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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:24 pm 
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So, don't know how many of you that don't live in the PNW realize what kind of weather we've had the last few days - we were hotter than Phoenix! It's been harsh ... 100-degrees plus in an area that usually gets weather in the 70s and sometimes up to 90 but not usually in the summer.

So all week long I've been telling people to bring their squirt guns to the show tonight - we're out on the patio of a small bar/restaurant. Probably seats 70-80 people...all round tables with umbrellas. We have a small stage that faces the patio.

The show runs from 6 to 10 p.m. - I know, early, but it is a noise ordinance issue. So tonight at 5:30 people start arriving. By start time (keep in mind, 6 p.m. on a week night) I've got about 8 tables full of people. By 7:30 we have the place full. Then the water fights break out...and people are running around spraying each other, killing themselves laughing - these people don't even KNOW each other!

All this time the singers are singing, those that are there to listen are loving the singing, and laughing along with the water fights.

It would be difficult to find a better and more fun environment than this one. Everyone appreciates the singers, the singers appreciate the sound and the mix, the staff appreciates the maturity level of the crowd, and the crowd loves the food and drinks...and the singers. If only I had 3 more nights like this.

No fights, no overserved people, nobody ticked because they didn't get to sing 10 times, or that I had to cut their last song out. In all the years I've hosted, this gig is hands down my favorite.

I guess this is my rave for the week - makes me feel really good about being a karaoke host. Mostly I love singing outside - will be a bummer when the good weather gives out and we're back inside..>Have to figure out what we're going to do with this huge group of people who show up every week to hear great singers.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:41 pm 
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Karen one of my greatest joys is when a non singer a stranger walks up to me or visits on the way out during teardown and compliments our show. I am training a new host that doesnt have any experience whatsoever and I will again take it beyond what we have before. I dont even think we will do divey taverns anymore. My host sells security systems and we are considering the Island Grills. It would be more of a family typea and present new challenges. These places are full of nooks and crannys and sound baffles. Sound distribution will be a challenge and we will have to play at different volumes and provide dinner music then crank later in the evening.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:41 pm 
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That sounds like a blast ! What a great idea. I'm sorry to hear though the weather has been so harsh. Here in Chicago it's been beautiful. During the day in the 70s and at night in the 60s.

It's nice to hear good news. Keep up the good work girl. :hug:

[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:10 am 
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Great job, Karen!

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:12 am 
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I heard in the news yesterday, the one broadcaster said, "you have to realize, these people don't have air conditioners, they don't need them".

Babs is right, Chicaland has been beautiful. Near perfect if you ask me. I don't care for the over 80's weather.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:35 am 
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Yeah, it's been like a freakin' blaze the last few days. Canby reported 110 on wednesday... and wow, it felt SO much cooler only hitting upper 90's yesterday. :roll: My mom's swimming pool is solar heated, and it was at 87 yesterday. (almost like a nice bath, Lol)

I like it- for a short amount of time.... but I'm ready for it to cool off just a bit. Last year we had our heat records during the clackamas county fair, and that was no fun at all.

Squirt guns at karaoke would be hillarious! What an awesome idea Karen.

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:53 am 
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This is the first time I've ever heard of water guns at any show but mine. It's not me, though. The bartender has a water gun behind the counter, and she uses it to shoot singers (our regulars only) who are singing songs she hates. She will also shoot customers who are bumping and grinding a little too much...says she's just cooling them off. Everyone thinks it's so funny.

Your water gun fights sound fun. We're at the beach, so it's hot here too. Not 110 degrees hot, but it's so humid. It could be 90 here and feel like 110. I do one show outside on a gazebo stage on Tuesday evenings for children to sing. It's part of the town's summer fun project. The kids would love to have a water gun fight!!

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:54 am 
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This is the first time I've ever heard of water guns at any show but mine. It's not me, though. The bartender has a water gun behind the counter, and she uses it to shoot singers (our regulars only) who are singing songs she hates. She will also shoot customers who are bumping and grinding a little too much...says she's just cooling them off. Everyone thinks it's so funny.

Your water gun fights sound fun. We're at the beach, so it's hot here too. Not 110 degrees hot, but it's so humid. It could be 90 here and feel like 110. I do one show outside on a gazebo stage on Tuesday evenings for children to sing. It's part of the town's summer fun project. The kids would love to have a water gun fight!!

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