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PostPosted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:58 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:38 pm
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Location: Hickory, NC and Kennesaw, GA
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Hello all,

I'm at a crossroads right now, trying to decide what I need to do musically. For many years now, I've led and played trombone with a 1940s style big band and while I enjoy it immensely, I have to admit it's getting very aggravating trying to manage the schedules of 16 people as we try to get enough personnel to have productive rehearsals. While downsizing is an option, I'm really not sure that's the direction I want to go.

A couple of years ago, I started doing some country karaoke just for fun and found out I actually liked it. I really like the fact that it's much less stressful on me in terms of not having to worry about the dependability level of 16 other people. I even have a couple of guys willing to play guitar, bass and drums if I want to use live music as opposed to backing tracks. However, I'm not sure where I stand in terms of being "good." OK, I'm musically educated enough to realize I'm not great and that I have nothing special to offer the masses. I have no intention on going to Nashville and making it big. My passion is the older material from the '50s through the '70s. All I'd really care to do is an occasional local performance.

It's hard to ask people you "know" for an objective opinion about your music because few people are willing to say, "You suck." I've had several friends who have told me they like what I do and I've had some say they find my voice (non-specifically) annoying. Perhaps it's the tone I have but I don't think that's something I can change. I think I do pretty good with holding pitch as this is one of my major pet peeves.

So, I am seeking some objective opinions, mainly to help me decide where I'm going next. Although music is only a hobby with me, I do enjoy it and would like to be able to offer something of at least better than average quality. If you don't like what you hear, let me know what it is you don't like. Again, some have said my voice sounds "weird" but they can't or won't elaborate. I'm not sure if it's my nasally tone (something I don't think I can change) or my "old school country" style and sound.

I'd like to do something with this but I need to find out if I have the vocal talent to make it worth while. You can hear me in the Singer's Showcase (User Name: Smokey) or at http://www.myspace.com/brucelongmusic.

Thanks in advance to all who respond.


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 7:12 am 
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Hi Bruce,
I finally got around to listening to your sub on SS. Your voice to me is very well suited for classic country. As with any singers, song choice is the most important aspect of presentation. With the right songs I think you would do just fine.
I've been through trying to keep a band together and the bigger it is the harder it is. Even with just six pieces its a struggle. Currently I dont have a band but i do perform on a country show once a month. One rehearsal and one show. No band to keep together. The band is always the same just different performers each month.
Whatever you do, don't quit music altogether. I think you will regret it. I quit for about 10 years and wish I hadn't. Just my 2 cents worth....Take care....Phil

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 4:54 pm 

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Hello Tex,

Thanks for the thoughts and encouragement. I certainly wouldn't want to give up music altogether. Like you, I've been down that road before and that's a lot of time lost that I'll never get back. I think you're right about the classic country sound fitting my voice better. It seems I'm more at home with the tunes of the mid 50s through the early 70s and I've also noticed I tend to blend better with the more simple instrumentation of that period.

I took some voice lessons many years ago, when I sang bass with a local southern gospel quartet. While a lot of the basics do cross over to country, there are also lots of differences, especially when you go from singing bass to lead. So this is really a new game for me. Thanks again Tex. I'll see you 'round.

Bruce (aka Smokey)

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:13 pm 
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hiya smokey, no i wouldn't even think of quiting singing, i know what you mean about band members....16 members i think someone would die...lolll...i can't handle 5....my bro's have a gospel group and a few weeks ago i sang with them and i remebered why i got out of that line of work...me personally i love karaoke...you will never get better backing for sure...altho theres not like being with a live band...like i said most times you wish that live band would just fade away, ok i said die..loll...if you enjoy singing karaoke then do it....i have been listening and critiqueing ur singing on a few songs and ur way better then average, but even if you weren't big deal its all about fun anyway....i just listened to ur last sub and commented...i to just subbed a merle song...be as hard on me as you like it doesn't bother me at all...only way you can learn is with people being honest...
i felt on ur merle song ur tone was much better, you may want to try expressing urself more in how you phrase ur words, ur timing was a tad off but i think you knew that...a little rushed...but you were on key...on the edge a few times but still there...i would give you a 7 out of 10, thats not bad....well above average...sorry i'm saying all of this here but hmmmm well i'm here now...loll...

congrats on the wedding, another man done gone....lol...tc...

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:33 am 

Joined: Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:05 am
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I agere to "TEX" your voice is suitable for country to a little dosage of Rock.


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