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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:29 am 
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jr2423 @ Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:15 am wrote:
karaoke koyote @ Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:53 am wrote:
...I joined this forum to share experiences and hopefully add to others, thereby enriching the shows of all of us... however, this forum has quickly denigrated into a bunch of paranoid, whiny, babies who see pirates every time they hear the letter "R"... and I'm about sick of it. I had a stressful weekend because of this, but none of my shows suffered because of it... I even started a new one. I posted here to vent, and all of a sudden I'm attacked because I said my laptop crashed???? Are you frickin' kidding me?

It appears your stressful weekend hasn't ended yet.

C'mon, what did you expect from your posting. People are going to say what's on their mind. Hence the title "FORUM".

Your point was well taken. You had a problem, you solved it, and business went on as usual. From a retired military perspective this is the working environment I dealt with daily. Of course for me it was sortie production, but stress is the same across the board regardless of the mission. You had a mission to complete, and you did just that; that's what I took from your post.

I'm ex military also JR, and that "mission" mindset is one of the things I took from my experience. I worked on jets in the Air Force, and it doesn't matter if its -13 degrees outside... you still have to get out on the flight line and replace that oil pump so that bird can get back in the air!! :D

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:32 am 
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Yes and there are those that say search the forum for answers. A search for laptop backup would result in this thread which is totally useless. Once again it has turned into a digital versus discs thread which is probably about 2003 so far.

I am going to start flying the skull and crossbones and then I would be the most hated here. ROFL

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:34 am 
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When I post on my forums, I try to state whatever it is that I may feel like adding to a topic. I try to make it a positive addition - lord knows, there's enough negativity going on around us. I don't look for opportunities to attack. I try and read each post thoroughly and not just skim for key words. I'm glad the laptop situation got worked out expeditiously. For those of you who continue to run with CDGs, you won't face this problem; however, finding a "new" CDG player may present issues in the not too distant future if it doesn't already. Whereas technology continues to advance automation (computers), nobody is working on making a new and better CDG player. Makes sense in my mind to continue forward movement.

I have my CDGs in cases. I have a 3-tray player in my home, set up to review songs prior to using them at a show, but to remove that from the system would be a royal pain. It makes far more sense to me to take my backup external drive and run my show from another computer. I have several laptops that I use for various music-related activities and would have no problem doing that.

I guess what this comes down to to me, and this is something I believe in strongly - there are problem creators and there are problem solvers. I choose to be a problem solver. I applaud the OP for getting through all the headaches created by a crapping lappy. No worse a feeling. It's what you do to fix the problem that benefits all readers of this forum. Thanks for sharing your experience. Hopefully you'll have smooth sailing for a while now. I also applaud you for going full time in these times -I have just accepted another night and handed off another show. It is possible to do it, and I am also in the midst of some pretty nasty illegal multiriggers in this area. I don't worry about their success. I worry about their impact but at this point that is not much of an issue either, obviously.

Let's not belabor the CDG versus computer anymore - we all have our views about it. Nobody's mind is getting changed here. Can we leave it at that?

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:36 am 
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karyoker @ Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:40 pm wrote:
I defy anybody here to provide a pic of their cd's I have taken a pic of my closet and posted it., I provided proof can you?

You can see mine on the pic on my home page. The jewel cases are being replaced with the slimline jewel cases so I can get 2 discs in the spot of one.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 12:31 pm 
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karyoker @ Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:51 pm wrote:
Yes Tim I have full respect for your modus operandi. I also have full respect for the mennonites who still farm with horses. I am one of the few here that still could hitch up a team and cultivate a corn field. However in my life time I have witnessed tech advances and i refuse to be harnessed by those that refuse to adapt. Tech advances have made my vocations obsolete. I will continue stay ahead of my competition and keep abreast of the times. By the time congress has addressed our methods and needs we will be doing better and more efficient things. Welcome to the 21st century..

:rotflmao: Well said!

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 3:15 pm 
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Tarzan @ Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:15 pm wrote:
I agree with SOOO many here... you MUST have a back-up plan at all times, HOWEVER... saying a LEGAL KJ would just go grab their CD+Gs and be up and running is just being a pompous @SS!!!

Most KJs who have migrated to digital do not take their CD+Gs with, and although it is a good idea to have a CD+G unit with you should someone walk in with a disc, many do not have one at all times due to space / weight constraints.

Ok... imagine you are doing a show 30 min or 1 hr from home, are you going to run home and get the CD+G player and discs then drive back??? I Think NOT!!!!

NOW... on the flip side... a spare external HDD with ALL your music on it as a back-up, AND a spare IDENTICAL laptop kept with an EXACT clone of the laptop HDD is the best way to go (In my humble opinion)... and here is why:

If your music HDD goes south... Grab the spare and you are up.

If the Computer HDD dies... swap the one out of the spare computer, back up in less time than it takes to play "Rapper's Delight".

Whole computer dies (i.e. Drunk IDIOT'S BEER*) go grab the spare and up in 10.

* to avoid this issue, use a military grade laptop such as a Panasonic ToughBook, a GoBook, or a Dell Latitude XFR series... you can pick it up, dump it out, BEAT THEM WITH IT, and keep going with the show! :rotflmao:

lol Tarzan, Cub fan or not, I like you.

Everyone here pretty much knows I don't have a player. Doesn't make me illegal. In fact I just got my backup laptop set so the lyrics screen is up and running on the monitor via VGA.

You know what they say about when you assume! My glass is ALWAYS half full!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:25 pm 
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I know most of you don't care very much for the cavs player, too slow etc., but this is a perfect example of where they come in handy. I am computerized, but if my laptop goes down, I just connect my external harddrive to my cavs player that I use for customer discs, connect my monitor (that I usually use for audience) to it, and I'm back in business. The only thing I would be losing is my hosting program. I still use books, and songslips, so that would keep my rotation straight. Probably 5 to 10 minutes to do full conversion. Just food for thought.


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:34 pm 
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for koyote I think who said he doesn't use disc numbers in the computer... dude... sorry bout your luck, but it's not that hard.

When I buy my cdgs, I'ts a standard number from a standard manufactuer.

When I buy my tracks, even as downloads, I consider them part of my "CUSTOM" discs, and I have a set of numbers strictly for that. Originally started with the physical discs, and now it's migrated to the customs. I keep about ten or fifteen per "disc"...

I sometimes leave the download track number as part of the name... just for my records. Usually when either I REALLY like it or hate it! LOL!

The point being, my tracks are the same as if the discs were physically there with me. It's easy to train hosts that way, it's easy to go from book to tracks and to disc if you absolutely had to!

Directory of H:\discs\k customs\

h:\discs\k customs\k01sc - 04sc
h:\discs\k customs\k05sw - 07sw
h:\discs\k customs\k08sc - 09sc
h:\discs\k customs\k10sw - 12sw
h:\discs\k customs\k13sb - 14sc - 15sw
h:\discs\k customs\k16sc - 17sw
h:\discs\k customs\k18sc - 19sb
h:\discs\k customs\k20sc - 21sw
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k22sw01 - anybody listening - queensryche
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k22sw02 - daytime friends - kenny rogers
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k22sw03 - songbird - fleetwood mac
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k22sw04 - cry - godley & creme
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k22sw05 - funkytown - pseudoecho
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k22sw06 - you keep me hanging on - kim wilde
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-01 38 special - back where you belong sb18248-
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-02 bangles - walking down your street sb20099-
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-03 rick springfield - human touch sf06843-
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-04 loverboy - notorious sf07028-
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-05 kid rock - all summer long
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-06 robert tepper - no easy way out
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-07 lindsay buckingham - trouble
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-08 def leppard - animal
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-09 - rascal flatts - life is a highway - ax11256
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-10 - duran duran -ordinary world sb02151
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-11 - rascal flatts - every day - sb17836\sat_files
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-12 - duran duran -new moon on monday - sf03588
h:\discs\k customs\k22sw - 23sel\k23sel-13 - david lee roth - califormia girls wk00258

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:30 pm 
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Well, I've done something similar:

kv000-11 - Lewis, Leona - Here I Am
KV001-09 - Spears, Britney - Womanizer
KV001-12 - Beyonce - Halo
sbi001-02 - Seether - Careless Whisper
KV = karaoke version SBI = SBI (duh!)

In the order I download... keeping the "tracks per discs" at 15 so that if I ever did need to convert to disc I could. In this particular case, with an appointment in the middle of the day of my show... getting ready to run a disc show just wasn't an option.

I know I have started numbering sleeves again, and reorganizing my discs. I've also got a program to look up songs to get the disc number so I don't have to redo the books. Now I can go either way... I am so spoiled by my hosting program that the very thought of running the show by discs makes my stomach churn. :D Did I mention I'm doing this 6 times a week now? If it was once or twice a week I wouldn't mind... As a full time job I'm just not digging it.... ya know?

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:35 pm 
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diafel @ Tue Aug 04, 2009 7:45 am wrote:
timberlea @ Tue Aug 04, 2009 6:53 am wrote:
I guess I should have been clearer about the cell phone. Most people program their cells with the phone numbers they use. I doubt many write them down on pen and paper. No cell, no numbers as most of us don't memorize them.


As charged! :D

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 8:06 pm 
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If anyone has a problem with a new laptop not having an s-video out put there is a peice of hardware that can solve this problem. It is called PC to TV made by K World.

It converts the VGA output on your laptop to a S-video, RCA video and RGB outputs.

I used it because my new lappy does not have a s-video and it works great.

Hope this can be usefull to someone.

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