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PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:52 pm 
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Here is some rig porn. Also, you can see most of my stage in one picture. It's big and I think if I took up some of the space with ... something ... it would make singers feel more comfortable. Couch? Drum kit? I don't know!

File comment: right side of stage
rig-karaoke_macs-3sm.jpg [ 15.49 KiB | Viewed 18850 times ]
File comment: A-rig racks
rig-karaoke_macs-2sm.jpg [ 27.73 KiB | Viewed 18858 times ]
File comment: karaoke rig
rig-karaoke_macs-1sm.jpg [ 25.7 KiB | Viewed 18850 times ]

Jeff Wheeler, moonlight DJ/KJ
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:00 pm 
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LOVE the board! Nice setup. Couldn't tell what model the dual 15's are. What are you driving the 18 with. I had a pair of those & they are NICE & power hungry.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:31 pm 
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Yeah those Peaveys surprised the hell out of me. Paid $700 for a pair of those and they are perfect for this application. The top boxes are the Kustom KSC 215H that I keep talking about, under $200ea and comparable to Yamaha C215V with just a little EQ. They recently went on sale again, and I am thinking about buying another pair for an eventual second leave-it-at-a-bar and play 2 - 3 nights a week gig.

Amps are 1xEP2500 for tops and 1xEP2500 for subs. The Crown XTi is doing two stage wedges, Kustom KSC 15M. You can barely see the back of an RMX2450 in one picture, which will be doing something besides holding the floor down as soon as I get around to mounting it.

I am really not sure what to do with my amps, as I want to put enough power in that rack to run four monitor mixes (2x XTi), my MRX525s that I bring out once in a while, and two SRX718S subs which I am buying next week. I own 3x XTi 2000s, 2x EP2500s, 1xEPX3000 (UPS is delivering it tomorrow), 1x RMX2450. And I need to have amps in my B-rig amp rack for weddings and such. My thinking is:

2x XTi2000 for up to 4 wedges
1x EPX3000 900w/ch 4ohm, into MRX525s stereo, which are rated 800/1600/3200
1x RMX2450 2400w bridge 4ohm, into two SRX718S, which are rated 800/1600/3200

The above system would seem not to have any head-room, but the venue only holds about 150 people, and even the rig I have in the above pictures can get too loud and still sound clean.

Then I would have 1x XTi 2000 and 2x EP2500 for the wedding/party rig, which is good as I sometimes do karaoke at parties, so I'd have an XTi for monitors and two amps that are "big enough" to run any of my speakers in there as well.

And I still need to fill up that stage with something cool. Inflatable giraffe? Inflatable girl? I really like the idea of putting a cheap drum kit up there and a boom mic so someone can sit behind it, but I'm not sure if people will bang on it too much and annoy people.

Jeff Wheeler, moonlight DJ/KJ

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:36 pm 
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I think they would be tempted to bang on it which could be very unpleasant to listen to. Stage props like air guitars, maybe a big box of hats/wigs. Possibly try to find some cubicle walls & you can make the stage appear a little smaller - although I like a big stage personally.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:39 pm 
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Even at places where there isnt a stage I set a table where they can sit their drinks. Also you can have a table for books or a box of business cards.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 1:54 pm 
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There is a small table (the bar owns it) I use for my TV on the other side of the stage, and I usually put an ash tray on it. People seem to be about 50/50 whether they put their drink there, or on my table.

That big projection screen at the back of the stage works, too. The only reason I don't use it is I'm afraid singers will stumble back into it and rip it. I guess if I put a table against the back wall, they would not fall into the screen and have a place for drinks and props. I don't want to put karaoke lyrics on it (I want the singer to be the only person who can see the lyrics so if they screw up a little, no one notices) but I could use it for something. Pictures of guests, rock stars, caption with drink specials, whatever. All I really need to do is run a cable to it and buy a second TV converter.

File comment: other side of stage with TV
rig-karaoke_macs-4sm.jpg [ 8.99 KiB | Viewed 18858 times ]

Jeff Wheeler, moonlight DJ/KJ
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:44 pm 
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Here's a better picture of the front part of the room. You're seeing about 1/8th of the room, but as you can see, the stage looks pretty empty and needs stuff cluttering it up to make people more comfortable. I need more lights too, well, I own more lights, but I don't want to bring them there because my partner will expect to use them for free and he's already been dragging his feet on getting me two replacement bulbs for a fixture I let him use regularly.

File comment: better stage view
room-karaoke_macs-5sm.jpg [ 18.31 KiB | Viewed 18853 times ]

Jeff Wheeler, moonlight DJ/KJ
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2009 7:49 pm 
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One more picture of basically the whole stage. There's my spot on the right, and the TV is just out of the frame to the left, next to the wedge in the lower-left corner. As you can see, with 5 guys up there singing it looks empty. Perhaps I should put some subs in the center of the stage?

EDIT: Oh yeah, that is a real guitar, I bought it for $30 at a pawn shop and people love to hold it and mess around while they sing. I let one guy play it and sing without a backing track but I decided it's too tough to mic an acoustic guitar with an amateur performer moving it around. I have an "unplugged" electric guitar, too, an electric with no strings or pick-ups. ;)

File comment: stage
room-karaoke_macs-6sm.jpg [ 13.95 KiB | Viewed 18847 times ]

Jeff Wheeler, moonlight DJ/KJ
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 12:36 am 
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Nice setup ! I'd love to have all that room. :D

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:39 am 
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If it were me, i'd get rid of all the stuff on the stage, add a nice black curtain to cover the back drop & add stage lighting.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:28 am 
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Babs @ Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:36 am wrote:
Nice setup ! I'd love to have all that room. :D

Hahhaha, no kidding! The stage is almost bigger than the whole room I'm playing in right now!


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:59 am 
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That stage area is NICE --so much can be done. It maybe TOO BIG as you say
Lonnie has a great idea of theblack curtain and lighting.

Is there something along that line you can put across the stage making it smaller and more COZY ..somthing like a removable curtain wall ??? add some small stage lighting and your good to go?

I can't tell but do you have speakers on both sides of the stage ?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:11 am 
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How about actually changing the dimension and shape of your stage with one of these:


Could add the FILL you need ???? ( throw in some floor stage lighting )

like this http://www.pssl.com/Eliminator-E-137-Co ... -Light-R30

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:18 am 
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how about some standups for the stage

http://www.windycitynovelties.com/16130 ... t-out.html

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:20 am 
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:59 am 
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Jeff: I picked up a couple of fake trees that are fairly tall, work great at camouflaging ugly. You can even put those tiny lights on them without too much trouble. I had a room that was too industrial looking and the trees totally softened it. Don't need to water them, just dust them off once in a while. Someone bumps into them, they fall over, you pick them up. You can find these kinds of things at the Goodwill or other such places usually for fairly inexpensively. I picked up two of them for $30. There are ugly ones for sure but I picked up two rather nice ones. Offices seem to get rid of these things often and replace them.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:32 am 
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That stage is a KJ's dream!!! I love it!! I like Lon's lighting idea. If you didn't want to do lights, Karen's tree idea is great too. You can also buy backdrops at party stores to go with party themes. Our party store now has backdrops that would be so awesome on that stage. One of them is with a sockhop theme. Basically, it's silhouettes of people dancing. They would hang from the ceiling to the floor. They're called scenery changers or something like that. One of them makes the place look like a saloon. There's also one for a luau type of party. You could buy several of them and change the stage scenery every few weeks to keep it interesting. Have fun with it whatever you do.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:49 am 
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How about putting a table on stage and let singers sit and pass a wireless mic around?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:25 am 
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I've seen fishnets used as backdrops and they're inexpensive. They come in all kind of fun colors. You can hang items from them to create a theme.

Here is a link that shows all kinds of fun colors.http://www.nauticalseasons.com/colored- ... t-4-x.html

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:35 am 
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Great ideas on here! I do have some stage lighting, an American DJ Color Fusion 3-way wash light per side. You can't really tell in the photos because the camera's speedlight was going a bit overboard. I would like to add more lights, but my partner will expect to use them without helping pay for replacement bulbs, so I don't want to add any unless I buy some LEDs. I am thinking of buying some LED PAR cans and I might move the wash lights around to see if I can get a better lighting effect without blinding the singers. They are very bright.

I don't want to cover the back wall as I would like to come up with a use for that TV eventually.

Those bikini model cardboard stand-ups would be cool. I like the fake trees + lights idea, too. I'm going to look for some at local stores next week.

Jeff Wheeler, moonlight DJ/KJ

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