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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:09 pm 
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The divas drive me nuts! Where on earth did they get the idea that they are more important than anyone else in the room?
And what makes them think that I'm paid to cater to them and only them?
I must admit, I have a very hard time even being polite to these rude self centered b*tches.
Because I'm a woman, they certainly don't treat me as "nicely" as they would were I a man. In fact, they treat me pretty badly to be honest and I have a very hard time stopping myself from telling them to leave.
I really do have to find a better way to deal with it.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:49 pm 
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I, too, am female, and I have the same problem you do. I do try to stick to not letting a singer on stage more than twice during a rotation. When each girl in the group starts putting slips in, but they're all singing with each other, I start spacing out their songs and only put two of them in for the rotation. I do try to explain why I'm doing it, so that they understand.

Like most of you, duets and group songs are my nemisis.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:13 am 
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Yup. I have two "semi-regular" ladies that always come together. Recently they just started singing every song together, duet or not. Girl "A" jumps up and joins in with girl "B"'s songs, and vice versa essentially doubling both their stage time and drawing comments from the others.

I had to put a stop to that fast as it looked like I was showing favoritism. They were a little put off, but I think they understood that when I said "Look...when someone see's you sing twice to his once (even on your friends songs), it pisses them off".

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 9:31 am 
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That's why I'm liking this site more and more. You guys bring things up that I see but don't think about until I read it here. It is amazing the chaos a rotation can make if you don't please one person. Never thought about a KJ's issues with duets.

Karaoke koyote, I like your rule of no singing more than twice in a rotation. Where I go we have this couple that each have thier solo songs, but maybe once a night they'll do duets. And it doesn't really bother anyone there. First it's him & her, then it's her & him, since they have thier own spot in the rotation. And whoever wrote it before, great, another rotation problem.

Last time we went out, this rotation is (was?) strictly set to add singers at the end. Well I don't know what happened this week, but I walked in and obviously was last on the list. But what was disturbing was I stayed that way despite 5 or 6 people walking in. It was more bothersome because we're semi regulars, but the others were also maybe regulars/friends?? from a different night and talking with the KJ. Next thing you know they're all getting slid in there, just wierd, she's never done that before.

I'm not gonna get in the KJ's face, like the guy from the start of this post. We're out to have fun. So we just elected to leave once it got to nerving. I'm just curious if I should've found out WTF, but we like the place and going there. And yes we'll go back hoping it was an isolated incident. Accidents happen and that's all it hopefully was, but normally it's only that you got skipped, which then I'll go and make alittle joke just so they know and didn't lose a name or something and get us back in at our spot. Sorry, off on a tangent there.

Anyway, koyote you handled it right and you've got a good system going there, with apparent good regs, keep it up.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:23 am 
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I think that's a good point, Avg Joe...sometimes a host can overlook a singer for some reason. I've had it happen before and I do everything I can as quickly as I can to remedy the situation. I also will announce occasionally that if you believe you've been skipped for whatever reason to please advise me. People don't seem to take advantage of this and try to get moved up. But mistakes do happen. Again, I'll reiterate if the rotation is moving quickly, this is the easiest way to keep everyone happy. Extended periods of dead air between singers only emphasizes how long it might be taking for anyone to get up and sing. And, of course, as with everything, this is very venue/singer dependent. A mature crowd is far less likely to start pouting and shouting about perceive rotation inequities.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:49 am 
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Karen K @ Tue Jul 28, 2009 12:23 pm wrote:
I think that's a good point, Avg Joe...sometimes a host can overlook a singer for some reason. I've had it happen before and I do everything I can as quickly as I can to remedy the situation. I also will announce occasionally that if you believe you've been skipped for whatever reason to please advise me. People don't seem to take advantage of this and try to get moved up. But mistakes do happen. Again, I'll reiterate if the rotation is moving quickly, this is the easiest way to keep everyone happy. Extended periods of dead air between singers only emphasizes how long it might be taking for anyone to get up and sing. And, of course, as with everything, this is very venue/singer dependent. A mature crowd is far less likely to start pouting and shouting about perceive rotation inequities.

We're only human ! It happened to me the other night. I keep index cards for my regs and when I see them I pull their card and put them in rotation. Well I remembered to pull the wifes, but not the husbands card when I saw them. Aaaaarg! It was a really busy night and I was a bit stressed to say the least. He came up and said something. Of course I felt like a heel ! I remedied it by putting him immediately. Then a couple songs down I put him in with me for a duet and explained why over the mic. All worked out fine.

[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[updown]~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2009 10:37 pm 
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I think that you handled the situation well and I would agree that hot chicks should not recieve special treatment. I love it when guys send their hot girlfriends up to turn in their slip and bat their eyes at you to get there boyfriend moved up.

I might be jumping in a little late on this topic but have found a good way to remedy the duet dilemma. I post a very legible sign right on the back of my laptop (in clear view when new slips are turned in) that group songs (duets included) count for the turn of everyone that gets up to sing on that song. They're both singing so why wouldn't it count as a turn for both.

In the case of duets where the two singers rotation spots are separated by a number of songs the person that is lower in the rotation will have his/her rotation spot moved to follow the first person on the next rotation.

I also post in my books that any attempts to trick the KJ, such as signing up by a different name, will result in your song being cut off and your singing privledges cut off the remainder of the night.

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