time, and people might only get to sing one song.
Normally you want to get as many people to sing as possible, and if there is time left, playing a song to get people going again is always nice. And also the transition music usually shouldn't be Dance Music. Most of the Crowd I am catering to lately Don't sing. So I feel like different rules should apply so it doesn't get boring. That still doesn't solve the problem of people coming in late and wondering why there is no time for them to sing. I need them to start showing up earlier, and telling them that doesn't help either. I get a new crowd every week so I have to play it by ear.

Any other Ideas that get these Debutante Club going people to enjoy their stay more? Think Vegas club (or if you are familiar the First Ave Belltown Clubbers) That kind of outgoing crowd I am referring to. Again only talking about tweaks to the show, the ambiance is set, there is no changing that anytime soon, if ever.

Side note: Three people signed up and left cause they couldn't wait for 15 Minutes. Yes these people don't understand Karaoke, the wait is normally longer.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:16 am 
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Stevie --The only true logic is the one that works for you. Many karaoke purists ( singers and KJ's) will scoff at any change to the normal 100% karaoke show.

But if you have a young crowd that needs UPBEAT music --go for it .
My suggestion would be to get the latest karaoke pop and country tunes and make sure you get the MPX versions also ( one with vocals) and PLAY THOSE in between singers and if you can set up a monitor screen for the audience to sing along with these RECENT pop and country karaoke vesions ....that would be GREAT.
This way you're playing ubeat music and keeping the KARAOKE out there to pull singers in.
Good Luck

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 6:14 am 
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With 3 singers we would have played many upbeat songs all the way thru if people were dancing and it is picking up the overall energy. Normally in the last hour or half hour it is karaoke only but one thing you cant do is let a few singers bring the energy level down. The choice of fill music is very important. Late drunk singers will ruin a show.

With trends changing pure karaoke is no longer logical in some venues and doesnt work.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:33 am 
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If I went to a karaoke show, and the KJ told me told me to switch my selections to songs that they wanted sung, and I did that, and...I was keeping people no the dance floor....I would probably pinch myself and say, "Hey seattledrizzle, you are basically doing the job of a hired performer. You are basically singing off a list of songs that they want sung. Why not sign up with a band and start making some money (and maybe even get your drinks for free)?"

If you're being told what to sing, and you're providing the entertainment, why not command a price for your services?

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:52 am 
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From the sounds of it you are running an unsuccessful karaoke show and the bar should switch to a club DJ. Karaoke isn't working on that night. Save it for Su, M, T W Th. Friday and Saturday is dance night there. That's very obvious. IMO :angel:

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:57 pm 
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angel910 @ Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:52 am wrote:
From the sounds of it you are running an unsuccessful karaoke show and the bar should switch to a club DJ. Karaoke isn't working on that night. Save it for Su, M, T W Th. Friday and Saturday is dance night there. That's very obvious. IMO

It is a 7 nights a week Karaoke Place, it is built upon that. However it is split into Four Areas Really. The Bar with Tables, A bar Sports bar Area, with pool and Darts (they share the same music), a karaoke area near the entrance (7 nights a week, and generally music not heard from the bar) and the area I work at, tucked away in the back, with a little dance floor and its own bar (friday & Saturday only), I have a little bit of freedom to play around to get a feel for what the Crowd wants. But really I was hired to play karaoke. So far they drink the same amount whether they sing or not. But as a second karaoke section, it really has a different feel, and is a separate beast. Just a little more info. Last night was just strange.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:44 pm 
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seattledrizzle @ Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:33 am wrote:
If I went to a karaoke show, and the KJ told me told me to switch my selections to "songs that they wanted sung"

Of course they can choose whatever they want. It wouldn't be something anybody else picked out. They can always make a decision to sing something enjoyable by tempo, Versus something that will make people fall asleep. For example "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" by Queen, Versus the slower "Do You Really Want To Hurt Me" by Culture Club. even "Karma Chameleon" would be better choice if you like that artist. theycan be good songs, I just suggest come in earlier, before 11:30 pm to sing a slow tempo song. Again I repeat if it is romantic slow song, I think it is ok to sneek in a few after 11:30 pm. I am a romance junkie, and yes people like to slow dance during these songs. People actually booed at "I want it that way" by BSB, and I actually like that song (or I can sing it well anyways), but the crowd wasn't happy I let it in the mix. But they liked "Bye Bye Bye" by N*Sync.

For me I go singing to try to entertain the Audience, If I wanted to hear the sound of my voice, I can do that outside with nobody around, or else at home by myself. Sometimes nobody cares, and they are just waiting for your song to get over with anyways, but its not for lack of trying to sing something people will like.

BTW (off Topic) When are you going up to see Karen K's show next. I can get there ok, but getting a ride back is a hassle. Just wondering if you could help.

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:41 pm 
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While there are some singers that are actually concerned with what i think the crowd will want to hear. Most singers are singing to try to be discovered or to just sing something they are familiar with and like alot. If they are putting the other singers to sleep they are usaually oblivious to it. They think they are doing a good job and that's all that matters.

I have a problem with telling anyone to sing something different than what they want to sing. They are buying the drinks and they should have the final say in the song they want to sing when they want to sing it. Or they could be at the next karaoke show bar. :angel:

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 3:02 am 
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So I was only able to keep it up till about 12:15, when I would have to run a normal show. Too many people in line not to. Nobody I had asked told me they were there for the club music. Most people liked it as background but they also would have liked christmas carols with kittens for that matter (only strange thing I could think of at a short notice). Adding a little bit more time in between each song helped space it out a little bit earlier, however my boss caught wind I was allowing time between each singer, so I had a couple min chat on how thats not how it is done there. I wasn't letting four minutes go by but kept it around two minutes of transition music. I didn't have that many slips still most of the night. but at least I didn't have a two person concert for half the night.

I think I will go back to my old mix of upbeat songs and stay away from the club stuff for a while. I want to make my bartender happy and she wants more of a mix of different beats. Just like me, the thump thump thump thump, gets to her after a while.

So what have we learned here, people don't really care what you play, so long as it sounds good. When there is a short line and you still aren't up for half an hour people get cranky moods. I have felt that before, four people means twenty minutes not forty. People who come to the show know what they are getting into ahead of time, it's Karaoke not an upscale club.

I anounced I would like more upbeat tempo songs near the end, and most people turned in good song choices. The only problem was a lot of the people from the parties weren't ordering enough alchohol. I usually equivilate a minimum of thirty minutes per beverage. one third weren't even ordering. thats about 30 people that were there that night didn't spend money.

Getting some sleep eyes are heavy if I think of something, I will add it later.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:26 am 
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Hello All,

I usually do Karaoke for most of the night. When it does get later, I will put on some dance / club music. This does three things.
1) it gets me a break where I can re-set music ... mingle with the crowd ... go to the bathroom etc.
2) it gets the people who are out with the singers (but who don't sing) involved in the show.
3) it gets people dancing, moving, sweating and DRINKING!

I have had bar owners tell me that they'll make more money in the 20 minutes that I do DJ music that they'll make at any other time of the night.

I put in some more Karaoke songs then if time permits will go back to dancing.

Now personally, when I go OUT to SING karaoke I don't like this. So if that happens, I will leave if I want to sing. At other times, I'm out with friends and don't care if it's singing or dancing that they/we do.

A good mix and knowing what your crowd and bar is key.

Jason Christopher
acclaim productions

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:14 am 
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I had a similar problem in a venue, Lots of people who wanted to dance (to anything, karaoke/ disco/ their best friend tapping a beat out with a pen) and singers who wanted to sing every slow song I had. . . Because of you, angels, my heart will go on. I went and explained to all the singers, that whilst I would prefer to keep them singing all night if they continued to put the slower songs in I would have to play more Disco/party music to keep the majority of the bar happy. I also reminded them, that in a party atmosphere most people rather hear a good song done badly, than a slow song done well. I left the choice with them, and most changed their songs. . . now three weeks on, nearly everyone puts in fast songs, having watched the audience respond so much better to their performances.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:41 pm 
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Unless I didn't have a track in my library, the singers at my shows would never allow me to suggest they sing another song. I might suggest in the banter between tracks "Anyone wanna sing a song that really rocks out!?!?" But I could never ask a singer to change a song... and live to tell the tale.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:07 pm 
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StevieD @ Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:02 am wrote:
So I was only able to keep it up till about 12:15, when I would have to run a normal show. Too many people in line not to. Nobody I had asked told me they were there for the club music. Most people liked it as background but they also would have liked christmas carols with kittens for that matter (only strange thing I could think of at a short notice). Adding a little bit more time in between each song helped space it out a little bit earlier, however my boss caught wind I was allowing time between each singer, so I had a couple min chat on how thats not how it is done there. I wasn't letting four minutes go by but kept it around two minutes of transition music. I didn't have that many slips still most of the night. but at least I didn't have a two person concert for half the night.

I think I will go back to my old mix of upbeat songs and stay away from the club stuff for a while. I want to make my bartender happy and she wants more of a mix of different beats. Just like me, the thump thump thump thump, gets to her after a while.

So what have we learned here, people don't really care what you play, so long as it sounds good. When there is a short line and you still aren't up for half an hour people get cranky moods. I have felt that before, four people means twenty minutes not forty. People who come to the show know what they are getting into ahead of time, it's Karaoke not an upscale club.

I anounced I would like more upbeat tempo songs near the end, and most people turned in good song choices. The only problem was a lot of the people from the parties weren't ordering enough alchohol. I usually equivilate a minimum of thirty minutes per beverage. one third weren't even ordering. thats about 30 people that were there that night didn't spend money.

Getting some sleep eyes are heavy if I think of something, I will add it later.

Keep in mind that if someone drinks 2 alcoholic beverages per hour, in general a person will be at the legal limit (in Iowa .08) in 4 hours. Someone has to drive and we all know not everyone at a bar is or has a designated driver.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:55 am 
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So maybe drinking slow and steady is a good thing. More slow song to dance to. :angel:

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:15 am 
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Contrary to popular belief it is not hard drives directly saturating the market. It is mediocre shows that puts bad tastes in owners mouths and their first response is karaoke is dead. For awhile I was getting the response I want a DJ SO I added that to my show and can do both. After doing many parties even the singers wanted a combo of both when they hired me for parties which I can do. It is illogical not to provide both.

At one time everybody here was locked into a basic karaoke only mode and I was the oddball and traitor. More and more now have to offer a complete package to compete with the pirates or saturation of poor shows and demand more money. Those that do shows at a rock bottom rate cannot afford to upgrade or maintain their system, Yes even bar owners with any sense realize this.

I will not do the smaller venues I will let the bottom feeders have these and do them for nothing.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:48 am 
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I also work at a bar where I have WAYYYYYY more non-singers than singers. A typical Saturday night is about 150 people in the bar with about a 15-person rotation on my karaoke.

I am one of the staunchest supporters for filler music, because it keeps the non-singers entertained even if they are not into the karaoke.

That said, I would NEVER make anyone switch their song. Like someone said before, if you are going to make demands like that of the singer, then you are no longer catering to the signer, and you are no longer really sticking to the spirit of karaoke, which is amatuer singing. I firmly believe that how good you are or which song you like should have no bearing on how you are treated by the karaoke host.

But I digress. I actually have a few steady DJ gigs as well, and I can tell you this. I play a similar set of filler songs at my KJ gig as I play for the main dance songs at my DJ gigs, though I do a few mashups and beat mixes in the DJ gig. At my karaoke gig, people that have no interest in karaoke will come in at 9pm and dance their (@$%&#!) off to my filler till 1:30. At my DJ gig, The dance floor stays steadily busy the whole night, but it is a new set of people about every 4th or 5th song.

Why? I honestly feel that the KARAOKE that breaks up the DJ music HELPS the dance crowd, and, actually, vice-versa. Everyone might dance their azz off to the "Cupid Shuffle," then the next karaoke singer might sing "My Heart Will Go On." This ebb and flow of high energy and, sometimes, low energy makes for a show with built-in breaks followed by new jolts of energy. The contrasts actually add to everyone's enjoyment. Without the contrasts, if it is all dance music or all karaoke music, it all starts to sound the same unless you have a vested interest (like the non-singers who want to hear their friends sing.)

Anyway, my point is I think you are looking at it the wrong way. It certainly isn't the karaoke singers that are messing up your karaoke show. I would go one of two ways if I were in your shoes:

#1: I feel like you can't just cater to one or the other (karaoke singers vs. non-singers), you have to cater to both. Let the karaoke singers sing what they want, but give the non-singers the best dance sets you can inbetween songs. If there are only 3 karaoke singers all night, like you said above, and 50 non-singers, then you might lean to the non-singers a bit more by playing 2 dance songs for every 1 karaoke song, but you can't start demanding that the karaoke singers cater to the non-singers, or you are going to lose them. If you play good dance filler, I think you will find that bad or slow karaoke will add to the show by giving the good dance filler MORE energy by contrast.

#2: The most successful karaoke DJ I know has a songbook of about 180 songs. Not 180,000, ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY. Those 180 songs are ALL high energy crowd pleasers and crowd sing-a-longs that everyone knows and loves. He doesn't allow singers to use their own discs. You MUST pick one of his 180 songs. This guy makes $400 a show and is booked 7 nights a week in Myrtle Beach, SC, Greenville, SC, Charleston, SC, Atlanta, GA, and Savannah, GA. Yes, he is regional and travels most days of the week, and yes, he makes about $125,000 a year as a karaoke host. His typical crowd is about 350-500 people. On a typical night, he has about a 30-40 person rotation. If you put in your slip RIGHT at 9:00, you may get to sing twice in one night, but most people only go once. His show CATERS to the non-singers. If that's your intent, I think this is a pretty good model for it.

C Mc

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:03 am 
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Very well said Topher. Guess what if I was out of town guess which show I would go to. The one that has 180 songs. I would sing one of the 180 and party!!! hardy because everybody is happy and in the party mood.

I have had hard core singers come to my show and gripe about dance music etc. THe drunks dont come back but some singers become regulars and they are the ones that hire us for parties or weddings. I do give discounts to my regulars for private functions.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:36 am 
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If you are ever in the Carolinas or Georgia, go check this guy out. His name is Ed Miller, his show is called Ed Miller's Karaoke Meyhem. I looked it up, and I had some of the city's wrong. He plays in Greenville, SC, Spartanburg, SC, Columbia, SC, Hilton Head, SC, Charleston, SC, and Savannah, GA, and takes Sundays off.

The guy does about 10 costume changes during his shows as well. If the singer is doing "Living on a Prayer," Ed is already to go in full Richie Sambora gear. If it is "Love Shack," he is glammed out like Fred Schneider. It is quite the entertaining show, and as a singer, I love being able to perform in front of that many people, even if it is only one song for the night.

C Mc

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