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PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:18 pm 

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i hav more than twenty thousand karaoke song in my hard disk(not external,i bought a case for it so i can connect it to my pc via usb).

the problem is, all the file name is in numbered form (eg. 23456.dat, 24356.mpg),not by the title of the song.

on top of that, i need a karaoke software,where i can play the song i want just by one search. but it seems like i cant achieve that if the file name issue is not solved 1st. am i right? or am i going to do it the hard way?open each song,see d title and change the file name one by one? >.< help pliz?

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 5:12 am 
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How did you get the files on there in the first place?

You should know that the terms of service forbade members to discuss theft of karaoke files... the business they're in is retail and not helping increase theft of their property and livlihoods...

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:14 am 
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knightshow @ Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:12 am wrote:
How did you get the files on there in the first place?

You should know that the terms of service forbade members to discuss theft of karaoke files... the business they're in is retail and not helping increase theft of their property and livlihoods...

The only member discussing THEFT OF KARAOKE FILES is you LOL

What happened to the presumption of innocence :angel: :angel:

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:17 am 
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go to latshaw systems and look for their kj file manager software
this will help you with your 20,000 files.

( you did purchase all those songs legitimately didn't you ) :argue: :confused:

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:08 am 
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knightshow @ Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:12 am wrote:
How did you get the files on there in the first place?

You should know that the terms of service forbade members to discuss theft of karaoke files... the business they're in is retail and not helping increase theft of their property and livlihoods...

Easy, Knightshow. This can easily happen, although 20,000 songs sounds a little suspicious. I am in the same boat unmaskedluke is in, and my music was ripped from CDs. Most people don't realize when they first start ripping CDs how exactly to name them. I didn't. It simply happens this way. When I ran from my CDs, they were in a big storage container. Each CD had a number at the top. It was easier to look for 52 than SCblah blah for me. So, I numbered them in my book according to their number in my box. If they wanted track 5 from cd 52, the number for the song was 052-05. In the book, it specified CB. So, the entire number was CB 052-05. I thought I had done a pretty good job. When I transferred to the computer, I was using Winamp. I didn't change my file names to save me having to re-print my books. Simple as that. In Winamp, I just put the manu name in the "genre" bar in the file info. That way, I can easily see was brand it is. It was never a problem for me until I started purchasing songs individually.

And Luke to answer your question, I think we are going to have to rename them to switch to one of the karaoke programs, like Hoster or Compuhost. And yes, it's hours of work that I don't have time to do. Thus the reason I am still using Winamp. It works for me at the time. Although it's never occurred to me until this moment that some folks could walk in my show and assume I'm a pirate based on my file names. :shock:

BTW, if you bought that hard drive pre-loaded with 20,000 songs, it is ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL. You should know.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:56 am 
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I have literally spent years typing in names and renaming. Legal or not here are a few hints. My naming format is

Patsy Cline - Crazy(SC).zip When a friend offered me the 50,000 song hard drive I said I DONT WANT THEM... I am very proud of my library and the books I cam make

This is the best renamer I have found renamer A couple of years ago I changed from Cline, Patsy to first name first. Ok the first step was moving all the duets into a temp folder. All of my duets havd the & between the artists. So a windows search brought up the duets Select All and move. This renamer has the ability to call the comma the first instance and swap the names. There are several other features that allow multiple operations.

The thing is choosing a naming format and consistently use it when adding. I dont think there has been a good thread here about renaming or getting rid of dups. It is the most time consuming and boring things I have ever done. I type with 2 fingers.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:57 am 
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I have literally spent years typing in names and renaming. Legal or not here are a few hints. My naming format is

Patsy Cline - Crazy(SC).zip When a friend offered me the 50,000 song hard drive I said I DONT WANT THEM... I am very proud of my library and the books I cam make

This is the best renamer I have found renamer A couple of years ago I changed from Cline, Patsy to first name first. Ok the first step was moving all the duets into a temp folder. All of my duets havd the & between the artists. So a windows search brought up the duets Select All and move. This renamer has the ability to call the comma the first instance and swap the names. There are several other features that allow multiple operations.

The thing is choosing a naming format and consistently use it when adding. I dont think there has been a good thread here about renaming or getting rid of dups. It is the most time consuming and boring things I have ever done. I type with 2 fingers.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:24 am 
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Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum....

but assuming that you're not a pirate. It would be reasonable to assume that your MP3 file tags contain the artist and title information. If this is the case all you have to do is find some software that will rename you files according to the MP3 tags. Latshaw kj file manager might do the trick but I would look around for freeware first if I were you.

Okay, who took my pants?

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:25 pm 
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jamkaraoke @ Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:14 am wrote:
knightshow @ Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:12 am wrote:
How did you get the files on there in the first place?

You should know that the terms of service forbade members to discuss theft of karaoke files... the business they're in is retail and not helping increase theft of their property and livlihoods...

The only member discussing THEFT OF KARAOKE FILES is you LOL

What happened to the presumption of innocence :angel: :angel:
yeah Jam... I ASKED.

And then reminded.

Hmmm, wonder why he's not come back to check the answer?

I didn't ACCUSE, I ASKED. so back OFF.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:31 pm 
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Why not just answer his question ?
Why post a question making an implication and spewing the RULES to someone ?

If he said he had 500 titles would you have answered the same ...
I think NOT !!!!! :P :P :P :P :P

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:38 pm 
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Sorry, I Had a Brain Fart!

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:51 pm 
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no the point is I ASKED... in trying to figure out his needs, the first that comes to mind is "Where on earth did he get so many misnamed or odd files?" A legitimate question.

Once a SIMPLE question is answered, had I'd have found out that he used to have a Cavs machine, but upgraded, etc... and then have addressed it properly.

Again, the TERMS of this Site explicitiy forbid the conversations of furthering piracy.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:54 am 

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sorry for bringing you all so much hassle.

actually all the karaoke song is not mine. its my uncle's.he's running a restaurant with a bar.that hav karaoke system. he ask me if i could organize all the song(which now i understand that he want me to rename all the file name to d title of the song). i dont know where or how he get all the song since me myself dont hav any experience of all this karaoke thingy. thats why im here,asking for help.whether or not there is any software that can automically rename all of the file,to ease my work. but now i know..there isnt. gues i hav to start d hard work now. >.< nyway..thanx for d input guyz.. i'll try some of the method that u'all suggested. tq and sorry again!

sorry for my broken eng. :wink: im from malaysia.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:55 am 
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never a problem, and I apologize for the mini rant that started in here. All I was doing was trying to find out the best way to possibly help you.

So the files are on a computer?? But they were originally on what, a DVD or a Cavs jukebox kind of machine?

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:19 pm 
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Sorry, I would've jumped in sooner... but I didn't want to 'Lock Horns' with anybody.

There are several programs that will Auto Rename your Tracks.
BUT... There Has To Be A Point Of Reference!


As exweedfarmer mentioned... ID3 Tagged Music.
Which means some program embedded the Name i.e. Artist Name - Track Name inside of the Music Track.
Once properly ID3 Tagged... other programs will easily read them!

If your tracks are not ID3 Tagged, they can also be renamed Automatically If They Are Parsed Correctly!
Meaning if the DiscID (And Or) Artist and Track Name are separted. (Usually by a Dash or UnderScore)

Programs like KJ File Manager will easily rename them.
WARNING: If you click the Wrong Button... You can Really Mess Up Your Tracks! :shock:
Make sure you read the instructions!


I use CDGFix Super. This is the Grandaddy of File Conversion! :mrgreen:
I use KJ PRO'S Database to Rename my Tracks by DISC ID.
I can also Rename by Artist-Title or Title-Artist.

I'm pretty sure Micky or exweedfarmer has written PERL SCRIPT
to Rename Tracks Also.

Kind Regards,

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:00 pm 
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Hi Unmasked,

I have an old CAVS unit and my songs in that unit, are numbered in a five digit naming convention, but ".dat" extension [/img]is not CAVS. Unless you have a song book to decipher these (5) digit file names you will be doing it just as you surmised.

I would also like to add that just because you have a CAVS unit does not equate to piracy.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:28 am 
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mrmarog @ Fri Jul 31, 2009 7:00 pm wrote:
Hi Unmasked,

I have an old CAVS unit and my songs in that unit, are numbered in a five digit naming convention, but ".dat" extension [/img]is not CAVS. Unless you have a song book to decipher these (5) digit file names you will be doing it just as you surmised.

I would also like to add that just because you have a CAVS unit does not equate to piracy.


Back in the day I purchased a few SCDG disc's from CAVS. Nutech and Panorama.
I've used them in my old 105G and 203 USB.

Within these .dat files are paired (.mcg and .mp3) tracks.
I've used CDGFix Super to break them down Many, Many Times!

Renaming Files With No Point of Reference:

CDGFix Super Also allows you to:

* See a thumbnail of ANY portion of the track.
So... If your tracks have a "Title Page" you can see it QUICKLY!

* THEN, Hit the Search Button - Click - And Change the 5 digit prefix
to the proper DiscID-Track - Artist - Title.

You Don't Have To Start From Scratch Renaming Tracks.
CDGFix Super


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:42 am 
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mrmarog @ Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:00 pm wrote:
I would also like to add that just because you have a CAVS unit does not equate to piracy.


There was no mention of the OP that this was a CAVS HD. Just that they had 20K songs ON a HD!

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 3:31 am 
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jamkaraoke @ Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:14 am wrote:
knightshow @ Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:12 am wrote:
How did you get the files on there in the first place?

You should know that the terms of service forbade members to discuss theft of karaoke files... the business they're in is retail and not helping increase theft of their property and livlihoods...

The only member discussing THEFT OF KARAOKE FILES is you LOL

What happened to the presumption of innocence :angel: :angel:

He is only asking what most of us here were thinking! Hmmmmmmmmm :?:

Jus my 2 cents :?:

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 9:09 am 
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It looks like to me that someone had to buy a bigger hard drive for their CAVS machine or their PC based karaoke system and decided to sell their smaller original drive to someone else and that person is now looking to use those tracks with a PC but the tracks are only identified with numbers. Poor guy! Now this is just a first impression and I could very well be way off the mark but in todays karaoke world, a hard drive with 20,000 songs sends up a red flag to a lot of people. I find it very hard to believe that someone would rip 20,000 of their songs from their original CDG discs and not add the title of the songs to the track as they were naming them. I use Sax & Dotty Hoster and it will find any song by artist or title or by whatever number you have given your song. You still would need a song book with the proper numbers for the tracks so you would know what number to search for. I know a guy who was "given" a bunch of songs from someone with a CAVS machine and he's been trying to find a quick and easy way to find out the names of the songs for a loooooooong time. Seems like he's gonna have to play each and every one of them and then type in the proper names of the tracks. Free songs aren't always free after all. There is some work involved if you get them with no titles on them. LOL

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